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姓名 麥涵偉(Christian Winata)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 芽孢桿菌細胞壁對增強工程用水泥基複合材料(ECC)力學與自癒性能的影響
(The Influence of Bacillus Bacteria Cell Walls on Enhancing The Mechanical and Self-Healing Performances of Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC))
★ 電弧爐氧化碴特性及取代混凝土粗骨材之成效研究★ 路基土壤回彈模數試驗系統量測不確定度與永久變形行為探討
★ 工業廢棄物再利用於營建工程粒料策略之研究★ 以鹼活化技術資源化電弧爐煉鋼還原碴之研究
★ 低放處置場工程障壁之溶出失鈣及劣化敏感度分析★ 以知識本體技術與探勘方法探討台北都會區道路工程與管理系統之研究
★ 電弧爐煉鋼爐碴特性及取代混凝土粗骨材之研究★ 三維有限元素應用於柔性鋪面之非線性分析
★ 放射性廢料處置場緩衝材料之力學性質★ 放射性廢料深層處置場填封用薄漿之流變性與耐久性研究
★ 路基土壤受反覆載重作用之累積永久變形研究★ 還原碴取代部份水泥之研究
★ 路基土壤反覆載重下之回彈與塑性行為及模式建構★ 重載交通荷重對路面損壞分析模式之建立
★ 鹼活化電弧爐還原碴之水化反應特性★ 電弧爐氧化碴為混凝土骨材之可行性研究
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摘要(中) 環境暴露對混凝土結構造成的破壞可能會導致水加速鋼筋的腐蝕。此外,由於缺乏熟練工人,許多承包商近年抱怨混凝土質量不佳。工程用水泥基複合材料 (Engineered Cementitious Composite, ECC) 是一種環保材料,使用廢料(飛灰)和聚乙烯醇 (Polyvinyl Alcohol, PVA) 纖維,通常為2% 以具有更大的應變能力、自固結和自修復能力。然而,當裂紋寬度超過50 µm時,它無法快速完全癒合。為了提高其自癒能力,細菌細胞壁 (Bacterial Cell Walls, BCW) 是與ECC結合的替代方法。兩種類型的BCW:枯草芽孢桿菌和巨大芽孢桿菌,以水重量0.34% 的相同濕重的量摻入ECC。作為對比,使用含 2% 纖維的ECC-M45作為對照。進行流動性、變形係數、壓縮強度、單軸拉伸強度、彎曲強度、電阻率、pH測量和吸水率試驗以測試材料力學性能,同時使用顯微鏡調查裂紋寬度作為吸附恢復試驗以評估自癒性能。結果表明,加入BCW有效地提高了ECC的力學性能,在ECC中添加BCW Subtilis後,拉伸和彎曲強度均增加,而使用BCW Megaterium的ECC顯示出更好的應變能力和比對照組更大的強度。此外,在ECC中添加BCW也顯示出比沒有BCW更好的裂紋寬度減少,其中大部分裂紋寬度在28天復發開始時迅速閉合。因此,可以說BCW的加入可以增強ECC的力學與自癒性能。
摘要(英) Damage to concrete structures caused by environmental exposure may lead to water accelerate the corrosion of steel bars. Besides, many contractors recently complained about the poor quality of concrete due to the lack of skilled workers. Engineered cementitious composite (ECC) is an eco-friendly material using waste material (fly ash) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibers, typically 2% that characterizes greater strain capacity, self-consolidating, and self-healing capability. However, it cannot be fully healed with a crack width over 50 µm rapidly. To improve its self-healing capability, bacterial cell walls (BCW) are alternative approaches to incorporate with ECC. Two types of BCW, bacillus subtilis and bacillus megaterium, were incorporated into ECC in the same amount of 0.34% wet weight of water weight. As a comparison, ECC-M45 with 2% fiber was applied as a control. The flowability, deformability factor, compressive strength, uniaxial tensile strength, flexural strength, resistivity, pH measurement, and water absorption test were performed as mechanical performances, while crack width investigation using microscope supported sorptivity recovery test were implemented as self-healing performances. The results indicated that adding BCW effectively improved the mechanical performance of ECC. It was found that both tensile and flexural strength increased with the addition of BCW Subtilis to ECC, while ECC with BCW Megaterium showed better strain capacity with greater strength than the control. Furthermore, adding BCW to ECC also revealed better crack-width reduction than without BCW, where most of the crack width had closed rapidly at the beginning of 28-day recurrence. Therefore, it can be said that the addition of BCW can enhance the mechanical and self-healing performances of ECC.
