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姓名 陳佑瑋(Yu-Wei Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 末期癌症病患的薪資所得與選擇安寧照護的關聯
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摘要(中) 本文之研究目的為探討末期癌症病患的薪資所得與選擇安寧照護的關聯,我們以臺灣地區癌症病患為例,檢視癌末病患的薪資所得及其他需求面、供給面影響因素對於癌末病患選擇安寧照護的關聯。本研究資料來源為2000年及2005年全民健保百萬人次抽樣檔,並將癌末病患臨終前選擇安寧照護之醫療決策分為兩階段進行分析。第一階段以全體癌症病患為研究對象,我們探討癌末病患是否會選擇安寧照護,第二階段則以已經選擇安寧照護的癌末病患為研究對象,我們欲探討在癌末病患已經選擇安寧照護的情況下,會選擇何種安寧照護類型;我們也以癌末病患臨終前一段時間內安寧使用天數做為選擇安寧照護之衡量,我們則探討癌末病患安寧使用天數短期至長期的影響。此外,本研究分別使用logit迴歸模型、多元logit迴歸模型及零膨脹負二項迴歸模型做實證分析。
摘要(英) The purpose of thesis is to explore the relationship between salary income and the choice of hospice care for terminal cancer patients. We take cancer patients in Taiwan as a research subject to examine the salary income and other factors of demand and supply side whether influence the termimal cancer patients to receive hospice services.The source of thesis is the 2000 and 2005 National Health Insurance Million Personnel Samples, and the choice of terminal cancer patients’s medical decision in the end-of-life is divided into two stages for analysis. The first stage is take all terminal cancer patients as research subject to examine whether patients will choose to use hospice care in the end-of-life. In the second stage, we take hospice care patients as research subject. We want to examine terminal cancer patients has chosen to use hospice care, what kind of hospice care type will be chosen. We also use the number of days of hospice care in the period before the end-of-life to examine the short-term to long-term impact of terminal cancer patients hospice care utilization. In addition, this thesis used logit regression model, multinomial logit regression model and zero-inflated negative binomial regression model for empirical analysis.
Most of the empirical results show that the cancer patients with high socioeconomic status and low-income households are most inclined to receive hospice care. The former hopes to improve the quality of end-of-life, which means that terminal cancer patients with high socioeconomic status pay more attention to the quality of end-of-life is better than the extension of life; the latter is due to subsidies from social assistance such as the government and non-governmental organization, which increases the financial incentives for cancer patients with low-income households to use hospice care to alleviate the financial burden of poor families. In terms of other demand side factors, males, patients under the age of 30 and over the age of 75 are the least inclined to use hospice care. Terminal cancer patients with high clinical comorbidity index scores, cancer with high mortality, long cancer with total inpatient days and high cancer with total outpatient service visits who is inclined to use hospice care. In terms of supply side factors, patients who are diagnosed in medical centers, religious hospitals, and those hospitals with higher degrees of urbanization where they are visiting hospitals tend to use hospice care.
關鍵字(中) ★ 安寧照護
★ 安寧選擇
★ 薪資所得
★ 醫院權屬別
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝辭 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第二章 安寧照護政策的現況與發展 7
第三章 文獻回顧 14
第一節 前言 14
第二節 末期癌症病患選擇積極治療或安寧照護的醫療費用之相關文獻 14
第三節 社經地位影響末期癌症醫療利用及安寧使用程度之相關文獻 17
第四節 不同權屬別醫院影響安寧決策及其醫療行為之相關文獻 19
第五節 小結 21
第四章 研究方法 22
第一節 實證模型架構 22
第二節 實證模型介紹 24
第五章 資料來源與統計分析 30
第一節 資料來源 30
第二節 資料處理及建構過程 30
第三節 變數說明與定義 34
第三節 敘述性統計分析 45
第六章 實證分析結果 57
第一節 非線性機率迴歸模型之實證結果 57
第二節 零膨脹負二項迴歸模型之實證結果 66
第七章 結論 78
第一節 結論 78
第二節 未來展望 80
第三節 研究限制 83
參考文獻 84
附錄 87
附表1 醫療區域劃分表 87
附表2 臨床合併症指標分數計算疾病加權分數表(Deyo’s CCI) 89
附表3 宗教型醫院之基本資料 90
附表4 臺灣地區鄉鎮市區都市化縣市合併後分層對照表 92
附表5 轉院至某醫院使用各安寧照護類型的癌症病患之統計 96
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3. 世界衛生組織https://www.who.int/en/
指導教授 蔡偉德(Wei-Der Tsai) 審核日期 2019-7-24
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