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姓名 廖黛羽(Dai-Yu Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 企業資訊方案行銷歷程之探討-以MES為例
(A Study On The Marketing Process of Information Systems - Taking Manufacturing Execution System as an Example)
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摘要(中) 過去行銷歷程大多關注在消費品的整個歷程上,對於解決方案的銷售大多仰賴有經驗的銷售人員,在企業並無一套可依循的模式,本研究針對資訊服務市場中的解決方案做出定義並探討其行銷歷程,特別針對製造執行系統Manufacturing Execution System做一個完整的行銷歷程探討,利用文獻分析與個案實務經驗發展出一套資訊方案(IS Solution)之行銷歷程,包含銷售前置階段、軟體及顧問被評選階段、議定專案內容階段、軟體導入施工階段、售後服務共五個階段,以及商品資訊獲得、顧客需求定義、明確表達採購意圖、報價、簽約、客製化需求分析與確認、系統開發、系統測試、系統上線測試、系統正式上線、結案、維護與保固共十二項關鍵事件,完整描述企業在交易資訊方案時的流程。
摘要(英) In the past, most of the marketing process focused on the whole process of consumer goods. Most of the sales of solutions rely on experienced employee. We can find that companies lack of a model they can consult. Therefore this study defines solutions in IT services industry and develops a process of how do solutions are transacted, especially for the Manufacturing Execution System to conduct a complete marketing process, using literature analysis and case practice experience to develop an IS Solution (Information system solution) marketing process, including pre-sale stage, software and consultant selection stage, define project content phase, software implement, after-sales service, five stages. Among these five stages, there are also twelve key events including information acquirement, customer demand definition, buying intention confirmation, quotation, sign a contract, customized demand analysis and confirmation execution, system development, system testing, system online testing, product run, close a case, maintenance and warranty.
In addition, this study developed a model for the course of the process, trying to understand the key events that are most important in each stage of the sales of information solutions, and what factors affect the key events. According to the model results, the software consultant ability in the pre-sale phase is the most important thing for buyers and sellers. In the software and consultant selection stage, the buyers and sellers attach the most importance to communication with manufacturers and vendor positioning. This refers to whether the buyer can obtain the positioning of the candidate and the competition activities, and whether the seller can obtain competitors′ intelligence and activities. The most important factor affecting the performance indicators is the satisfaction of buyers and sellers. When making software purchasing decisions, the most important thing is the integrity of the software itself, especially the integrity of the software product. The most important part of the agreed project content phase is the software specification confirmation and project contract content. After entering the software implement stage, the most important thing is the composition of the project members, education and training, and the intensity of input of software technicians.
關鍵字(中) ★ 資訊方案
★ 行銷歷程
★ 製造執行系統
關鍵字(英) ★ IS solution
★ Marketing process
★ Manufacturing Execution System
論文目次 摘要 i
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第1章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.1.1研究動機 2
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究流程 2
第2章 問題分析與文獻回顧 3
2.1資訊方案的介紹 3
2.1.1資訊產品的種類 3
2.1.2資訊方案與一般資訊產品的差異 6
2.2資訊方案的產業特性 8
2.2.1 B2B解決方案購買模式 8
2.2.2 B2B關係類型比較 12
2.2.3 關係銷售與傳統銷售 13
2.3 MES資訊方案 16
2.3.1製造執行系統簡介 16
2.3.2以導入實例介紹MES 18
2.3.3實務中的困難點 25
第3章 研究模型發展 33
3.1 行銷歷程探討 25
3.1.1事件導向 (Event-based) 的觀點 25
3.1.2交易階段 (Transaction stage) 的觀點 31
3.2 研究構面定義 33
3.3 研究模型 39
3.4研究方法與研究設計 39
3.4.1 尺度衡量選擇 39
3.4.2 資料蒐集方式 39
3.4.3 實證研究 39
第4章 研究分析與結果 40
4.1 問卷發放方式 40
4.1.1 問卷發放與回收狀況 40
4.2 敘述性統計分析 40
4.2.1 A部分-銷售前置階段 40
4.2.2 B部分-銷售前置階段後 43
4.2.3 C部分-軟體採購決策 44
4.2.4 D及E部分-探討資訊方案行銷歷程 48
第5章 研究論述 52
5.1實際案例與模型比較 52
5.1.1成功案例 52
5.1.2失敗案例 55
5.2與文獻比較 58
第6章 結論與後續研究方向 67
6.1結論 67
6.2研究限制與後續研究方向 68
參考文獻 69
參考文獻 西文參考文獻
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徐于婷,「資訊方案行銷歷程中買賣關係建立之探討」,國立中央大學,碩 士論文,民國 104 年。
指導教授 呂俊德 陳炫碩(Jun-Der Leu Shiuann-Shuoh Chen) 審核日期 2019-6-20
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