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姓名 明希妲(Wasita Kamintra)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 智慧家庭物聯網中基於攝像畫面的跌倒偵測與警示訊息傳遞 之 Web管理與控制服務
(Web-Based Management and Control Services for Camera-Based Fall Detection and Alert Messaging in IoT-Based Smart Home)
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摘要(中) 隨著資訊及通訊科技進步,人們可以從世界各地隨時隨地存取網際網路。微電子設備及
建基於現代物聯網和 Web技術的智能家庭照護環境,特別是針對居住環境中的老年人。
點之間的數據傳輸是基於 TCP/IP協議。所有數據都將收集到後端數據伺服器上,並在後
端數據伺服器上進行處理。該數據伺服器將數據儲存在數據庫中,並開發基於 Web的智
能家居照護應用程式。我們的研究設計了基於 Restful架構的集中式控制機制,使用者僅
需透過自己的個人電腦、筆記型電腦或移動設備即可進行遠端 Web訪問,以管理和監視
智能家居照護設備。透過這種集中控制機制,用戶可以與 Web伺服器互動以操作許多服
倒事件發生時,發送訊號向用戶和遠端數據中心發出警報消息。此系統也包含了與 LINE
移動即時消息傳遞應用程式鏈接的廣泛功能。此外,還可以調用 ASUS Zenbo Robot來共
在住宅環境中,對基於攝影機的跌倒偵測和緊急消息通知,執行基於 Web 的管理和控制。
摘要(英) With the advance of information and communication technologies, people can access the Internet anytime and anywhere. When microelectronic devices and sensors are developed and used in daily life widely, this made the era of the Internet of Things as being applied in all fields in our living environments. Among a variety of new and emerging application domains, “smart home” is interesting and approaching to general users. A smart home system can provide users a comfort, convenient, and digital lifestyle, which can not only offer home automation and entertainment services but also home care services for the intention of assisting and serving the needs of the elderly or disabled persons even normal people.
The study in this thesis firstly conducts a systematic literature review on conceptual frameworks proposed to create smart home care environments based on modern Internet of Things and Web technologies, particularly for elderly in residential environments. Then, this thesis proposes a novel framework design aimed to do the data collection from various sensors and camera nodes. Data communications among these nodes are based on IP and Transmission Control Protocol. All data will be collected onto and processed on a backend data server. This data server will store data on database, and develop web-based smart home care applications. Our study designs a centralized control mechanism based on the Restful architecture and provides a features for users to do remote web access simply by their own PCs, laptops, or mobile devices to manage and monitor smart home care devices. Through this centralized control, users can interact with the web server to operate many services, such as watching real-time streams with multiple cameras, controlling lighting sensors, reading data from humidity sensors, as well as browsing and analyzing history data on the database.
This thesis further attempts to incorporate fall detection into a practical demonstration. The proof-of-concept scenario design, technical development and prototypical implementation thus come out a smart home care system which is capable of camera-based fall detection and alert messaging to users and the remote data center when falling events are signaling. This implementation contains an extensive feature in link with the LINE mobile instant messaging

application. In addition, this implementation is able to call the ASUS Zenbo Robot to assist in smart home care together. Therefore, the efforts in this thesis accomplish a novel integrated smart home care framework which is able to perform web-based management and control for camerabased fall detection and urgent message reporting in residential environments.
關鍵字(中) ★ internet of things
★ smart home
★ home care
★ video streaming
論文目次 摘要 iii Abstract .. iv
Table of Contents .. vi
List of Figures .. viii Introduction .. 1
1.1 Background .. 1
1.2 Contribution . 3
Related Work 5
2.1 Wearable-Based Method .. 5
2.2 Vision-Based Method . 6
2.3 Ambient-Based Method 6
Conceptual Framework . 8
3.1 Scenario .. 8
3.2 Middleware Architecture . 9
3.3 Use Case 13
3.4 System Overview 14
3.5 Background Knowledge . 15
3.5.1 Web Real Time Streaming .. 15
3.5.2 Fall Detection Algorithm.. 16
3.5.3 Multimedia Relay Network 17
3.5.4 Transmission Protocol 18
3.6 Flowchart . 20
3.6.1 Flowchart Web-Application .. 20
3.6.2 Flowchart Streaming .. 21
Implementation and Developed of Prototype Demonstrate . 23
4.1 Installation .. 23
4.1.1 Raspberry Pi 23
4.1.2 Web Application 38
4.1.3 Line Notify . 42
4.1.4 Zenbo 43
4.2 Screenshot .. 45
Conclusion 49
5.1 Summary . 49
5.2 Discussion 49
5.3 Future Work . 50
5.3.1 Real-time Streaming 50
5.3.2 Fall detection 50
5.3.3 User interface and Communication platform . 50
5.3.4 Camera Location .. 51
5.3.5 Data Analysis .. 51
Bibliography 52
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指導教授 胡誌麟(Chih-Lin Hu) 審核日期 2020-1-20
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