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姓名 曾莉雯(Li-wen Tseng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 科學模擬融入探究過程 對學生科學學習概念與科學學習方法之影響 —以浮力單元為例
(Effect of Integrating Scientific Simulation with Inquiry Process upon Science Conception Learning and Approaches to Learning Science in Buoyancy)
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摘要(中) 本研究主要在以浮力單元為例,在教師與CoSci平台提供鷹架的協助下,以科學模擬融入探究的過程,引導學生建立浮力模型,探討科學模擬融入探究過程對學生學習成效、科學學習概念與科學學習方法的影響。
1. 採用科學模擬融入探究過程的學生在浮力單元學習成效與講述式教學學生並無顯著差異。
2. 在科學學習概念上實驗組以記憶、計算與練習為學習看法的程度較低,以新的方式看事物的程度較控制組高。
3. 在科學學習方法方面能促進實驗組學生深層動機、深層策略的表現,在淺層動機表現也較控制組表現較高,顯示實驗組學生科學學習方法仍受外在動機影響。
摘要(英) Taking buoyancy for an example, with the help of scaffolding provided by teachers and CoSci system in this study, the researcher guides students to establish a buoyancy model by integrating scientific simulation into the process of inquiry, and explores the impact of integrating scientific simulation into the inquiry process on students′ learning outcomes.
In this study, the quasi-experimental research method was used to investigate two classes of eighth-grade students. In the experimental group, scientific simulation was integrated into the inquiry process. Oppositely, in the control group, conventional teaching was adopted as the different teaching method. Before and after the study, data were collected by questionnaires and analyzed by ANCOVA. Besides, the researcher investigated the effects of scientific learning concepts and methods before and after activities by applying collaborative expert interviews and after-class student feedback. Then, the study attemped to analyze the differences of students′ learning outcomes with nonparametric statistical analysis.
The main findings of this study were as following:
1. In terms of learning buoyancy, there is no significant difference between two groups that using scientific simulation and conventional teaching.
2. As for learning conceptions of science, the experimental group had a worse perception of memory, calculation and practice, but showed a better visual perception for observing things in new ways than the control group.
3. In the part of approaches to learning science, scientific simulation can promote the performance of deep motivation and deep strategy in the experimental group; furthermore, the performance of the surface motivation is also comparatively better than that in the control group. It shows that students in the experimental group are still influenced by external motivation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 科學模擬
★ 科學探究
★ 科學學習概念
★ 科學學習方法
關鍵字(英) ★ Scientific simulation
★ Scientific inquiry
★ conceptions of learning science
★ approaches to learning science
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與問題 2
1.3 名詞解釋 3
1.3.1 浮力概念 3
1.3.2 科學模擬 3
1.3.3 科學模型 3
1.3.4 科學建模 3
1.3.5 科學探究 4
1.3.6 科學學習概念 4
1.3.7 科學學習方法 4
1.3.8 研究範圍與限制 4
二、 文獻探討 5
2.1 探究與探究教學 5
2.1.1 探究的意涵 5
2.1.2 探究教學 6
2.2 模型與科學建模 7
2.2.1 模型 7
2.2.2 科學建模 8
2.3 科學學習概念 10
2.4 科學學習方法 12
三、 研究設計與研究方法 15
3.1 研究流程 15
3.2 研究對象 16
3.3 教學情境 17
3.4 研究架構與研究設計 18
3.5 研究工具 19
3.5.1 浮力單元成效評量測驗 19
3.5.2 教學活動設計 20
3.5.3 CoSci平台 26
3.5.4 科學學習概念與科學學習方法問卷 26
3.5.5 科學模擬融入探究課程之課程回饋單 27
3.6 資料蒐集與分析 28
四、 研究結果與討論 29
4.1 學習成效分析比較 29
4.2 學生學習單分析 30
4.3 科學模擬融入探究過程對學生在科學學習觀點上的影響 33
4.3.1 科學模擬融入探究課程後對學生科學學習概念的影響 33
4.3.2 科學模擬融入探究課程後對學生科學學習方法的影響 40
4.4 事後訪談 44
4.5 科學模擬融入探究過程課程對學生感受與遭遇到的困境 48
五、 結論與建議 52
5.1 結論 52
5.2 建議 54
六、 參考文獻 55
附錄A科學模擬融入探究過程─浮力單元教案 62
附錄B科學模擬融入探究過程─浮力單元學習單 67
附錄C控制組浮力單元教案 77
附錄D控制組浮力單元學習單 79
附錄E浮力單元學習成效評量 前測 84
附錄F浮力單元學習成效評量 後測 85
附錄G理化學習概念問卷 86
附錄H理化學習方法問卷 89
附錄I浮力課程課後回饋單 91
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指導教授 劉晨鐘 審核日期 2018-8-22
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