關鍵字(中) ★ 工程用水泥基複合材料
★ 細菌細胞壁
★ 自癒性能
★ 力學性能
★ 芽孢桿菌類型
★ Bio ECC
關鍵字(英) ★ Engineered cementitious composite
★ Bacterial cell walls
★ Self-healing performances
★ Mechanical performances
★ Bacillus types
★ Bio ECC
論文目次 Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Preface iii
Acknowledgments iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures viii
List of Tables xii
Explanation of Symbols xiv
Chapter I Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research objectives 1
1.3 Research scopes 2
1.4 Research flowchart 2
Chapter II Literature Review 4
2.1 Repairing structural techniques 4
2.2 Fiber composite materials 5
2.2.1 Fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) 5
2.2.2 Engineered cementitious composite 5
2.2.3 The comparison between FRC and ECC 5
2.3 The type of various self-healing mechanism 6
2.3.1 Autogenous self-healing of ECC 7
2.3.2 Autonomous encapsulated bacteria-based 9
2.3.3 Autonomous bacteria-based (microbial induced calcite precipitation) 10 The improvement of mechanical performances in BCW 11
2.4 The effect of medium sources for microbial concrete production 12
2.5 Bio-derived viscosity modifying admixture (VMA) 14
2.5.1 BCW treated as VMA 15
2.6 The improvement of bacterial incorporation with ECC 17
2.7 The benefits of using self-healing materials 19
Chapter III Research Methodology 20
3.1 Research programs 20
3.2 Research limitation 23
3.3 Material properties 23
3.3.1 Fly ash 23
3.3.2 Silica sand 25
3.3.3 Fiber specification 25
3.3.4 Bacterial specification 26
3.4 Bacterial preparation 26
3.4.1 Cultivation of bacteria 26
3.4.2 The process of collecting bacterial cell walls 27
3.4.3 Medium preparation 28
3.4.4 The viability of bacteria 29
3.5 Mix design proportion 30
3.6 Experimental programs 32
3.6.1 Flow of mortar test 32
3.6.2 Deformability test 32
3.6.3 Compressive strength test 33
3.6.4 Uniaxial tensile strength test 33
3.6.5 Flexural strength test 35 The empirical relationship between flexural and compressive strength 39
3.6.6 Resistivity test 39
3.6.7 The pH measurement 41
3.6.8 Water absorption test (sorptivity) 41
3.6.9 Sorptivity recovery test (self-healing performance) 44
3.6.10 Crack width recovery test 44
Chapter IV Results and Discussion 47
4.1 Consistency performances 47
4.1.1 Flowability test 47
4.1.2 Deformability factor 48
4.2 Mechanical Improvement 49
4.2.1 Compressive strength 49
4.2.2 Uniaxial tensile strength behavior 50
4.2.3 Flexural strength behavior 52
4.2.4 Surface resistivity 59
4.2.5 The pH of ECC 60
4.2.6 Water absorption (sorptivity) 61
4.3 Self-healing performances 65
4.3.1 Sorptivity recovery investigation 65
4.3.2 Crack width Investigation 70
4.3.3 The investigation of the self-healing mechanism 76
Chapter V Conclusions and Recommendations 79
5.1 Conclusions 79
5.2 Recommendations 80
References 81
Appendix A 86
Appendix B 87
Appendix C 88
Appendix D 89
Appendix E 93
Appendix F 95
Appendix G 97
Appendix H 98
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指導教授 黃偉慶(Wei-Hsing Huang) 審核日期 2021-8-24
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