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姓名 陳佳錚(Jia-Zheng Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 企業進用身心障礙員工對企業價值、市場績效及財務績效指標之攸關性
★ 台灣與大陸在ERP專案管理、專案成員向心力與離心力的不同之處★ ERP專案成員離心力與向心力對代理問題之影響
★ 事業策略、人力資源管理與組織績效之實證研究★ 商用飛機維修成本控制之研究-以某國籍航空公司為例
★ ERP系統更換關鍵成功因素研究-以Oracle系統導入為例★ 中小企業自行開發ERP 系統關鍵成功因素研究- 以高科技產業為例
★ 文化創意產業產品策略選擇之影響因素-以國片為例★ 專案管理風險對ERP專案成功之影響
★ 品質機能展開與多準則決策於設備開發應用★ ERP導入品質因素對IFRS轉換專案之影響
★ ERP投資金額對服務品質及導入後IT治理目標之分析★ ERP 導入問題對專案的影響
★ IFRS轉換對員工退休金計畫影響★ IFRS轉換對企業績效評估的影響
★ IFRS轉換問題對IFRS效益的影響★ ERP環境下企業集團自行編製合併報表能力對XBRL資訊透明度之研究
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摘要(中) 近年來,企業社會責任的理念成為國際間矚目的焦點,企業為達成永續發展,除賺取利潤之外,也必須落實企業社會責任,其中,關懷弱勢的議題亦成為媒體報導的主流對象,根據台灣衛生福利部統計處統計,我國身心障礙者人數逐年增加,而身心障礙者由於智能、肢體或是感官上的障礙,一直是失業人口大宗,在就業族群中最為弱勢,因此,我國政府為照顧弱勢團體,早於民國96年修正身心障礙員工之比例,並於98年開始實施,若企業進用未達法律規定比例,則須繳納差額補助費,此外,自2003年起,透過每年定期舉辦「金展獎」,表揚獲獎機構對協助身心障礙者就業的努力,但進用身心障礙員工除了每月固定薪資外,還需負擔其勞健保費用,更困難的是,在進用身心障礙員工時,人、地、事、物都要有相對應的配套措施,若企業要履行,勢必會是很可觀的支出,那既然各有利弊,對企業而言,究竟進用足額身心障礙員工對企業各方面來說,是否皆具有正面效益,為一值得探討之議題。
本論文旨在探討企業社會責任社會構面與財務績效、市場績效和企業價值之間的關聯性,以企業進用身心障礙人士不足額百分比作為企業社會責任社會構面之代理變數;並分別以資產報酬率及股東權益報酬率、Tobin′s Q與股價及股票報酬率作為企業財務績效、市場績效與企業價值之代理變數,此外,更進一步探討公司大小規模不同的情況下,企業進用身心障礙員工足額程度是否對其財務績效及市場績效有所差異。
根據實證結果顯示,企業進用身障人士不足額與財務績效和公司價值呈顯著反向關係,與假說相符,表示企業僱用身障人士不足額愈低,有益於提升公司資產報酬率、股東權益報酬率、股價以及股票報酬率;當企業碳排放量與公司價值、市場績效及財務績效呈顯著反向關係,代表碳排放量愈少,企業資產報酬率、股東權益報酬率、Tobin′s Q、股價及股票報酬率愈高;而女性擔任企業董事的比例與Tobin′s Q呈正向顯著,表示女性董事比例愈高,企業的投資機會與成長潛能也就愈大。
摘要(英) In recent years, the concept of corporate social responsibility is being paid much more attention internationally. In order to achieve sustainable development, corporate not only makes profits, but also implements corporate social responsibility. Among them, the issue of caring for vulnerable groups also become the mainstream of media objects. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the number of people with disabilities has increased year by year. Because of intelligence, physical or sensory obstacles, people with disabilities are not easy to find a job and are the most vulnerable among the employed population. Therefore, in order to take care of vulnerable groups, government revised the proportion of employees with disabilities in 2007 and implemented in 2009. If the corporate does not meet the legal requirements, it will pay the differential subsidy. Since 2003, the award-winning institutions have been commended for their efforts to assist people with disabilities through the annual "the Golden Wingspan Award". In addition to the fixed monthly salary, employees who employ people with disabilities are also required to pay for their labor and health insurance and supporting measures including people, places and things. If the corporate wants to perform, it will definitely be a considerable expenditure. It has its pluses and minuses, so it is a question worthy of discussion for corporate which have sufficient disabilities employees to have positive benefits for all aspects of corporate.
The purpose of paper is to explore the relationship between social dimension of corporate social responsibility and financial performance, market performance and corporate value. The percentage of the inadequacy of the number of people with disabilities in the corporate is taken as the proxy variable of the corporate responsibility social dimension; Return on assets and return on equity, Tobin′s Q, stock price and stock return as the proxy variables of corporate financial performance, market performance and corporate value respectively. In addition, we further discuss the different size scale of corporate. If the company employs enough disabled employees, it will lead to different financial performance and market performance.
According to the empirical results, the insufficiency of disabled employees in corporate has a significant inverse relationship with financial performance and corporate value. It is consistent with the hypothesis. It indicates that the lower the insufficiency of disabled employees in corporate, the better the return on assets, return on equity, stock price and return on stock. When the carbon emission of corporate has a significant inverse relationship with the corporate value, market performance and financial performance, it means that the lower the carbon emission, the higher the corporate′s return on assets, return on equity, Tobin′s Q, stock price and stock return. The proportion of female directors is positively correlated with Tobin′s Q. It indicates that the higher the proportion of female directors is, the greater the investment opportunity and growth potential of the corporate will be.
關鍵字(中) ★ 進用身心障礙員工
★ 企業社會責任
★ 財務績效
關鍵字(英) ★ Employing Disabilities
★ Corporate Social Responsibility
★ Financial Performance
論文目次 摘要 .. i
Abstract.... ii
謝辭 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄.. v
表目錄.. v
一、 緒論 .... 1
1-1 研究背景及動機 .... 1
1-2 研究目的.. 3
1-3 研究流程.. 4
二、 文獻探討與建立假說 5
2-1 企業社會責任 .. 5
2-1-1 企業社會責任之定義 .. 5
2-1-2 企業社會責任之發展 .. 8
2-1-3 企業社會責任之衡量 11
2-2 企業進用身心障礙人士 ... 13
2-2-1 台灣身心障礙人士就業政策之發展概況 . 13
2-2-2 台灣進用身心障礙人士現況 .. 14
2-2-3 企業進用身心障礙人士對財務績效、市場績效及企業價值之影響. 16
三、 研究方法 .... 18
3-1 樣本敘述 ... 18
3-2 變數衡量 ... 19
3-2-1 應變數 19
3-2-2 自變數 20
3-2-3 控制變數. 21
3-3 實證模型 ... 24
四、 實證結果分析 26
4-1 敘述性統計 .... 26
4-2 相關係數分析 27
4-3 迴歸分析 ... 30
五、 結論、限制與建議 .. 36
5-1 研究結論 ... 36
5-2 研究限制與建議 . 37
參考文獻 39
參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 蔡文賢 審核日期 2019-9-24
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