博碩士論文 106450007 詳細資訊

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姓名 章卉庭(Hun-Ting Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 廢棄物燃料化技術對循環經濟效益之初探
★ 電腦CPU散熱模組的技術發展策略★ 探討台灣印刷電路板產業經營策略-以A公司競爭策略為例
★ LED照明市場進入策略探討—以M公司為例★ 集團企業多角化對總部管控模式影響之研究 -以W集團企業為例-
★ 安全注射器中國專利授權模式研究★ 中國大陸房地產投資評估決策之研究 -以上海地區服務式公寓之投資為例-
★ 臺灣電子企業組織架構運作模式在中國之競爭優勢分析★ 小型台灣建築設計事務所於中國之發展策略探討
★ 半導體測試設備公司成長策略之個案分析★ 台灣不動產估價師事務所於中國發展策略研討
★ 軟體能力成熟度專案導入之個案研究-以某研發機構為例★ 新巴賽爾協定(Basel II)對中小型銀行授信風險管理政策的影響 -以U銀行為例
★ 價值投資法實證之研究-以臺灣證券市場為例★ 委外生產評估與執行之研究-以冷卻塔製造業個案為例
★ 企業多角化經營對供應鏈管理的決策影響★ 新產品導入量產流程之探討-以W公司衛星接收器為例
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摘要(中) 國內近年因廢棄物無法有效處理,導致廢棄物任意棄置問題浮現。主要原因來自於廢棄物相關處理設施不足、掩埋場飽和及廢棄物焚化爐機械老舊等因素,顯然既有廢棄物處理模式已不能滿足社會需求,如何將廢棄物進行有效處理為極需探討之課題。
本研究主要探討國內廢棄物經由機械分選技術製成固體回收燃料(Solid Recovered Fuel,SRF),供燃煤鍋爐、發電廠及水泥窯做部分燃料使用之可行性,並進一步探討對降低環境衝擊和節省成本之效益。研究目的包含(1)針對國內一般廢棄物處理現況進行分析;(2)探討SRF應用之效益;以及(3)SRF應用於台灣之可行性分析。
摘要(英) Owing to the ineffective treatment of waste recently, illegal waste disposal is the major environmental problem in Taiwan. The reasons include the waste related treatment facilities are inadequate, landfills have saturated and waste incinerators have reached the age limit. Obviously, current waste disposal modes are not enough to meet the needs of the society. How to effectively treat wastes is an important issue that needs to be discussed.
  This study will explore the feasibility of solid recovered fuel (SRF) be made from municipal solid waste and industrial or commercial waste (collectively referred to as waste) via advanced mechanical as using part of the fuel for coal-fired boilers, power plants and cement kilns. Further explore the benefits on reducing environmental impacts and costs. The purposes of this study are (1) to discuss the current situation of waste treatment in Taiwan; (2) to discuss the benefits of SRF applications; and (3) to do the feasibility analysis about introducing SRF applications to Taiwan.
According to our research results, while replace 10% of coal with SRF, the fuel costs can be saved by 3%, heavy metals can be reduced by 8.7%, and CO2 emissions can be reduced by 6.5%; If replace 100% of coal with SRF, the fuel costs can be saved by 30%, heavy metal can be reduced by 87%, and CO2 emissions can be reduced by 65%. It can be seen that the economic benefits and environmental benefits of using SRFs instead of burning coal have positive effects. Introducing SRF to Taiwan facing the following problems: (1) lack of SRF concepts and specifications; (2) divergent opinions between central policy and local government; (3) no relevant policy subsidies or incentives; (4) no solutions about boilers co-firing fuel derivative waste; and (5) people’ insufficient knowledge about waste treatment. Finally, this study provides some suggestions about introducing SRF experiences to Taiwan: (1) to actively learn SRF experiences from foreign companies because there are still no successful SRF applications in Taiwan; (2) to improve the effectiveness of waste disposal, users only need to adjust the receiving facilities; and (3) to develop regulations in line with government’s circular economy policies will help the real SRF actions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 廢棄物處理
★ 循環經濟
★ 廢棄物衍生燃料
★ 固體回收燃料
★ 化石燃料
關鍵字(英) ★ Waste Treatment
★ Circular Economy
★ Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)
★ Solid Recovery Fuel (SRF)
★ Fossil Fuel
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 台灣一般廢棄物處理產業 5
2.2 循環經濟 13
2.3 固態廢棄物衍生燃料技術 16
第三章 研究方法 24
3.1 採用方法 24
3.2 研究範圍與對象 25
3.3 資料蒐集方法 25
3.4 分析架構 26
第四章 分析與討論 27
4.1 台灣一般廢棄物處理市場分析 27
4.2 個案公司介紹 30
4.3 SRF應用之效益分析 34
4.4 SRF應用於台灣之可行性分析 44
第五章 結論 47
5.1 研究結論 47
5.2 研究建議 49
5.3 研究限制 49
5.4 未來研究方向 50
參考文獻 51
中文部分 51
英文部分 53
參考文獻 中文部分
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指導教授 王存國 審核日期 2019-5-14
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