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姓名 賴民阡(Ming-Chien Lai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 化學發泡射出成型製程條件對聚丙烯與聚苯乙烯之影響
(Effects of Chemical Foaming Injection Parameters on Polypropylene and Polystyrene Molded Part)
★ 田口分析法驗證射出參數對光碟機面板翹曲變形量之研究★ 聚丙烯射出成型品表面具抗沾黏特性之研究
★ 光學鏡片之有限元素網格品質探討暨模仁全方位體積收縮補償法之研究★ 從模流到結構的集成分析光學鏡片之模仁變形研究
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★ Zienkiewicz動態多孔彈性力學模型之穩定性探討★ 外加磁場輔助射出成型對於導電高分子複合材料的磁性纖維配向與導電度之實驗與模擬
★ 骨板與骨釘之參數模型應用於股骨骨折術前規劃★ 光學鏡片模具之異型水路最佳化設計
★ 傳統骨板與解剖骨板對於固定Sanders II-B型跟骨骨折力學分析★ 以線性迴歸分析驗證射出成型縫合角與抗拉強度呈正相關
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★ 聚碳酸酯與碳纖維複合材料之射出參數對於縫合線強度之研究★ 運用田口方法分析ABS塑膠材料之射出成型參數對拉伸強度的影響
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摘要(中) 本研究針對半結晶性材料聚丙烯與非結晶性材料聚苯乙烯為基材,添加放熱型發泡劑(偶氮二甲酰胺)後利用射出成型做出樣本,並搭配Moldex3D模流分析軟體進行短射結果驗證。製程中針對射速、預塑量、料溫、模溫、發泡劑量設定三因子水準做一次一因子實驗,並利用效果分析篩選顯著因子進行田口法規劃,最後使用回歸分析法與S/N分析法分析結果與比較。
實驗結果觀察巨觀現象如 : 重量、比重、膨脹倍率來觀察發泡效率,以及微觀現象如 : 電子顯微鏡觀測氣泡密度及尺寸,綜合考量放熱型發泡劑的最佳參數,最後比較兩種材料的最佳參數在膨脹倍率的表現,結果顯示半結晶性材料因結晶關係較不易發泡,PP在低射速、高料溫、低模溫有最佳的膨脹倍率,而PS在高射速、中等料溫、低模溫有最佳的膨脹倍率。
摘要(英) In this study, the semi-crystalline material polypropylene and the amorphous material polystyrene were used as the substrate. The exothermic foaming agent (azodicarbonamide) was added to the substrate to make samples used in injection molding experiments. After experiments done, using Moldex3D mold flow analysis software verified flow-length results gotten from short shot experiments. In our experiments, we used one-factor one-time experimental design to carry out for the three-factor level of five parameters such as: injection speed, shot size, melt temperature, mold temperature and amount of CBA. Therefore, the effect factor analysis was used to choose the significant factors for the Taguchi experimental design. Finally, regression analysis method and S/N analysis method were used to analyze the trend of parameters and then compare each ways’ pros and cons.
We observe the experimental results from macroscopic phenomena such as: weight, specific weight, and expansion ratio to find better foaming efficiency, and microscopic phenomena such as: electron microscopy (SEM) to calculate bubble density and size. Taking great consideration of the optimal parameters and setting these parameters to redo experiment, finally compare two materials in expansion ratio. The results show that the semi-crystalline material is less likely to foam due to the crystallization
phenomenon. PP has the best expansion ratio at low rate of injection speed, high melt temperature and low mold temperature, while PS is high rate of injection speed, medium melt temperature, and low mold temperature have the best expansion ratio.
For this experiment, the trend of the parameters obtained by the one-factor one-time experimental design and the Taguchi experimental design is the same, and the experiment and time cost obtained by the experimental design are lower. Therefore, the one-factor one-time experimental design for the injection experiment is better for experimental design. The results are the same as that obtained by the regression analysis method and S/N analysis method, so it is concluded that the parameter trend can be quickly and easily obtained by using the S/N analysis method.
關鍵字(中) ★ 發泡射出成型
★ 放熱型化學發泡劑
★ 半結晶材料
★ 結晶性材料
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
符號說明 xiv
第1章、 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 3
1-3 研究動機與目的 13
第2章、 基本理論概述 14
2-1 射出成型理論 14
2-1-1 填充階段 14
2-1-2 保壓階段 15
2-1-3 冷卻階段 16
2-1-4 頂出階段 16
2-2 化學發泡射出成型理論 17
2-3 模流分析理論 18
2-3-1 化學發泡模擬之數學模型 18
第3章、 研究方法與實驗規劃 21
3-1 實驗器材介紹 21
3-1-1 射出機 21
3-1-2 模溫機 21
3-1-3 模具 22
3-2 實驗材料介紹 23
3-2-1 聚苯乙烯 ( Polystyrene ) 23
3-2-2 聚丙烯 ( Polypropylene ) 23
3-2-3 放熱型發泡劑 ( AC Blowing Agent ) 23
3-3 量測與檢驗 24
3-3-1 熱重分析儀 ( Thermogravimetric analysis, TGA ) 24
3-3-2 重量天秤 26
3-3-3 比重儀 27
3-3-4 電子顯微鏡 ( Scanning Electron Microscopy, SEM ) 28
3-4 研究流程與方法 31
3-4-1 一次一因子實驗設計 33
3-4-2 田口法實驗設計 34
3-4-3 迴歸分析法 34
3-4-4 S/N分析法 36
3-4-5 模流分析 37
第4章、 結果與討論 42
4-1 短射條件 42
4-1-1 模擬結果 43
4-1-2 一次一因子法 45
4-1-3 田口實驗設計法 73
4-2 一次一因子法與田口規劃法比較 79
4-3 回歸分析法與S/N分析法比較 81
第5章、 結論 82
第6章、 未來展望 85
第7章、 參考文獻 86
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指導教授 鍾禎元(Chen-Yuan Chung) 審核日期 2019-8-13
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