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姓名 徐偉展(Wei-Chan Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 員工潛能與職涯成功關聯之研究─以主管與部屬交換關係為中介變項
★ 溝通與領導課程訓練成效之分析★ 母國企業直線主管領導風格與國際 人力資源管理措施對外派人員績效之影響
★ 豐田管理模式之人才培育對品質與成本之影響-以某汽車公司為例★ 360 度回饋系統對企業主管行為改變意圖的影響-以跨國飲料 SC 公司為例
★ 兩岸研發人員職能發展應用研究-以M公司為例★ 企業併購過程中的人力資源角色
★ 組織變革成功個案分析 - John P. Kotter 領導變革八大步驟之觀點★ 社群網站經營模式分析-以『BB-BOX』網站為例
★ 觸控IC經營策略之個案研究-以A公司為例★ 科技研發單位實施接班人計畫之探討─以國內某科技研發單位為例
★ 面對數位匯流,傳統媒體代理商應對策略探討─以安吉斯集團偉視捷媒體公司為例★ 台灣光電產業選擇產品認證外包廠商的決定因素─以發光二極體照明產品為例
★ 團隊激勵獎金與團隊績效關連性之研究★ 晶圓代工業關鍵成功因素的探討—以台積公司為例
★ 員工潛能與績效對員工晉升的影響--以營造建築業為例★ 建構整合性智慧健康照護網絡─以中壢天晟醫院醫療小管家為例
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摘要(中) 職涯成功可定義為個人由於工作經驗所累積實際或預期之成就,員工的個人成功最終能貢獻於組織的成功,因此我們可以得知職涯成功對個人及組織是非常重要,如何有效且精準地晉升所需的人才已成為組織中非常重要的議題。
摘要(英) Career success can be defined as the actual or expected achievement of personal work experience. The personal success of employees ultimately contributes to the organization Therefore, it can be seen that career success is very important to individuals and organizations. How to find talents required by company effectively and accurately has become a very important issue.
Companies are accustomed to using job performance variables as a basis for measuring whether employees have achieved career success which represents employee’s performance in the past. But the employee potential is the ability and traits that are not yet manifested but can be demonstrated in the future. We choose “potential” as our future-oriented measure variables. Many scholars′ research literature also shows that high-quality supervisors and subordinate exchanges have a major impact on employees′ careers. Besides discussing the relationship between career success and potential of the employee, the mediating effect of leader-member exchange is also discussed in the research.
This study collected input from multiple industries located at Taiwan with total 260 questionnaires. The findings of our research are listed as following: (1) Results of main effect of regression analysis show that employee potential have positive relationship with promotability. (2) The results also indicate leader-member exchange has partial mediating effects between with employee potential and promotability. Finally, this study also provides some follow-up suggestions and research limitations to further research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 潛能
★ 職涯成功
★ 職涯滿意度
★ 晉升力評分
★ 晉升次數
★ 主管與部屬交換關係
關鍵字(英) ★ Potential,
★ career success
★ career satisfaction
★ promotability
★ eader member exchange
論文目次 一、緒論 1
二、文獻探討 4
2-1 潛能 4
2-2 主管與部屬交換關係 6
2-3 職涯成功 7
2-4 潛能與與職涯成功之關聯性探討 9
2-5 主管與部屬交換關係與職涯成功之關聯性探討 10
2-6 主管與部屬交換關係在潛能與職涯成功間的中介效果 12
三、研究方法 14
3-1 研究架構 14
3-2 研究流程及對象 15
3-3 研究變項衡量 16
3-4 統計方法與資料分析 19
四、研究結果 20
4-1 樣本敘述性分析 20
4-2 信度分析 21
4-3 相關分析 22
4-3 迴歸分析 24
主管與部屬交換關係在晉升力評分中介效果檢測 24
五、研究結論與建議 30
5-1 研究結論 30
5-2 研究貢獻與管理意涵 32
5-3 研究限制與建議 34
參考文獻 35
參考文獻 一、中文資料
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〔2〕 陳愛雲,「員工潛能量表之編製」,國立中央大學,碩士論文,民國一零五年。

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指導教授 林文政 審核日期 2018-7-9
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