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姓名 陳藝峯(Yi-Feng Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 在陸台企解決企業用工荒問題的對策研究
★ 內衣業標準工時設定之實務研究★ 派工法則於縮短DRAM 廠生產週期時間之探討—以A公司導入自動化派工系統為例
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★ 印刷電路板產業之外包程度與競爭力分析—以個案H公司為例★ 原料藥廠運籌管理的改善方案與執行績效 -以A公司為例
★ 條碼技術於生產管理的改善應用-以某輕金屬產業公司為例★ TFT-LCD對膠帶產業未來發展的探討--以膠帶業A公司為探究對象
★ 物流中心揀貨作業改善 - 以A公司為研究對象★ 國內上市企業導入ERP系統前後績效評估 -以D供應商之ERP系統為例
★ RFID的技術、發展、導入與物流的管理應用★ 台灣資訊產業兩岸分工經營模式發展探討-以A公司為例
★ 以平衡計分卡探討衛星定位計程車業之經營策略-以A公司為例★ 自行車業導入豐田生產方式之個案研究
★ 印刷電路板(PCB)多聯板報廢移植探討-以A科技公司為例★ 台灣電弧爐鋼鐵產業之策略分析-以A公司為例
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摘要(中) 近幾年,隨著勞動成本的增加、環保意識提升、工業4.0時代的到來,原本就一直存在的用工荒問題對台企發展的影響日益凸顯,成為其成功轉型升級路上不容忽視的一個大問題。用工荒問題雖然不是近幾年才出現,但自出現伊始就來勢兇猛,逐漸從珠三角地帶擴展到全國範圍內,在陸台企深受其害。但相關的理論研究工作都還沒有形成統一完成的體系。論文通過理論結合實際的研究方式,對在陸台企用工荒問題進行深入的研究和分析,尋求破解用工荒問題的方法和途徑,希望通過一系列的建議措施促進企業勞動力的合理配置,說明企業健康發展,應對經濟“新常態”的帶來,為其企業轉型升級提供一點幫助。
(1) 完善現有招聘、培訓、管理、薪酬體系
(2) 對企業產業進行轉型升級,提升產品附加值,從而降低用工依賴
摘要(英) In recent years, with the increase of labor costs and environmental protection awareness, the impact of the shortage of labor shortage that has always existed on the development of Taiwan enterprises has become increasingly prominent as the arrival of the industry 4.0 era, becoming a major issue that can not be ignored on the road to its successful transformation and upgrading . Although the shortage of labor shortage did not emerge in recent years, it has been ferocious since its inception and gradually expanded from the PRD to the whole country. However, the relevant theoretical research has not yet formed a unified system. Through the combination of theory and practical research methods, this dissertation makes an in-depth study and analysis of the shortage of labor shortage in land-based enterprises and seeks ways to solve the problem of shortage of labor. It hopes to promote the rational allocation of labor force through a series of recommended measures to help enterprises The healthy development of the economy should bring with it the "new normal" of the economy and provide little help for the transformation and upgrading of its enterprises.
Mostly in the land-based enterprises are labor-intensive enterprises. These enterprises are mainly manufacturing industries. Many years ago they took root in the Mainland with the Mainland′s "demographic dividend." However, with the development of the Mainland′s economy, Excellent, talented people, information can occupy the market place of economic environment, the internal structure of such enterprises is too simple and rude, talent management is not complete, the demand for industrial upgrading more intense, but also more difficult, compared to other businesses Labor shortage problems have a greater impact on them. Therefore, this article will mainly discuss the labor-intensive enterprise shortage problems and solutions.
Through the analysis of microscopic reasons and macroeconomic factors, this paper concludes the solutions to the shortage of labor and now summarizes:
(1) Improve the existing recruitment, training, management and remuneration system
(2) the transformation and upgrading of the enterprise industry, improve product added value, which will depend on employment
關鍵字(中) ★ 用工荒
★ 台企
★ 企業轉型升級
關鍵字(英) ★ labor shortage
★ Taiwan enterprises
★ enterprises restructuring and upgrading
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究範圍 4
1.5 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 何為用工荒 7
2.2 「用工荒」的發展情況 7
2.3 中國大陸的經濟社會發展 10
2.3.1 勞動力人口下降 13
2.3.2 產業結構變化 15
2.3.3 新生代農民工出現 17
2.3.4 高端人才難聘 19
2.3.5 勞動力需求分析 20
第三章 台企用工荒產生的原因分析 24
3.1 微觀原因 24
3.1.1 季節性缺工 24
3.1.2 行業性缺工 25
3.1.3 結構性缺工 26
3.2宏觀原因 29
3.2.1 勞動力流動率降低 29
3.2.2 「人口紅利」減弱 32
3.2.3 環保規定日趨嚴格 35
3.2.4 人才爭奪戰日益加劇 36
3.2.5 新生代農民工要求不相同 37
3.2.6 萬眾創業以及中西部崛起 38
第四章 台企用工荒的解決思路與對策 40
4.1 台企用工荒的解決思路 40
4.2 台企用工荒的解決對策 40
4.2.1優化招聘 40
4.2.2促進企業內部的員工培訓與開發 43
4.2.3改善員工薪酬福利體系 44
4.2.4改革管理模式 45
4.2.5 降低用工依賴 45
4.2.6 加快企業轉型升級 45
第五章 結論與建議 49
5.1 研究結論 49
5.2 對在陸台企的建議 51
5.3 後續研究的建議 52
參考文獻 53
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指導教授 何應欽 審核日期 2018-6-27
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