博碩士論文 105827606 詳細資訊

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姓名 薩明(Mohamed Amin Salah Abbas Sayed Ahmed)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生醫科學與工程學系
論文名稱 磺基甜菜鹼基自組裝單分子層的形成、穩定性和抗污染性的比較研究
(Comparative study in formation,stability and fouling resistance of sulfobetaine-based self-assembled monolayers)
★ 可功能化抗沾黏性雙離子自組裝單層膜於生物感測器之應用★ 雙離子胺基酸吸附劑在血液中重金屬 吸附之應用
★ Intelligent nature-derived coordinative hydrogel incorporated with HRP as dressing for infected wounds★ 新型兩性磷脂類高分子聚合物與其自組裝奈米結構
★ 聚電解質和多價植酸之間向抗菌強韌水凝膠的離子絡合作用★ Deposition of Photoactive Layer on Thermoplastic Polyurethane Tubes for Photo-grafting poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine)
★ Preparation of lubricant and antifouling medical coating on thermalplastic polyurethane★ 開發可生物降解的完全磷酸膽鹼水凝膠
★ Development of Functional Biointerface by Mixed Oligomeric Silatranes★ Biodegradable and pH-Responsive Nanoparticles for the Triggered Release of Antibiotics to Infected Wounds
★ In situ gelation using amine-containing copolymer and dialkyne crosslinker via amino-yne click chemistry★ Disulfide-based cross-linkers for functional polymeric networks
★ 以鄰苯二酚與金屬離子螯合方式形成抗菌及抗污之表面塗層研究★ 兩性離子微珠抗阻塞過濾裝置應用於分離大量循環腫瘤細胞
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摘要(中) 非特異性蛋白質吸附是生物醫學應用中最重要的問題,例如植入式
基甜菜鹼基單體; (單硫醇)3 - [(11-巰基-十一烷基)-N,N-二
甲基 - 氨基] - 丙烷-1-磺酸“SB-硫醇”,(二硫化物)硫辛酸 -
磺基乙烷“SBSS”和(二硫醇)二氫脂質酸 - 磺基甜菜鹼“SB-二
將SBSS 還原成SB-二硫醇導致更高的覆蓋率,對不同蛋白質的抗吸
摘要(英) Non-specific protein adsorption is the most important problem in
biomedical applications, such as implantable medical devices.1 In addition,
the degradation of self-assembled monolayers has received a broad
attention as it is regarded a key factor that determines the applicability of
these systems into many applications. Many studies have been introduced
to give stable coating materials with high fouling resistance against
different blood components and different strategies have been proposed as
a solution to enhance the stability of the self-assembled monolayers.2 In
this work, we synthezied three sulfobetaine-based monomers; (monothiol)
3-[(11-mercapto-undecyl)-N,N-dimethyl-amino]-propane-1-sulfonic acid
“SB-thiol“, (disulfide) lipoic acid-sulfobetiane “SBSS“ and (dithiol)
dihydrolipoic acid-sulfobetaine “SB-dithiol“, and compared the formation,
stability and fouling resistance of their self-assembled monolayers. The
reduction of SBSS into SB-dithiol3 resulted in a higher coverage, a better
fouling resistance against different proteins, a higher capability to block
electron transfer and an effective stability against desorption voltage sweep
as was shown by the Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) formation test,
protein fouling resistance test and the electrochemical analysis
respectively. Although SB-dithiol exhibited a similar behavior to SB-thiol
in the wetting properties and the fouling resistance against different
proteins, the former showed a privilege in all the stability tests “contact
angle analysis”, “thickness analysis”, “Surface Plasmon Resonance
analysis” and electrochemical analysis. This study will develop our
understanding of the interactions of analogues zwitterionic SAMs with
gold and adjacent moities, and it is expected to put the basis for many future
關鍵字(中) ★ 磺酸甜菜鹼
★ 抗吸附性
★ 兩性離子自組裝單層
關鍵字(英) ★ Sulfobetaine
★ fouling resistance
★ zwitterionic self-assembled monolayers
論文目次 Abstract…………………...……………………………....….………... (II)
Table of contents……….……………………………….…..……....... (IV)
List of figures……………………………………………………….. (VIII)
List of Tables…………………………………………………………. (XI)
Chapter 1. Literature review………………......……………..…...….… (1)
