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姓名 杜克忠(Do Khac Trung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 兩篇論文:公司理財相關研究
(Two Essays on Corporate Finance)
★ 本國壽險業內部管理制度與經營績效之探討★ 企業購併宣告對股東財富效果之影響-以台灣金融業為例
★ 金融科技對台灣金融業之影響-以線上貸款為例★ 銀行授信違約風險-財務比率評分之預警效果
★ 所得稅制優化修正與兩稅合一廢除之影響★ 區塊鏈技術應用於金融科技公司企業資金電子調撥系統實作與驗證
★ 房屋貸款者風險特性與個人星座關係之研析-以個案銀行分行房貸業務為例★ 金融科技浪潮下銀行分行經營績效之探討-以個案銀行為例
★ 中國A股正式納入MSCI指數之異常報酬探討★ 企業信用管理政策之個案研究
★ 生技公司與醫美診所聯合經營商業模式探討與財務分析-以某公開發行公司為例★ 公司併購之經營績效分析-以某併購案為例
★ 結構型商品投資個案探討-股價(權)連結型/基金連結型★ 越南台商融資模式之研究
★ 低利環境利差縮減下銀行分行經營效率之探討-以個案銀行為例★ 經濟供需模型評價死亡率債券
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摘要(中) 本篇論文由兩個議題組成,分別為產品市場競爭及產品集中度,並進一步探討對公司績效表現的影響。
第一個議題主要探討產品市場競爭對公司槓桿調整的影響。目前的文獻提供了產品市場競爭有利及不利的實證結果,然而對公司槓桿調整的影響仍尚未釐清。本研究結果發現,產品市場的競爭壓力會加速公司槓桿調整的速度。對於偏離(高於或低於)目標槓桿的公司皆有一致性結果,此結果顯示競爭程度能有效降低槓桿調整的成本進而增加槓桿調整的速度。本文進一步探討競爭壓力對槓桿調整速度的因果關係,採用美國製造業大幅降低進口關稅的準自然實驗(quasi-natural experiment)進行驗證,結果發現在大幅降低進口稅後,公司顯著提高槓桿調整。此外,公司治理程度較差以及能力較低的經理人會加強兩者的正向關係。總結第一個子議題,本研究證實產品市場競爭的有利面,能有效降低經理人與股東之間的代理衝突。
摘要(英) This dissertation consists of two standalone studies relating to product market competition, customer concentration and their effects on corporate performance.
The first study examines the impact of competition in the product market on firms’ leverage adjustments. While recent research provides evidence of both the bright and dark sides of competition, its impact on firms’ leverage adjustments is an open empirical question. Results provide evidence that competitive pressures from the product market accelerate the leverage speed of adjustment (SOA) toward target capital structure. I obtain consistent results for both over- and under-levered firms, which implies that competition helps lower the leverage adjustment costs and hence increases the SOA, irrespective of whether firms are over- or under-levered relative to their target leverage. To establish the causal effect of competitive threats on the SOA, I exploit a quasi-natural experiment provided by large import tariff reductions in the U.S. manufacturing sector, and find a significant increase in firms’ leverage adjustments after large tariff cuts. The additional analyses reveal that the impact of product market threats on leverage adjustments is more pronounced for firms with poor governance quality and unskillful managers. Overall, this study highlights the “bright side” of product market competition and suggests that agency conflicts between managers and shareholders are attenuated by intensified competition.
The second essay investigates the question of whether and how firm customer concentration impacts stock market liquidity. I hypothesize that to ensure supply-chain stability, principal customers increase incentives to monitor suppliers and exert influence on suppliers’ governance quality, thereby improving suppliers’ stock market liquidity. The empirical analyses document that firms with concentrated customer base are strongly and positively associated with narrower spreads. The main results are robust to a variety of model specifications and endogeneity concerns, and alternative proxies for stock liquidity. Further tests show that the increase in liquidity is mainly driven by supplier governance quality and customer bargaining power. In addition, I find evidence of economic benefits associated with the favorable effect of customer concentration along the supply chain. Customers’ monitoring efforts help reduce discretionary expenses, decrease default risk, and enhance firm value of both customers and suppliers. Overall, the findings from this chapter suggest that principal customers have strong incentives to monitor suppliers to keep their suppliers healthy, thereby gaining benefit from stable supply chain.
關鍵字(中) ★ 產品市場競爭
★ 產品集中度
關鍵字(英) ★ Product Market Threats
★ Tariff Reduction
★ Leverage Adjustments
★ Customer Concentration
★ Stock Liquidity
★ Bargaining Power
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1: Product Market Threats and Corporate Leverage Adjustments 1
1.1. Introduction 2
1.2. Relevant literature and hypotheses development 9
1.3. Data, summary statistics, and research design 12
1.3.1. Sample 12
1.3.2. Partial adjustment model of capital structure 14
1.3.3. Summary statistics 18
1.4. Empirical results 19
1.4.1. Product market threats and leverage adjustments 19
1.4.2. Alternative measures of product market threats 20
1.4.3. Evidence from natural experiment 21
1.4.4. Over-Levered and Under-Levered Categories 24
1.5. Subsample analysis 25
1.5.1. Disciplinary mechanism in mitigating agency conflicts and information asymmetry 25
1.5.2. Managerial ability 26
1.6. Conclusion 27
References 29
Appendix 1.A: Variable definitions 42
Appendix 1.B: Estimation of target leverage ratio 44
Appendix 1.C: Alternative measures of leverage 45
Appendix 1.D: Industries affected by large import tariff reductions 46
Chapter 2: Customer Concentration and Stock Liquidity 47
2.1. Introduction 48
2.2. Data and summary statistics 54
2.2.1. Data and sample selection 54
2.2.2. Variable construction 55
2.2.3. Sample description 57
2.3. Customer concentration and stock liquidity: Empirical results 58
2.3.1. Baseline regression analysis 58
2.3.2. Endogeneity 59
2.3.3. Alternative measures of liquidity 63
2.4. Additional analyses 63
2.4.1. Supplier governance quality 64
2.4.2. Customer bargaining power 66
2.4.3. Customer bargaining power: Evidence from import tariff reductions 67
2.4.4. Economics consequences 69
2.5. Conclusion 71
Reference 72
Appendix 2.A: Sample Selection Process 92
Appendix 2.B: Variable Definitions 93
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指導教授 黃泓人(Henry H. Huang) 審核日期 2020-7-28
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