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姓名 張育芩(Yu-Chin Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 How important are organizational repatriation policy and personal development? A policy-capturing investigation of their effects on expatriation willingness.
★ 傳統食品業之轉型與品質升級策略探討-以P公司為例★ 航空器維修訓練調整策略探討-以C公司為例
★ 企業社會責任ヽ內控內稽制度措施的探討-以T銀行為例★ 主管管理職能評鑑與驗證-以A公司為例
★ 人力資源部門客戶服務代表角色與功能探討-以某科技公司為例★ E公司員工品格教育與工作投入、工作壓力、員工幸福感關係之研究,知覺組織支持之中介效果
★ 工作要求、工作控制與工作生活平衡關係之研究:以主管家庭支持行為為調節變項★ 如何打造正向的企業志工參與環境-以國內大型電子製造業為例
★ 如何塑造良好的企業志工投入與推薦-以國內大型電子製造業為例★ 組織自尊、學習目標導向及尋求回饋行為對於員工自我學習之影響
★ 家長式領導與組織認同感之關聯性研究-以信任主管為調節變項★ 影響在臺產業外籍移工的生活與工作適應程度: 從組織及勞工本身之變數探討
★ 尋求更好的解決之道!以正向觀點探討企業進用身心障礙者之問題-以M公司身障進用經驗為例★ 營業額意圖:組織和個人因素的影響以及企業家意圖在越南語境中的中介作用
★ 如何提升外派人員效能?知覺組織支持與配偶家庭支持對外派人員組織認同、工作投入、工作壓力之影響─以主管家庭支持行為為調節★ 育嬰的代價?影響育嬰留職停薪復職後個人績效及勞動條件變更之因素分析
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摘要(中) 本研究主要以一般員工角度探討組織政策面及個人發展面與外派意願之關聯性,將知覺組織國際化列入考量。本研究延伸出三個觀察,第一,當一般員工在抉擇是否要前往長期或短期的外派意願時,外部發展構面被視為是最重要的影響。第二,企業提供的回任政策在此研究中,企業提供家庭支持面向的回任政策未影響一般人員的外派意願;然而,外派意願與年齡、婚姻與小孩有相關性。第三,回任政策中若企業提供組織/職涯支持及財務性支持,無論是在長期或短期,一般員工皆會受到知覺組織國際化進而強化外派意願。基於以上的發現提出一些建議,針對企業可以如何提供更多
摘要(英) The main purpose of this thesis is to assess the relationships between employees’willingness of expatriation and different dimensions of repatriation policies, including organizational and individual point of views. My model will also take into account the employees’ perception of organizational internationalization. Three main observations were made in this thesis. First, when making judgments about
general employees’ expatriation willingness in both short-term and long-term, external development was perceived to be the most important dimension across all the respondents. Second, the company repatriation supporting policies about family did not have any effect on expatriation willingness in this research; however, the expatriation willingness was significantly related to age, marriage and children. Third, both organizational/career support and financial support were influenced by the perceived of organizational internationalization in short-term and long-term expatriation willingness. Based on the above findings, I made some suggestions for different repatriation policies that the company can refer in practices; besides, I purpose some new perspectives for the expatriation career success in the future research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 回任政策
★ 知覺組織國際化
★ 個人職涯發展
★ 外派意願
關鍵字(英) ★ Repatriation
★ Repatriation Policy
★ Career Development
★ Expatriation Willingness
論文目次 Chapter Ⅰ- Introduction .................... 1
1.1 Motivation for Study .................... 1
1.2 Importance of Expatriation for Taiwanese Companies .................... 2
1.3 Why Focusing on Repatriation Policy? .................... 3
1.4 Repatriation Policy and Expatriation Willingness .................... 5
1.5 Objectives of Study.................... 6
Chapter Ⅱ- Literature Review and Research Hypotheses .................... 7
2.1 Employees Expatriation Willingness .................... 7
2.2 Repatriation Policies .................... 8
2.2.1 Organizational / Career Support.................... 10
2.2.2 Financial Support .................... 12
2.2.3 Family Support .................... 13
2.2.4 Psychological Support .................... 15
2.3 Employee Personal Development .................... 17
2.3.1 Internal Development .................... 17
2.3.2 External Development .................... 19
2.4 Perceptions of Organizational Internationalism .................... 20
Chapter Ⅲ- Methodology .................... 23
3.1 Research Framework .................... 23
3.2 Method .................... 24
3.3 Sample and Data Collection .................... 24
3.4 Variables Definition .................... 27
3.4.1 Independent Variables.................... 27
3.4.2 Moderator .................... 30
3.4.3 Dependent Variables .................... 30
3.4.4 Control Variables .................... 31
3.5 Data Analysis .................... 31
Chapter Ⅳ- Results for Study .................... 34
Chapter V- Discussion and Conclusion.................... 45
5.1 General Discussions.................... 45
5.2 Theoretical Implications .................... 45
5.3 Managerial Implications .................... 47
5.4 Limitations and Future Research .................... 51
5.5 Conclusions .................... 52
References .................... 54
Appendix .................... 67
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指導教授 王群孝(Chun-Hsiao Wang) 審核日期 2018-6-26
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