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姓名 李齊揚(Chi-Yang Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 探討工作動機、創造性自我效能與創造性績效的關聯性-以個人創業導向為中介調節變項
(Exploring The Relationships among Work Motivation, Creative Self-Efficacy, and Creative Performance:Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation as a Mediator/Moderator)
★ 人格特質對工作績效影響之探討-以F銀行財富管理事業群人員為例★ 護理人員的人格特質與工作滿意及工作績效之關係—以工作壓力為調節變項
★ 護理人員之工作壓力、工作動機、工作滿意與工作績效的影響-以某公立醫院為例★ 心理契約與勞雇關係之關聯性探討
★ 情緒智力對工作動機、工作滿意及工作績效之影響-以人力資源工作者為例。★ 社會人際行為模式測驗與工作績效間關連性之探討
★ 財務與非財務獎酬對工作動機與工作滿意度之干擾研究-以M直銷公司為例★ 薪酬制度與員工績效表現之個案研究
★ 領導行為、員工創新行為及績效表現關聯性之個案探討★ 高科技廠商薪資策略與離職率關係之探討
★ 人力資源管理系統與組織文化之交互作用對組織績效的影響★ 情境式與行為描述式結構性面談之比較研究
★ 日薪人員與月薪人員之工作動機傾向對其工作績效與工作滿意之影響★ 本地員工人格特質與對外派人員的利他行為、互動適應之關連探討
★ 五大人格量表的效用分析—以Taylor-Russell、Naylor-Shine 及Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser 模型為例★ 工作動機的效用分析
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摘要(中) 隨著科技進步、環境變遷迅速,各行各業的競爭越來越激烈,工作者是否能在企業組織、研究機構、個人工作室等各類型組織中發揮創造力產生有別於以往的創造性績效,成為組織創新求變的動力來源。影響創造性績效的因素包含創造性自我效能、人格特質及工作動機等,這些因素之中工作者具備的創業導向不僅能幫助他成功創業,也能幫助他在企業組織中發揮創造力而產生創造性績效。過去研究發現個人創業導向的特性與工作動機有關,個人創業導向會影響工作動機與創造性績效之間的關係,不過至今尚未有研究討論個人創業導向於工作動機與創造性績效間扮演中介的角色亦或是調節的角色,此研究缺口引發本研究的動機。
摘要(英) Along with the progress of technology, rapid change of our environment, and higher competition between companies, enterprises need to help their talents utilize their creativity to produce creative performance in the workplace which leads to innovation. Among some factors which may influence one’s creative performance, for example, creative self-efficacy, personal characteristics, or work motivation, individual entrepreneurial orientation can not only help a worker to become an entrepreneur but also help him produce creative performance in certain organizations. Past research has showed that the properties of individual entrepreneurial orientation have a relationship with work motivation that may influence one’s creative performance. Due to the lack of research on the subject of the relationship between work motivation, individual entrepreneurial orientation and creative performance, if individual entrepreneurial orientation plays a mediator or moderator during the process of work motivation affecting workers’ creative performance, motivation of this study initiated.
Drawing on an effective data of 324 workers from all kinds of industry in Taiwan, we found the research results as follows:(1) Creative self-efficacy had a significant positive relationship with creative performance. (2) Internal and external work motivation had a significant positive relationship with creative performance. (3) Individual entrepreneurial orientation partially mediated the relationship between internal work motivation and creative performance. (4) Individual entrepreneurial orientation fully mediated the relationship between external work motivation and creative performance. (5) Individual entrepreneurial orientation had no moderation effect between internal work motivation and creative performance. (6) Individual entrepreneurial orientation had no positive moderation effect between external work motivation and creative performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 工作動機
★ 內在工作動機
★ 外在工作動機
★ 創造性自我效能
★ 創造性績效
★ 個人創業導向
關鍵字(英) ★ work motivation
★ internal work motivation
★ external work motivation
★ creative self-efficacy
★ creative performance
★ individual entrepreneurial orientation
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論-1
第一節 研究背景與動機-1
第二節 研究目的-3
第二章 文獻探討-4
第一節 工作動機-4
第二節 創造性績效-7
第三節 個人創業導向-10
第四節 個人創業導向與工作動機、創造性績效的關聯性-13
第三章 研究方法-17
第一節 研究架構與研究假設-17
第二節 研究樣本與資料蒐集-19
第三節 研究工具-20
第四章 研究結果-23
第一節 樣本來源與敘述性統計-23
第二節 信度分析-25
第三節 驗證性因素分析-26
第四節 相關分析-28
第五節 研究模型與迴歸分析-29
第五章 結論與建議-40
第一節 研究結論-40
第二節 管理實務建議-43
第三節 研究限制與建議-45
附錄 本研究問卷-53
參考文獻 參考文獻

一、 中文參考文獻




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指導教授 房美玉 審核日期 2019-7-17
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