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姓名 吳靜雯(Ching-Wen Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 台灣泛公股銀行經營策略分析—以F銀行為例
★ 公關公司經營策略分析與討論─以C公司為例★ 金融海嘯後中小型金控經營策略之探討—以玉山金控為例
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★ 台灣半導體公司對製程技術精進的掌握與運作策略★ 大陸員工工作滿意度之調查分析與探討—以G公司為例
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★ A公司核心、領導職能模型建立及各階主管領導力評鑑研究報告★ 不沾塗料行業的發展策略分析:以某台資企業為例
★ 台商在中國大陸勞動爭議研究─以華東地區製造業為例★ 大陸台資企業人力資源管理措施與組織效益探討─以M公司昆山廠為例
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摘要(中) 銀行業在台灣經濟發展過程中,一直伴演著舉足輕重的角色,除做為匯集民眾儲蓄及企業投資重要管道之外,更是國家經濟及支持產業發展重要支柱力量。其經營績效表現與經濟成長也有密不可分的關係。


  台灣經濟近幾年似乎遇到成長停滯的瓶頸,為了重返高峰,需要政府與民間企業共同戮力發展如「五+二」的創新產業。但是新興產業的發展,往往也伴隨著高風險,為了協助產業找到前期投資及融資資金挹注,這時候就需要藉助公股銀行挺企業的功能 。目前台灣八大公股行庫中如兆豐銀行、合作金庫、第一銀行、華南銀行、彰化銀行及台灣中小企業銀行等六大行庫,實際上已是民營化上市公司。這些泛公股銀行,同時需要配合國家產業政策發展,又需要兼顧與股東交代的獲利成績,立場真的很為難。本研究的個案銀行,處於這樣的角色期待下,該如何逐步達成其成為泛太平洋區域性銀行的願景目標。

摘要(英) The banking industry has been playing an important role in Taiwan’s economic development. Not only serves it as an important channel to collect people’s saving and corporate investments, but also it has significant importance in supporting our country’s economy and industrial development. Furthermore, the operating performance thereof is closely related to economic growth.

A research investigation recently conducted by McKinsey & Company, a globally known business consultant company, indicates that the deposits in Taiwan’s state-owned banks count about 50% of traditional banking business, whereas the total of “net income after tax” and “net profit” is less than 40% with a disproportional profit rate. This has been widely discussed in Taiwan’s industrial, governmental and academic circles with a question mark: “Is the operating capacity of state-owned banks really beyond private banks?” As the matter of fact, private banks have forecasted the changes of international financial environment and trends; and therefore actively promoted non-interest income business such as financial management and consumer finance long time ago. The results of having major business departments constructed are reflected in return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE).

In recent years, Taiwan’s economy seems to have reached the bottleneck of growth. To go back to the peak, the government and private companies shall join hands to develop and implement, for example, the 5+2 Industrial Innovation Plan. Nevertheless, the development of emerging industry usually accompanies high risks. To assist industries in finding preliminary investment and financing funds, the assistance from state-owned banks will be required. At the moment, six out of Taiwan’s eight major state-owned banks, such as Mega Bank, Taiwan Cooperative Bank (TCB), First Bank, Hua Nan Bank, Chang Hwa Bank and Taiwan Business Bank, are actually listed privatized companies. These government-invested banks are actually in a quite difficult position as they need not only to follow national industrial policy, but also to give consideration to the profits and have them reported to shareholders. It is therefore interesting to know how our study object can gradually reach its objective of becoming a regional bank of Pacific Ocean with such expectation.

This study firstly introduces the background of this state-owned company, and then analyzes current market opportunities of the banking industry. Then, through SWOT and five-force analyses, find competitive advantages of the study object. Furthermore, by studying the transformation of large-size state-own banks around the world, study object’s opportunities for developing overseas business activities, wealth management and financial innovations are evaluated. It is expected that this study and results thereof will be offered to the study object as a reference for future transformation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 過度競爭
★ 五力分析
★ 經營策略
★ 金融創新
關鍵字(英) ★ Over-competition
★ five-force analysis
★ business strategies
★ financial innovations
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景及動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3論文架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1公股銀行成立的背景 4
2.2公股銀行現況 6
2.3台灣銀行發展趨勢 7
2.4國際銀行發展趨勢 10
2.5國際性大型公股銀行轉型案例 11
第三章 研究方法 14
3.1 SWOT分析 14
3.2五力分析 15
3.3個案銀行介紹 16
第四章 個案分析 24
4.1銀行產業之SWOT分析及五力分析 24
4.2台灣地區銀行業概況 31
4.3個案銀行SWOT分析 33
4.4八年轉型經營策略 35
4.5個案銀行策略建議 37
4.5.1個案銀行短期策略建議 37
4.5.2個案銀行長期策略建議 44
第五章 結論與未來研究方式 51
5.1研究結論 51
5.2研究限制 52
5.3未來研究方向 53
參考文獻 54
參考文獻 中文部份
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指導教授 鄭晉昌 審核日期 2019-5-23
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