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姓名 彭俞翔(Yu-Hsiang Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 營建管理研究所
論文名稱 結合建築資訊模型與知識本體建模技術 輔助消防安全設備審查之研究
(Building Information Modeling and Ontology Facilitated Fire Safety Equipment Review)
★ 政府部門導入資訊安全管理系統之分析★ 建立以層級分析法為基礎的洪災計畫評估模型- 以印尼雅加達為例
★ 臺北市污水下水道用戶接管 開口契約內容及執行案例之研究★ 應用知識本體技術協助建築專案單價分析作業之研究
★ 以貝式信念網路為基礎之工作危害分析與風險評估方法★ 危險性工作場所審查機制之研究
★ 國內建築工程規劃設計及監造為同一廠商辦理現況問題之研究★ 台灣家族企業接班佈局之個案研究-以中國砂輪公司為例
★ 以安全氣候評估國內營造業分包制度與勞工安全之研究-以台灣北部營造業為例★ 營建工地人為錯誤分析之認知因子辨識與涵義
★ 專案層級河川工程永續營建評估指標系統建立之研究★ 綠建築與房地產投資影響因子關聯性之探討
★ 營造業職業安全衛生管理執行工具及方法之研究★ 軌道施工品質管理改善方案之研究
★ BIM輔助消防安全設備審查流程★ 國內推動國際鐵路行業標準(IRIS)品質管理體系認證之研究
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摘要(中) 歷年來,意外災害所造成的損失除了天然災害以外,最嚴重的是「火災」,政府為了預防火災發生、搶救火災事故及緊急救護行動而訂定了「消防法」,以維護公共安全及確保人民生命財,其中第六條訂定了建築物之消防安全設備必須於申請建造執照時,連同相關附件一併送至消防機關辦理審查,審查通過後方可取得建造執照。而審查之標準是依據法規「各類場所消防安全設備設置標準」,審查過程是以人為方式在進行,而審查主要的項目為傳統的2D平面圖,審查圖說包括的內容有消防圖說平面圖、消防圖說昇位圖及消防圖說斷面圖,其中消防圖說昇位圖及消防圖說斷面圖審查人員必須以3D的思維相互對照圖說位置,若是用基本的2D平面圖再倚靠審查者的經驗與想像來判斷19項消防安全設備容易產生誤判且耗時。我國許多地方政府皆不約而同推動BIM輔助審查建造執照之計畫,其背後發想為「以模型為基底且連結至專案資訊資料庫」的BIM技術做為工具,並建立國內審查建造執照相關法規之環境系統,將BIM工具導入法規環境系統即可得出審查結果。本體論逐漸應用於知識庫領域,本研究建立消防安全設備設置標準之本體模型,透過建築資訊模型及本研究所建立之輔助程式提取模型內的資訊,轉化至本體論模型後再執行推論規則達到自動審查消防安全設備,以提升審查效率。
摘要(英) Over the years, except for natural disasters, “fire” is one of the most serious incidents among accidents that lead to damage. The government has developed the “Fire Service Act” to prevent fire, rescue fire accidents and take actions in emergency rescue, thereby to maintain public safety and assure the life and property of people. In particular, it is stipulated in Article 6 that the fire safety equipment for buildings must be submitted to the fire regulating authorities along with relevant attachment for review when applying for building license. The building license will also be acquired after the passing of review. The review standards are formulated pursuant to “Standard for Installation of Fire Safety Equipment Based on Use and Occupancy.” The review process is implemented by human. The main item of review is conventional 2D floor plan and the drawings for review include fire floor plan, fire plan riser diagram and fire plan cross-section diagram. In particular, the reviewers for fire plan rise diagram and fire plan cross-section diagram must apply 3D thinking to map the positions in the diagram. It will be easy to produce error judgement on the 19 fire safety equipment and is time-consuming if using basic 2D floor plan based on the experience and imagination of the reviewers. Many local governments in Taiwan concurrently promote BIM facilitated review of building license plan. The idea behind the promotion is the adoption of BIM technology from “model based connection to project information data base” as the tool to establish the environment and system for the laws and regulations related to the review of building license in Taiwan, introducing BIM tool into the environment and system of laws and regulations to yield the review results. Ontology is eventually applied to the field of think tank and the study establishes the ontology based on the standards for fire safety equipment establishment. The study transforms the information taken from BIM model facilitated program into the ontology modeling and apply to the ontology established for inference. The study intends to accomplish automatic review of fire safety equipment through inference in order to upgrade the review efficiency.
關鍵字(中) ★ 消防安全設備
★ 建築資訊模型
★ 本體論
關鍵字(英) ★ Fire Safety Equipment
★ Ontology
論文目次 第一章、緒論1
1.2 研究動機2
2.2 建築資訊模型及國內外應用12
2.2.4 BIM法規檢核的應用16
2.3 IFC18
2.5 小結22
3.1.1 本體論編輯軟體Protege25
3.1.2 建築資訊模型編輯軟體 Autodesk Revit25
3.1.3 程式開發工具Visual Studio26
3.2 「各類場所消防安全設備設置標準」27
3.3 「各類場所消防安全設備設置標準」審查模式29
3.3.1 類別及屬性29
3.3.2 語意網路規則語言(Semantic Web Rule Language,SWRL)32
3.3.3 「BIM模型轉化本體模型」程式34
3.4 小結41
5.1 結論56
5.2 建議57
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指導教授 王翰翔(Han-Hsiang Wang) 審核日期 2018-7-31
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