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姓名 趙柏綸(Bo-Lun Zhao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 會計研究所
論文名稱 企業研發投資對經營績效之影響-論析會計穩健性與投資效率的中介效果
(The Effect of Firm’s R&D Investments on Operating Performance-The Moderating Role of Accounting Conservatism and Investment Efficiency)
★ 以房養老貸款政策-由台灣金融業之觀點論析★ 企業導入電子商務對經營績效之影響-以N公司為例
★ 台灣網通業應收帳款管理-論析信用保險之功能★ 蘋果概念股金屬機殼產業之投資分析
★ 由鑑識會計角度偵測公司之舞弊-以某個案公司為例★ 企業流程再造-以某食品原料加工公司之報價作業流程為例
★ 企業資源規劃系統導入之關鍵成功因素與效益評估-以某個案公司為例★ 企業組織再造之分析-以某醫材業公司為例
★ 金融機構執行共同申報及盡職審查作業辦法之影響★ 中美貿易戰對台灣企業之影響 -以某公司為例
★ 管理報表編制對企業經營績效之影響—以A公司為例★ 現金減資宣告之股價異常報酬-以台灣上市公司為例
★ 公司價值評估-以半導體產業某公司為例★ 公司併購價格之決定-以電子業大聯大收購文曄為例
★ 製造業轉型之研究-以某個案公司為例★ 鑑識會計於政府採購招標階段之應用
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摘要(中) 近來之文獻皆提出會計穩健性(accounting conservatism)能夠緩解代理人與主理人間之資訊不對稱,亦可以促進投資效率(investment efficiency)之提升。基於此,故本研究旨在探討會計穩健性與投資效率對於企業研發投資績效之影響,並以Khan and Watts (2009) 應用Basu (1997) 模型建構之C_Score衡量會計穩健性;以Biddle et al. (2009) 建立之實際投資與預期投資的偏離程度衡量投資效率。
實證結果發現:(1) 企業研發投入強度對於經營績效將會產生遞延效益;(2) 相較於會計穩健性低之企業,會計穩健性愈高之企業研發投資績效愈好。此外,企業之會計穩健性高低分類可能每年皆不同,額外測試之結果發現每年皆分類為高會計穩健組之企業研發投資績效將更好;(3) 相較於投資無效率之企業,投資效率愈好之企業研發投資績效愈好;(4) 相較於會計穩健性低且投資無效率之企業,會計穩健性高且投資效率愈好之企業研發投資績效愈好。
摘要(英) Based on literature, accounting conservatism can reduce information asymmetry between principals and agents and can also improve investment efficiency. Thus, this study aims to investigate how accounting conservatism and investment efficiency influence a firm’s R&D investments that in turn affect its operating performance. This study measures accounting conservatism by using C_Score which Khan and Watts (2009) developed on the basis of Basu (1997) asymmetric timeliness of earnings model. As for investment efficiency, this study uses the residuals as a proxy for deviations from expected investment developed by Biddle et al. (2009) to measure investment efficiency.
The results of this study are as follows. First, this study suggests that a firm’s R&D investments have positive and lagged effects on its operating performance. Second, this study suggests that accounting conservatism is significantly positively related to operating performance resulted from R&D investments relative to firms with less conservative financial reporting. Note particularly, this study finds that R&D investments can contribute more for operating performance when firms adopt more conservative accounting principle every year. Third, this study also suggests that compared to firms with inefficient investments, investment efficiency is significantly positively related to operating performance resulted from R&D investments. Finally, this study suggests that compared to firms with less conservative financial reporting and inefficient investments, R&D investments can create more benefits for firms with more conservative financial reporting and efficient investments.
This study provides some evidences on the positive relationship between accounting conservatism, investment efficiency and operating performance resulted from R&D investments. The evidences also imply that accounting conservatism and investment efficiency should be considered in future studies analyzing operating performance of R&D investments.
關鍵字(中) ★ 會計穩健性
★ 投資效率
★ 研發投資績效
★ 研發投入強度
★ 經營績效
關鍵字(英) ★ Accounting conservatism
★ Investment efficiency
★ Operating performance of R&D investments
★ R&D investments
★ Operating performance
論文目次 摘要 i
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與貢獻 3
第三節 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻探討與假說發展 5
第一節 研究發展支出 5
第二節 會計穩健性 6
第三節 會計穩健性與研究發展支出 8
第四節 投資效率與研究發展支出 9
第五節 會計穩健性與投資效率 10
第三章 研究設計 12
第一節 樣本選取與資料來源 12
第二節 會計穩健性之高低劃分 14
第三節 投資效率之劃分 15
第四節 實證模式與變數定義 16
第四章 實證結果 21
第一節 敘述性統計 21
第二節 回歸結果 23
第三節 敏感性分析 26
第五章 結論與建議 31
第一節 研究結論 31
第二節 研究限制與建議 32
參考文獻 56
參考文獻 中文部分
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指導教授 王曉雯(Hsiao-Wen Wang) 審核日期 2018-8-7
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