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姓名 蘇威守(Wei-Shou Su)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 交叉滾子軸承負載分析
(Load Analysis of Cross Roller Bearing)
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摘要(中) 交叉滾子軸承的應用非常廣泛,適用於高精度及高負載之傳動上,然而因交叉滾子軸承之滾子交叉排列,在不同負載的交互作用下滾子的負載分配會較為複雜。因此本論文的研究目的即在建立交叉滾子軸承分析模型,分析軸承中各滾子之分配負載與接觸應力。在論文中先以等剛性接觸假設,利用軸承外環與滾子之位移關係求解軸承在承受綜合負載下各滾子之負載分配。而為求得滾子受載後之接觸應力分布,利用交叉滾子軸承在空間中的幾何特性,以影響係數法建立受載接觸分析模型,並以等剛性接觸方法作為預判接觸滾子,以加速計算流程。此模型除可得到各滾子負載分配,並可得到不同滾子修整輪廓與不同負載下滾子與滾道間的接觸應力分布。
摘要(英) Cross roller bearings are widely used in high-precision and high-load drives. However, due to the cross-arrangement of the rollers of bearings. The load distribution of rollers is complicated because of the interaction of different loads. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to establish a cross roller bearing analysis model to analyze the distributed load and contact stress of each roller in the bearing. At first, use constant contact stiffness method to solve the load distribution of the bearings under the integrated load with the displacement relationship between the outer ring and the rollers. In order to obtain the contact stress distribution of loaded roller, the loaded contact analysis model is established by the influence coefficient method by using the geometric characteristics of the cross roller bearing, and the constant contact stiffness method is used for predicting contact roller in order to speed up the calculation process. In addition to the roller load distribution, the model can also obtain the contact stress distribution of different roller crowning profiles. And the contact stress distribution of rollers and raceways under different loads.
In this paper, two cases of large-sized slewing gear bearings and small-sized general cross roller bearings are analyzed. To understand the contact characteristics of bearing rollers under load. In the analysis, three crowning profiles such as non-crowning, circular, and logarithmic crowning are considered, as well as the effects of roller contact length, error of roller diameter, and error of roller position.
The result of load distribution analysis of each roller shows when the outer ring of cross roller bearings is subjected to the axial load, only the rollers in the same axial direction are subjected to the load due to the adjacent roller axes are staggered; when subjected to the radial load in the positive x direction, all the rollers between second and third quadrants are subjected to loads; when subjected to the overturning moment, all the rollers of the same axial direction in each side of the torque shaft are subjected to loads. Rollers that do not bear the load have gaps with the raceway due to the displacement of the outer ring. Therefore, under the integrated load, the rollers of the same axis have their respective load distribution curves, and the roller of one axial direction in a partial area may not be overloaded.
The result of stress distribution analysis shows that stress concentration occurs at the contact edge of the non-crowning roller, and under the circular and logarithmic crowning, the stress concentration of the roller can be improved, so that the stress is more evenly distributed on the contact surface. When the ratio of the contact length to the radius of bearing is large, the contact length has a significant influence on the load, and the influence is more significant when the overturning moment is applied. The error of roller diameter is roughly the same for the trend of roller load distribution, but there is irregular runout due to the difference in roller diameter. The error of roller position caused by different thickness holders only result in the load distribution curve to move.
This paper also establishes the limit diagram of the bearing capacity of the slewing gear bearing. Through the relationship between the axial and radial load, the corresponding axial and radial loads meeting the safety factor can be quickly selected.
From the analysis results, the analysis method developed in this paper can quickly and accurately analyze the load distribution trend of the cross roller bearing and the distribution of the contact stress between different geometric shapes of the rollers and the raceway.
關鍵字(中) ★ 交叉滾子軸承
★ 接觸負載分析
★ 滾子輪廓修整
★ 加工誤差分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Cross roller bearing
★ Load contact analysis
★ Roller corwning
★ Machining error analysis
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
謝誌 vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xv
符號說明 xvi
第 1 章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 4
1.3 研究目的 6
1.4 論文架構 7
第 2 章 交叉滾子軸承幾何 9
2.1 幾何接觸模型 9
2.2 內外環滾道數學模型 12
2.3 滾子輪廓數學模型 13
2.3.1 無修整 14
2.3.2 對數修整 14
2.3.3 大圓修整 15
2.3.4 滾子與滾道之接觸間距 16
2.4 外環與滾子等效位移 19
2.4.1 軸向位移 20
2.4.2 徑向位移 21
2.4.3 角度位移 23
第 3 章 交叉滾子軸承受載接觸分析模型 27
3.1 外環與滾子受力平衡 27
3.2 等剛性接觸負載計算模型 28
3.2.1 滾子之位移–變形關係 28
3.2.2 等剛性接觸分析模型 29
3.3 影響係數法計算模型 31
3.3.1 影響係數法基本分析模型 31
3.3.2 兩滾子接觸對受載分析模型 34
3.3.3 軸承完整受載分析模型 36
第 4 章 軸承分析案例 39
4.1 旋轉齒輪軸承 40
4.2 交叉滾子軸承 41
第 5 章 理想狀況下之負載分析結果 44
5.1 單一負載下滾子負載分配 44
5.1.1 旋轉齒輪軸承 44
5.1.2 交叉滾子軸承 46
5.1.3 輪廓修整對滾子負載分配之影響 48
5.2 綜合負載分析結果 50
5.2.1 旋轉齒輪軸承 51
5.2.2 交叉滾子軸承 54
5.2.3 考慮滾子接觸長度對負載分配影響 54
5.3 滾子應力分布 56
5.3.1 內外環與滾子接觸比較 56
5.3.2 滾子輪廓修整比較 59
5.3.3 考慮滾子接觸長度 61
第 6 章 誤差模擬分析 76
6.1 滾子加工誤差模擬 76
6.1.1 隨機取樣 76
6.1.2 滾子加工誤差分析結果 76
6.2 滾子分布誤差模擬 79
6.2.1 滾子分布模擬 79
6.2.2 滾子分布誤差分析結果 79
第 7 章 軸承之承載能力分析 81
7.1 額定靜負載與負載限值 81
7.2 旋轉齒輪軸承案例之承載能力界限 82
7.2.1 砲塔結構與負載關係 82
7.2.2 承載能力界限圖 82
第 8 章 結論與未來展望 87
8.1 結論 87
8.2 未來展望 89
參考文獻 90
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指導教授 蔡錫錚(Shyi-Jeng Tsai) 審核日期 2019-8-7
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