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姓名 費安托(Mohammad Tri Fitrianto)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
論文名稱 東台灣池上斷層於大坡國小地區的特性研究
(Characteristics of the Chihshang Fault at Tapo-elementary school area, Eastern Taiwan)
★ 台灣東部石梯坪地區變形條帶之研究★ 探討甲仙地震之地表破壞與觸發斷層之關係
★ 台灣東北角海岸萊萊地區煌斑岩脈及其圍岩之構造演育探討★ 藉離散元素法探討竹山槽溝中斷層引致褶皺之構造演育
★ 永和山構造現地應力與注氣引發斷層再活動評估★ 利用電測資料推估台灣彰濱地區鑽井場址的地下應力場
★ 台灣中部三義斷層於后里-豐原地區之近地表地質構造特性研究★ 集集地震17年後地形崖與斷層地表破裂之關係探
★ 菱鐵礦於高壓下電子自旋態轉變與熱傳導率之研究★ 以離散元素法模擬苗栗出磺坑地區構造演育與裂隙分布評估
★ 台灣西南部中寮隧道北端旗山與龍船斷層帶構造特性研究★ 台灣東部花蓮地區米崙活動斷層之古地震研究
★ 利用地電阻影像法與室內電阻率試驗探討地下構造特性 —以臺灣中部初鄉斷層為例★ 台灣西南部泥岩車瓜林斷層之岩石特徵與隱示
★ 利用曾文溪沿岸階地及碳14定年法分析臺灣西南部崙後斷層及口宵里斷層之活動特性★ 褶皺逆衝帶砂岩中的變形條帶:台灣中部集集攔河堰下游晚上新世至早更新世卓蘭層砂岩
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摘要(中) 池上斷層是台灣東部花東縱谷斷層系列中,其中一段活動活躍的斷層,且池上斷層在震間期以約22 mm/yr的速率抬升,前人的研究大多認為池上斷層跡在富里至萬安地區的位置與花東縱谷及海岸山脈交界處的地形崖位置吻合,沿著此地形崖處已有許多與池上斷層相關的研究,其中一個被探討已久的地方位於大坡國小,沿著此地形崖可觀察到多個近地表正在變形的證據,像是破裂的水泥牆及變形而傾斜破壞的溜滑梯,然而,根據地形崖兩側前人認為是池上斷層上盤及下盤處的兩口鑽探岩心分析,兩口岩心層序可完全對比,且層界近乎水平,並無證據顯示池上斷層通過此處,原本預期池上斷層頂端與的形崖的位置並不吻合,因此池上斷層的位置與地形崖之間的關係是個有趣且值得被探討的問題。本研究目的為釐清此地區池上主斷層的特徵,以及釐清大坡國小內近的表變形與池上斷層之間的關係,本研究利用7口鑽探資料、碳十四定年、地電阻剖面資料及傾斜儀監測資料進行分析,前人研究在大坡國小南側2公里處觀察到池上斷層有分支斷層,為了區別主斷層與分支斷層,本研究定義池上主斷層為錯移量最大的面,此位置本研究也預期會在岩心當中以及傾斜管監測資料看見相對應的證據,根據3孔鑽探岩心分析結果,本研究觀察到個別在不同深度觀察到全新世沉積物與利吉混同層攪和在一起,傾斜儀監測資料也可觀察到位於全新世沉積物及利吉混同層交界處有明顯位移量,本研究定義池上主斷層為岩心中觀察到最後一塊利吉層與全新世沉積物不連續接觸面,3孔岩心主斷層連線計算出的斷層面傾角為77度,主斷層頂端的位置與地形崖的位置並不一致。本研究亦藉由岩心分析,觀察到近地表處利吉混同層有非剪切構造的不規則構造,意味著利吉層有重新堆積的現象,此現象指示此區有崩移的機制,因此本研究推論地形崖處近地表變形受兩種機制影響;斷層錯移及崩移。
摘要(英) Chihshang Fault is one of the most active segments of Longitudinal Valley Fault in eastern Taiwan. The Chihshang Fault is the active fault with the significant uplift rate is up to 22 mm/yr during the inter-seismic period. The previous study stated that the trace of the Chihshang Fault corresponded with the major escarpment that struck from Fuli to Wanan. Many observations had been conducted along this major escarpment to study the Chihshang Fault. One of these locations is the Tapo ES area. Pieces of evidence of surface deformation, such as the fractured concrete wall and the tilted slide platform, can be observed along the major escarpment in this area. Two boreholes were penetrated on the hanging wall and footwall of the major escarpment, respectively. However, these boreholes observation showed the continuity of the sub-horizontal layer with less evidence of significant uplift rate in between. We suspect that the upper tip of the Chihshang Fault in this area does not correspond with the the major escarpment; yet the relation between the major scarp and the Chihshang Fault will be interesting to study. Thus, to understand this phenomenon, the aim of this research is to probe the characteristic of Chihshang Fault and the relation between the Chihshang Fault with the surface deformation at Tapo ES area. We utilized 7 boreholes cores, radiocarbon (C-14) dating, Electric Resistivity Tomography (ERT), and inclinometer monitoring to support this research. In Chinyuan, 2 km to the south from Tapo ES, the Chihshang Fault has several branch faults. In this research, to differentiate the Chihshang