1.1 Introduction …………………………….……………..…….…….. (1)
1.2 SAMs and Organic Surfaces …………….……………….….…….. (3)
1.2.1 SAMs of mercaptans on gold surfaces…………..……..… (4)
1.3 Preparation of SAMs ……………….………………...…….……… (6)
1.3.1 Why Is Gold the Standard ………...……..….…….……… (7)
1.3.2 The cleanliness of the Substrate ……….........……...……... (8)
1.3.3 Concentration of SAMs …....……….……….………...….. (9)
1.3.4 Temperature ………...……..….……………..…………..... (9)
1.4 Applications of SAMs on Thin Metal Films……..……...….…….. (10)
1.4.1 SAMs as Barriers to Electron Transport ……..…....… ….(11) SAMs for Electrochemistry ………..……... ….(11)
1.4.2 SAMs for Biochemistry and Biology….…………....… … (12) Designing SAMs to be Model Biological
Surfaces………..…………………….......... ….(13)
1.5 Protein-resistant surfaces…………………………...…….…........ (14)
1.5.1 Ethylene glycol………………………...……….........… (15)
1.5.2 Zwitterionic coating….……...………...……..............… (16)
1.6 Removing SAMs from surfaces……………………….…...…...... (18)
1.6.1 Electrochemical Desorption of SAMs………..………… (19)
1.6.2 Photooxidation of SAMs...……..……….…………….... (20)
Chapter 2. Research objectives …………………………………....…. (21)
Chapter 3. Materials and Methods ……………………….....…..….… (23)
3.1 Materials ………………………………………………..……..…. (23)
3.2 Methods ………………………………………………..……..….. (23)
3.2.1 Synthesis of SB-thiol ……………...…………...………... (23)
3.2.2 Synthesis of SBSS and SB-dithiol....…………....………. (25)
3.2.3 Thin film preparation……………....…………..………… (26)
3.2.4 Water contact angle measurement.....…………...………. (26)
3.2.5 SPR measurement………………......…………...………. (27)
3.2.6 Electrochemical Analysis………......…………..………... (28)
3.2.7 Ellipsometry measurement………...…………..……….... (28)
3.2.8 UV-aging Test………….…………..…………...…….…. (29)
3.2.9 SEIRA Spectroscopy………………...…………...…….... (29)
Chapter 4. Results……………... ………………...……………......… (30)
4.1 Characterization of SB-thiol, SBSS and SB-dithiol………........... (30)
4.1.1 Mass spectra measurements ….…...…………...………... (30)
4.1.2 Analysis of 1H NMR spectra……...…………...………...... (31)
4.1.3 XPS Surface Elemental Analysis …...…………...…….........(34)
4.1.4 Wettabilities of the Films …………...…………...….…….. (36)
4.1.5 Thicknesses of the Films …………...…………...……….... (37)
4.1.6 Surface Enhanced Infra-Red Analysis (SEIRA) .…..……... (37)
4.1.7 Protein Fouling Resistance ……………...….....………....... (39)
4.2 The SPR Formation Test…………..……………………......……. (40)
4.3 The Stability Tests ………………………………………..……. ..(41)
4.3.1 UV-Oxidation “Contact angle Analysis”………...…..…….. (41)
4.3.2 UV-Oxidation “Thickness Analysis”….………...……….... (42)
4.3.3 UV-Oxidation “SPR Analysis”…………………...………... (43)
4.3.4 Electrochemical Analysis….………...…………...……….... (44)
Chapter 5. Discussion …………….………………………………….. (46)
5.1 Characterization of SB-thiol, SBSS and SB-dithiol………....... ….(46)
5.1.1 XPS Surface Elemental Analysis …...…………...……….... (46)
5.1.2 Wettabilities of the Films …………...…………...……….... (46)
5.1.3 Thicknesses of the Films …………...…………...………...... (47)
5.1.4 Surface Enhanced Infra-Red Analysis (SEIRA) .….…..….. .(47)
5.1.5 Protein Fouling Resistance ……………...….....………….... (48)
5.2 The SPR Formation Test…………..……………………......……. (48)
5.3 The Stability Tests ………………………………………..……… (49)
5.3.1 UV-Oxidation tests…………………..………...……….... ….(49)
5.3.2 Electrochemical Analysis….………...…………...……….... .(50)
Chapter 6. Conclusions ……………………………………………… (52)
Chapter 7. Future Work ……………………………………………… (53)
Bibliography ………………………...………………………………. (54)
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指導教授 黃俊仁(Chun-Jen Huang) 審核日期 2019-1-22
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