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姓名 張晋源(Chin-Yuan Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生物醫學工程研究所
論文名稱 研製包覆靛氰綠與利福平之聚乳酸-聚甘醇酸奈米粒子應用於介質內細菌感染治療之研究
(Development of Indocyanine Green-Rifampicin-Encapsulated PLGA Nanoparticles for Photo-Chemo Antimicrobial Therapy in Porous Medium)
★ 可動態改變外翻力矩的治療退化性膝關節炎輔具★ 聚乙二醇對於擬球藻生長與脂質堆積之影響
★ 製備包覆靛氰綠及阿黴素之聚乳酸甘醇酸-聚乙二醇交聯標靶奈米粒子用於乳癌光/化學治療之研究★ 研製包覆靛氰綠與阿黴素之標靶氟化奈米乳劑用於乳癌光/化學治療之研究
★ 研究設計全氟碳化物光生物反應器系統用以純化沼氣並藉此提升微藻生物質及生質能源之產量★ 針對糖尿病足潰瘍設計並製作一種抗菌且能促進傷口癒合的甲殼素複合式水凝膠之研究
★ 利用PLGA微球載體結合超聲波駐波場以提高巨噬細胞藥物輸送之效率★ 以血流動力系統探討血管內皮細胞在尼古丁刺激下對層流剪應力之型態異常與自體凋亡之表現變化
★ 以板式流道系統模擬血管內皮細胞於層流剪力影響下受尼古丁刺激產生發炎反應之研究★ 結合超聲波駐波場與層堆疊自體組裝微球載體建構提高分子傳遞至細胞內效率之方法
★ 製備包覆靛氰綠之聚乳酸甘醇酸標靶奈米粒子用於乳癌光熱暨光動治療之研究★ 建構駐波聲場光生物反應器系統用於提升密閉式微藻養殖效能之研究
★ 雙離子矽氧烷共聚物以沉積法對聚二甲基矽氧烷進行生物相容性修飾★ 開發具有抗菌、消炎、供氧及促使細胞生長特性可注射溫感性水凝膠用於慢性傷口癒合之研究
★ 設計開發一多效複合式殼聚醣水凝膠用於慢性傷口修復之研究★ 丙烯酸胜肽用於開發醫療用途生物活性高分子材料
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摘要(中) 人工關節感染是接受關節置換手術的術後併發症之一,術後發生機率約為2 %,約占25 %的手術失敗總數。當人工關節發生細菌感染後,患者關節局部不舒服且因生物膜緣故通常難以治療、假體難以保存。然而更換全新的假體,不只造成患者身體的負擔也造成二次醫療費用支出。因此本研究開發一種以乳化法包覆靛氰綠(Indocyanine green,ICG)與利福平(Rifampicin) 的聚乳酸甘醇酸(Poly-lactide-co-glycolide, PLGA)的奈米載體(Indocyanine Green-Rifampicin-Encapsulated PLGA Nanoparticles, IRPNPs),期望能利用奈米載體同時攜帶光敏劑與抗生素,同時發揮兩種功效應用於治療細菌感染。根據分析表示IRPNPs的平均粒徑265.6 nm、表面電位-28.2 mV、ICG與Rifampicin的包覆率分別約為82.2 %、33.5 %。在本研究中我們採用人工關節感染中常見的細菌-耐甲氧西林金黃色葡萄球菌(Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, MRSA)與凝固酶陰性葡萄球菌(Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci, CoNS),進行抗菌及破壞生物膜分析,在此研究中,我們提供多孔載體給細菌生長,用以模擬體內細菌感染的環境,後續也將多孔載體應用於in vivo的小鼠異物模型內。在in vitro實驗中,當細菌與多孔載體一同培養時,當葡萄糖存在時能提高細菌生物膜的含量,且珠上細菌隨著時間流逝而逐漸減少。當IRPNPs應用於抗菌及生物膜實驗時,IRPNPs的效果相較於單一光療或是單一抗生素的功效時,皆有一定程度提升,且在後續應用於小鼠異物模型時,也可以獲得與in vitro相似的結果,更是增加我們對IRPNPs對治療細菌感染的信心。
摘要(英) Artificial joint infection is the postoperative complications of joint replacement surgery. The postoperative infection rate is about 2 %, accounting for about 25 % of the total number of surgical failures. The infection area will not only let the patients to feel uncomfortable also hard for treating and difficult to preserve artificial joint. Most of time the patient needs to replacing a new one , which not only causes patient pain but also increases huge secondary medical expenses. This research developed a nano-particles IRPNPs of poly-lactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) encapsulate with indocyanine green (ICG) and rifampicin by emulsion method. IRPNPs can be a carrier to carry both a photosensitizer and an antibiotic, and exert both functions to treat bacterial infections. According to the analysis, the average particle diameter of IRPNPs was 265.6 nm, the surface potential was -28.2 mV, and the encapsulation rate of ICG and Rifampicin are about 82.2 % and 33.5 %.In this study, we used Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) and Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci (CoNS), both are common bacteria cause in artificial joint infections. In this study, we provided porous ceramics for bacterial growth to simulate the environment of bacterial infections in vitro and also in vivo mice foreign body models. In vitro experiments, bacteria were cultured with porous ceramics, the mount of bacterial biofilm was increased when culture medium with glucose, and both the bacteria and biofilms on the beads will decrease with the passage of time. When IRPNPs are used in antibacterial and biofilm experiments, compared with the efficacy of single phototherapy or single antibiotics , the effects of IRPNPs are obvious improved. When it applied into mouse foreign body model the results is similar to in vitro experiments that increase our confidence to apply IRPNPs for treating bacterial infections.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人工關節感染
★ 奈米粒子
★ 靛氰綠
★ 生物膜
★ 利福平
★ 小鼠異物模型
關鍵字(英) ★ PJI
★ nanoparticles
★ Biofilm
★ Rifampicin
★ Mice foreign body model
論文目次 摘要...................i
一、緒論............... 1
2-1-5現有臨床治療 ..........5
2-4 In vivo植入物相關感染模型......14
2-5靛氰綠 Indocyanine green.......18
2-6利福平 Rifampicin..............20
三、研究材料與方法 ..........21
3-2 IRPNPs製備流程........22
3-2-1 0.2% PVA製備........22
3-2-2 IRPNPs製備.......22
3-3 IRPNPs 包覆率與載藥率....23
3-6-1細菌培養................ 25
3-6-4生物膜破壞及含量Elisa OD測定........27
3-7-1 動物實驗流程.........27
3-7-2 建立小鼠異物模型......28
3-7-3 IRPNPs小鼠模型體內抗菌試驗.......28
4-1 IRPNPs 物理性質分析.......30
4-1-3 包覆率與載藥率分析.........31
4-3 IRPNPs 體外生物膜試驗及抗菌試驗....34
4-3-1 MRSA生物膜試驗...........34
4-3-2 MRSA體外抗菌試驗........36
4-4 小鼠體內異物模型之抗菌試驗.............45
4-4-1 In vivo行前測試..................45
4-4-2 In vivo抗菌試驗...............46
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指導教授 李宇翔(Yu-Hsiang Lee) 審核日期 2020-6-2
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