main fault from the Chihshang branch fault, we define the Chihshang main fault as the fault with the most slip movement, which we expect to see the evidences through the structure of the rock and the inclinometer monitoring result. From the rock core, we observe the Holocene deposits that intercalate into the Lichi mélange near the boundary of these two materials. This feature is consistently observed in three boreholes. From the inclinometer, the active displacement is observed on the boundary between the Holocene deposits and the Lichi mélange. We infer that the Chihshang main fault, in Tapo ES area, separates the Lichi mélange and the Holocene deposits layer with a dip angle of 77o which the upper tip of this main fault does not correspond with the major escarpment mentioned above. Furthermore, from the insight study of the rock cores, we observe the presence of the reworked mélange near the surface with non-sheared irregular structure which indicates the result of the slumping mechanism. Thus, we infer that the recent deformation on the escarpment is affected by two mechanisms, faulting and slumping.
關鍵字(中) ★ 池上斷層
★ 花東縱谷斷層
★ 活動斷層
★ 地形崖
★ 崩移
關鍵字(英) ★ Chihshang Fault
★ Longitudinal Valley Fault
★ active fault
★ escarpment
★ slumping
論文目次 Abstract i
摘要 ii
Acknowledgments iii
Table of Content iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables ix
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1-1 General description of Chihshang Fault 1
1-2 Tectonic of Taiwan 2
1-3 Review of Chihshang Fault activities related to the major geomorphic scarp 2
1-4 Review of Chihshang Fault characteristics along the geomorphic scarp 3
1-5 Aims and structure of this thesis 4
Chapter 2: Methodology 13
2-1 Field survey 13
2-2 Electric Resistivity Tomography (ERT) 13
2-3 Core analysis 15
2-4 Radiocarbon dating (14C) 16
2-5 Inclinometer monitoring 16
2-5-1 General description of inclinometer data 16
2-5-2 Data processing 17
Chapter 3: Results 24
3-1 Field survey 24
3-1-1 Damaged man-made structures 24
3-1-2 Evidence of local landslide 24
3-1-3 Alluvial deposits at the top of the hill 25
3-2 Core analysis result 25
3-2-1 Cylindrical core analysis 25
3-2-2 Half-Cylindrical core analysis 26
3-3 Radiocarbon dating results 27
3-4 Inclinometer record 28
Chapter 4: Discussion 41
4-1 The trace of Chihshang main fault at Tapo ES area 41
4-2 The movement characteristics in the fault zone 43
4-3 The gravitational effect at Tapo Elementary School 43
4-3-1 Evidence of reworked material based on core observation 43
4-3-2 Active movement of reworked material based on inclinometer data 45
4-4 Subsurface structure at Tapo Elementary School area 46
4-5 Reconstruction of the evolution of the Chihshang Fault movement 48
4-6 Uplift rate of the Chihshang Fault at Tapo 50
4-6-1 Uplift rate based on inclinometer data 50
4-6-2 Uplift rate based on the elevation of the alluvial deposit on the top of the hill 51
Chapter 5: Conclusions 72
References 73
Appendixes 76
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指導教授 黃文正(Wen-Jeng Huang) 審核日期 2020-7-29
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