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姓名 涂雅涵(Ya-Han Tu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 探討國小五年級學童在真實情境中幾何量測學習對幾何學習成效與幾何估算能力的影響--以周長與面積為例
(Exploring effects on the fifth-grade student of measuring authentic context to support geometry learning using Ubiquitous Geometry App – an example of perimeter and surface area)
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摘要(中) 幾何形狀在我們的生活隨處可見,但過去的研究很少讓學習者有機會將幾何學習運用在真實情境中。除此之外,很少研究深入探討那種單一形狀與幾何學習有關係,並缺乏探討其對幾何學習成效與幾何估算能力的影響。
因此,本研究針對國小幾何數學開發一套Ubiquitous Geometry (UG)系統,探討學習者在真實情境中使用UG來量測真實物體並進行解題,對其幾何學習成效與幾何估算能力的影響,在更進一步的探討學習行為與其幾何學習成效與幾何估算能力之相關。研究對象為國小五年級學生共77位,分成實驗組(UG)、控制組-尺量測組與傳統教學組三組,實驗時間為一個月。
摘要(英) Geometry is everywhere in our lives, but past research has rarely given learners the opportunity to apply geometric learning to real situations. In addition, few studies have delved into the relationship between single shape and geometric learning, and lack of discussion on its impact on geometric learning effectiveness and geometric estimation.
Therefore, this study developed a Ubiquitous Geometry (UG) for the geometric mathematics of elementary school students, so that learners can apply geometric mathematics to life. The main purpose is to explore the use of UG by learners in real situations. To measure real objects, and to carry out geometric measurement to solve problems, and to explore its influence on geometric learning effectiveness and geometric estimation ability, to further explore the relationship between learner′s geometric measurement behavior and its geometric learning effectiveness and geometric estimation ability. This study consisted of 77 students in fifth grade, divided into experimental group which is using UG system (EG), control group-ruler measurement group (CG-R) and control group-traditional teaching group (CG-T), which lasted about one month.
The results of the study found that in the post-test geometry learning results, EG was significantly better than the CG-T. Among the geometric estimation ability, the EG was significantly better than CG-R and CG-T. In the geometric measurement learning behavior, the learner uses the "diamond" measurement learning and the post-measurement geometry learning performance to show a significant positive correlation; the "parallelogram" measurement learning and geometric estimation ability is significant. Positive correlation. In a single area, learners use the "diamond" and "parallelogram" measurement learning and post-measure geometry learning performance to show a significant positive correlation; the use of "diamond" and "trapezoid" measurement learning and geometric estimation ability showed a significant positive correlation. In the compound area, there is a significant positive correlation between the use of "triangle" and "rectangle" measurement learning and post-measurement geometry learning. Finally, the learners of the questionnaire survey group found that most of the learners believe that the measurement in the real situation can effectively improve their geometric learning scores.
關鍵字(中) ★ 無所不在幾何學習系統
★ 幾何學習成效
★ 幾何估算能力
★ 單一形狀
★ 複合式形狀
★ 周長
★ 面積
關鍵字(英) ★ Ubiquitous Geometry
★ geometry learning achievement
★ geometry estimation ability
★ single & compound shape problem
★ perimeter
★ area
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與待答問題 2
1.3 名詞釋義 3
1.4 研究限制 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 學生面臨幾何形狀的問題 5
2.2 真實情境與幾何學習 6
2.3 估算能力 6
2.4 複合形狀解題策略 6
第三章 系統設計與實作 7
3.1 系統設計概念 7
3.1.1 基本幾何周長概念 9
3.1.2 單一形狀周長量測 11
3.1.3 複合形狀周長量測 16
3.1.4 基本幾何面積概念 20
3.1.5 單一形狀面積量測 22
3.1.6 複合形狀面積量測 27
第四章 研究方法 31
4.1 研究架構 31
4.2 研究對象及時間 33
4.3 實驗設計 34
4.4 研究工具 38
4.5 資料蒐集 40
4.6 資料分析 42
第五章 結果分析與討論 43
5.1 學習成效分析 43
5.1.1 幾何學習成效分析 43
5.1.2 幾何估算能力分析 46
5.2 幾何學習成效與學習行為之間的關係 48
5.3 幾何估算能力與學習行為之間的關係 50
5.4 質性解題內容之分析 52
5.4.1單一形狀 52
5.4.2複合式形狀 55
5.5 問卷分析 59
5.5.1 科技接受模型(TAM)問卷分析 59
5.5.2 凱勒學習動機(ARCS)問卷分析 62
5.6 建議與涵意 65
第六章 結論與建議 66
6.1 結論 66
6.1.1 探討實驗組在幾何學習成效、幾何估算能力是否顯著優於尺量測組和傳統教學組? 66
6.1.2 探討學習者在學習成效與學習行為之相關性為何? 66
6.1.3 探討學習者在幾何估算與學習行為之相關性為何? 67
6.1.4 探討學習者在單一形狀與複合式形狀的解題行為? 67
6.1.5 探討學習者對於使用無所不在幾何學習系統之接受度為何? 67
6.1.6 探討學習者對於使用無所不在幾何學習系統之學習動機為何? 67
6.2 未來工作與建議 68
第七章 參考文獻 69
附錄一 前測試卷-幾何學習成效 71
附錄二 後測試卷-幾何學習成效 74
附錄三 前測試卷-幾何估算能力 77
附錄四 後測試卷-幾何估算能力 78
附錄五 科技接受模型問卷 79
附錄六 凱樂學習動機問卷 80
附錄七 控制組幾何概念學習單 81
附錄八 控制組(尺量測組)單一物體量測學習單 82
附錄九 控制組(尺量測組)複合式物體量測學習單 83
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指導教授 黃武元 審核日期 2018-8-2
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