博碩士論文 105450040 詳細資訊

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姓名 彭偉志(Wei-Chih Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 製造型企業之供應鏈採購管理模式研究─以T公司為例
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摘要(中) 自2014年開始,能源產品市場震盪劇烈,社會各界對環境保護的重視程度在不斷增加,在各國政府相繼出檯的環境保護與污染治理法律法規日趨完善與嚴格的背景下,清潔能源產品市場發展潛力巨大。客觀環境的變化帶動了整個行業在兩個方面的轉變:其一是傳統能源企業的持續轉型,其二則是新進能源企業的大量湧入。在複雜的行業環境下,如何通過更加高效、經濟的採購模式實現對直接原材料與間接原材料在充分保證品質前提之下的成本的持續降低是當前諸多能源產品製造企業所重點關注的問題。但是客觀講,目前相當數量的能源產品製造企業在採購管理層面仍然存在著較多的欠缺。如何從自身採購管理的角度入手,通過對桎梏自身採購管理水準的問題解決進一步達成對多樣化採購需求的滿足,應是能源製造型企業的當務之急,
1. 供應鏈採購管理對於充分的解決T公司採購管理水準落後問題效果顯著,通過組織結構優化、採購流程再造、供應商管理優化等措施能夠充分的建立一個符合T公司實際需求的採購管理模式。
2. 同類型的製造型企業在採購管理方面的問題具有普遍的同質化,論文所獲得的在組織優化、流程再造以及供應商管理改進方面的研究思路對於解決同類型企業的採購管理問題具有顯著的借鑒與推廣意義。
摘要(英) Since 2014, the market for energy products has been violently volatile, and the attention of all walks of life has been increasing. In the background that the laws and regulations of environmental protection and pollution control have been gradually improved and strict, the development of clean energy products market has great potential. The change in the objective environment has led to the transformation of the whole industry in two aspects: one is the continuous transformation of traditional energy enterprises, and the other is the influx of new energy enterprises. In the complex industry environment, how to achieve a sustained reduction in the cost of direct raw materials and indirect raw materials under the premise of full guarantee of quality through a more efficient and economical procurement model is the focus of many energy products manufacturing enterprises. But objectively speaking, at present, quite a number of energy products manufacturing enterprises still have many deficiencies in the level of procurement management. From the point of view of its own purchasing management, it is the urgent task of the energy manufacturing enterprise to achieve the satisfaction of the diversified purchasing demand by solving the problems of the management level of the shackles.
Based on the theory of supply chain management, this research explores whether the supply chain procurement management model can solve the above problems through the analysis of the procurement model of T company. At the same time, it can be used for reference and extension in the same industry with similar problems. The conclusions are as follows:
1. Supply chain procurement management has a significant effect on fully solving the backward procurement management level of T company. Through organizational structure optimization, procurement process reengineering, supplier management optimization and other measures, a procurement management model which meets the actual needs of T company can be fully established.
2. The same type of manufacturing enterprises have common homogeneity in the procurement management. The research ideas in the aspects of organizational optimization, process reengineering and improvement of supplier management have significant reference and promotion significance to the problem of purchasing management of the same type of enterprises.
關鍵字(中) ★ 太陽能製造業
★ 專案採購
★ 供應鏈
★ 採購管理
關鍵字(英) ★ Photovoltaic manufacturing
★ Project procurement
★ Supply chain
★ Procurement management
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract i
目錄 ii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 4
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究範圍 5
1.5 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 供應鏈概述 8
2.2 供應鏈管理概述 14
2.3 採購及供應鏈採購管理 18
2.4 能源製造型企業供應鏈採購管理應用 21
第三章 個案公司介紹 26
3.1 個案公司簡介 26
3.2 成長歷程 28
3.3 經營理念 29
3.4 主要產品 31
3.5 供應鏈採購 32
3.6 個案問題 35
第四章 個案分析與討論 37
4.1個案公司供應鏈採購現狀 37
4.2供應鏈採購管理組織結構問題 43
4.3供應鏈採購管理採購流程問題 45
4.4供應鏈採購管理專案採購問題 47
4.5供應鏈採購的供應商管理問題 50
4.6個案公司採購管理優化思路 52
4.7個案公司組織結構改進方案 53
4.8個案公司採購流程改進方案 54
4.9個案公司專案採購改進方案 58
4.10個案公司供應商管理改進方案 62
第五章 結論與展望 68
5.1研究結論 69
5.2研究展望 70
5.3後續研究的建議 71
參考文獻 72
參考文獻 ㄧ.中文文獻
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二. 英文文獻
1. Christian F. Durach,Frank Wiengarten(2017). Exploring the impact of geographical traits on the occurrence of supply chain failures. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,22(2).
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11. Rofyanto Kurniawan,Suhaiza Hanim Zailani,Mohammad Iranmanesh,Premkumar Rajagopal(2017). The effects of vulnerability mitigation strategies on supply chain effectiveness: risk culture as moderator. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,22(1).
指導教授 何應欽 審核日期 2018-6-12
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