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姓名 邱安儀(An-Yi Chiu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 影響在臺產業外籍移工的生活與工作適應程度: 從組織及勞工本身之變數探討
(The degree of adaptation to life and work affecting migrant workers in Taiwan: Discussion on the variables of organization and labor itself)
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摘要(中) 在臺灣工作的外籍移工人數逐年升高,但是臺灣卻嚴重漠視外籍移工的人權,而在鄰近國家與我們競爭外籍移工的情況下,臺灣未來勢必面臨勞力短缺困境。因此本研究以外籍移工及其雇主為研究對象,分析影響外籍移工工作適應及生活適應的因素,其問卷資料來源為勞動部「103年外籍勞工工作及生活關懷調查」與「105年外籍勞工管理及運用調查」。
研究結果發現: (1)以外籍移工的角度來看,母國事先提供職前訓練,例如語言、在臺法令須知和安全衛生教育,無法幫助他們更加適應工作。(2)以外籍移工的角度來看,在合理的工作時數下,薪資福利的提升可以幫助他們適應工作。(3)以外籍移工的角度來看,臺灣政府提供工作相關法令和申訴管道服務措施可以幫助他們適應工作。(4)以外籍移工的角度來看,雇主提供生活輔導措施可以幫助他們生活適應。(5)以雇主的角度來看,企業提供外籍移工職前訓練,可以幫助外籍移工更加適應工作。(6)以雇主的角度來看,企業建立與外籍移工的溝通管道,無法幫助外籍移工更加適應工作。(7)以雇主的角度來看,企業提升外籍移工的薪資福利無法幫助外籍移工更加適應工作。(8)以雇主的角度來看,企業提供外籍移工飲食及住宿無法幫助外籍移工更加適應工作。
摘要(英) The number of foreign workers working in Taiwan has increased year by year, but Taiwan seriously ignored the human rights of foreign migrant workers, besides, the other countries also need foreign workers. Taiwan will inevitably face labor shortages in the future. Therefore, this study based on foreign migrant workers and their employers is to analyze the factors affecting foreign migration work adaptation and life adaptation. The source of the questionnaire is from the Ministry of Labor′s "Survey on Work and Life of Foreign Workers, 2014" and "Survey on Foreign Workers Management and Utilization, 2016".
The results found as below: (1) From the perspective of foreign workers, the pre-employment training provided by the home country, such as language, in-law instructions, and safety education cannot help them to adapt the work. (2) From the perspective of foreign workers, under reasonable working hours, the improvement of salary and welfare can help them to adapt the work. (3) From the perspective of foreign workers, the Taiwanese government′s provision of work-related decrees and complaints pipeline service measures can help them to adapt the work. (4) From the perspective of foreign workers, employers provide life-related counseling measures can help them to adapt life. (5) From the employer′s point of view, the company provides pre-employment training for foreign workers, which can help foreign workers to adapt the work. (6) From the employer′s point of view, the establishment of communication channels between companies and foreign workers cannot help foreign workers to adapt the work. (7) From the employer′s point of view, increasing the salary and welfare of foreign workers cannot help them to adapt the work. (8) From the employer′s point of view, provision food and accommodation for foreign workers cannot help them to adapt life.
關鍵字(中) ★ 外籍移工
★ 工作適應
★ 生活適應
★ 職前訓練
★ 薪資福利
★ 申訴與溝通管道
★ 生活輔導措施
關鍵字(英) ★ foreign migrants
★ job adaptation
★ life adaptation
★ pre-employment training
★ salary and benefits
★ complaints and communication channels
★ life counseling measures
論文目次 中文摘要-i
致 謝-iv
目 錄-v
圖 目 錄-vi
表 目 錄-vi
第一章 緒論-1
第一節 研究背景與動機-1
第二節 研究目的-6
第二章 文獻探討與假設建立-8
第一節 外籍移工-8
第二節 工作適應-11
第三節 生活適應-26
第三章 研究方法-30
第一節 研究架構-30
第二節 研究假設-32
第三節 研究資料來源-33
第四節 研究資料變數-34
第五節 資料分析方法-42
第四章 研究結果-43
第一節 研究變項之相關分析-43
第二節 研究變項之迴歸分析-50
第三節 研究假設實證結果彙整-57
第五章 結論-58
第一節 研究意涵-58
第二節 管理意涵-60
第三節 研究限制及未來研究建議-65
第六章 參考文獻-67
附錄一 105年外籍勞工管理及運用調查-76
附錄二 103年外籍勞工工作及生活關懷調查-81
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指導教授 王群孝(Chun-Hsiao Wang) 審核日期 2019-6-18
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