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姓名 陳信憲(Hsin-Hsien Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
(An Automatic Embedded Device Registration Procedure for the OGC SensorThings API)
★ 物聯網制動功能之互操作性解決方案★ 地理網路爬蟲:具擴充及擴展性之地理網路資源爬行架構
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摘要(中) 感測網(Sensor Web)是一可連接各種感測器的分散式網絡。這些感測器可以持續監測環境並產生大量的觀測數據,科學家可以觀察到許多過去無法觀測到的現象。另一方面,一個與感測網類似的概念為物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)。物聯網目前已受到各領域的關注,因其旨在連接各式裝置以實現更多自動化和高效率的應用。由於感測網和物聯網在架構和功能方面相似,因此我們將其命名為SW-IoT。
然而,由於不同的製造商生產各自專有協定的裝置,許多SW-IoT系統形成各自封閉的生態系統,不能相互連通。為了解決這個問題,開放地理空間聯盟(Open Geospatial Consortium, OGC) Sensor Web Enablement (SWE)定義了一個名為SensorThings API的Web服務協定標準。雖然SW-IoT主要由裝置層,閘道器層,服務層和應用層組成,但SensorThings API未考慮裝置層和閘道器層之間的通信。閘道器層可透過低功耗無線通信協定將裝置層連接到服務層。因此,本研究旨在提出物聯網裝置的自動註冊程序以自動與SensorThings API服務進行通信。
具體而言,我們提出了一稱為SW-IoT隨插即用(IoT-PNP)的解決方案來實現SW-IoT裝置的自動註冊程序。本研究首先定義描述文檔,描述設備的詮釋資料和感測/制動能力,然後設計可連接到服務層和裝置層的閘道器層的通信協定,最後設計一個自動註冊程序,使裝置能自動註冊到SensorThings API的網路服務。我們提出的IoT-PNP支援裝置的感測和制動能力,設備可以使用可互操作的基礎設施共享感測器觀測值給用戶,而用戶可以使用統一的通信協定來控制裝置。總而言之,通過我們所提出的解決方案,OGC SWE可以實現開放且可互操作的SW-IoT體系結構,從而實現SW-IoT的願景。
摘要(英) Sensor Web is a widely distributed network connecting various types of sensors. These sensors can continuously monitor the environment and generate a large number of observations, with which, scientists can observe phenomena that were not observable in the past. In addition, a similar idea to the Sensor Web is called the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT has been attracting many attentions from various fields as it aims at connecting devices to achieve more automatic and efficient applications. As the Sensor Web and the Internet of Things are similar in terms of their architectures and capabilities, we name them as the Sensor Web and IoT (SW-IoT).
However, as different manufacturers produce devices with proprietary protocols, SW-IoT systems are locked in many closed ecosystems and cannot communicate with each other. To address this issue, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) defines a web service protocol standard called the SensorThings API. While SW-IoT mainly consists of the Device Layer, Gateway Layer, Service Layer, and Application Layer, the SensorThings API did not consider the communication between the Device Layer and the Gateway Layer. Applying the Gateway Layer can connect the Device Layer to the Service Layer via low-power-consumption wireless communication protocols. Thus, this research aims at proposing an automatic registration procedure for IoT devices to automatically communicate with SensorThings API services.
To be specific, we propose a solution called the SW-IoT Plug and Play (IoT-PNP) to achieve automatic registration procedure of SW-IoT devices. This research first defines a description file that can describe device metadata and capabilities, and then designs the communication protocol of the Gateway Layer that can connect to both the Service Layer and the Device Layer, and finally designs an automatic registration procedure allowing devices to be self-describable. The proposed IoT-PNP supports both sensing and tasking capabilities from devices. By supporting both capabilities, devices can share sensor observations to users using an interoperable infrastructure and users can control devices with a unified communication protocol. Overall, with the proposed solution, the OGC SWE could achieve an open and interoperable SW-IoT architecture and consequently achieve the SW-IoT vision.
關鍵字(中) ★ 物聯網
★ 感測網
★ 隨插即用
★ 互操作性
關鍵字(英) ★ Internet of Things
★ sensor web
★ plug and play
★ interoperability
論文目次 摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures and Illustrations vii
List of Tables x
1. Introduction 1
2. Related Work 5
3. Methodology 12
3.1. Description File 12
3.1.1. OGC SensorThings API 12
3.1.2. Extended SensorThings API 14
3.1.3. Description File Encoding 16
3.2. Gateway Layer 20
3.2.1. ZigBee 20
3.2.2. Operations 23
3.2.3. ZigBee Protocol in Description File 27
3.3. Automatic Registration Procedure 30
3.3.1 Scenarios 30
3.3.2. Sensing Capability Procedure 30
3.3.3. Tasking Capability Procedure 32
4. Results 35
4.1. In-situ Sensing 36
4.2. In-situ Tasking 44
4.4. Mobile Tasking 53
5. Conclusions and Future Work 56
Reference 57
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指導教授 黃智遠(Chih-Yuan Huang) 審核日期 2018-1-29
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