博碩士論文 107325003 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃子綸(Tzu-Lun Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木系營建管理碩士班
論文名稱 結合BIM與橋梁管理資訊系統之初步研究
(A Preliminary Study on Integrating BIM and Bridge Management System)
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摘要(中) 建築資訊模型 (Building Information Modeling, BIM)是以建築物構件為基礎所發展的技術,目前國內BIM在建築工程已有相當程度的發展,近年來公共工程亦已逐漸將BIM放入契約規範中。國內目前BIM大多應用於建築工程,但在橋梁、道路等土木工程方面,對於BIM之應用則僅處於起步階段。
第二代臺灣地區橋梁管理資訊系統(Taiwan Bridge Management System for Highways, 2nd Ed, TBMS2),已可利用橋梁現有之基本資料,自動化建立橋梁之各種主要構件(3D)並組成三維橋梁示意模型;檢測橋梁時可點選任一3D構件,並將之放大縮小、旋轉等,以標示構件劣化的態樣與位置。但TBMS2目前並無法直接讀取橋梁的BIM模型中之橋梁資訊,亦即,橋梁的BIM模型目前尚無法與TBM2結合,導致即便已建立橋梁的BIM模型,仍須於TBMS2中以人工方式逐一輸入橋梁之基本資料,其中實有極大之改善空間。
摘要(英) Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a 3D application technique based on building components that has been used in the building industry in Taiwan for a number of years. Requirements of using BIM are incorporated into the construction contracts in many public construction projects in Taiwan. Currently, only a few bridge BIM applications found as opposed to that in building projects in Taiwan.
Taiwan Bridge Management System (the second edition, TBMS2) is able to generate a schematic 3D model based on basic bridge inventory data. Components in the 3D model can be selected, zoom in or zoom out, or rotated so that type and position of deterioration can be marked on. However, TBMS2 is not able to read bridge BIM models generated by BIM software. I.e., the integration between bridge BIM and TBMS2 is not yet feasible; even though the bridge BIM model has been established, the bridge information still needs to be input into TBMS2 manually. There is a lot room for improvement.
This research aims at developing an efficient and feasible means to integrate bridge BIM models and TBMS2. Necessary basic fields for a bridge was firstly analyzed, then the standard processes to establish a bridge BIM model in the software were summarized. Thus, after the bridge BIM model is established, a bridge data file can be output as the input into TBMS2 which saves a huge amount of human labor. Verification of data correctness also can be perform by comparing the bridge shown in BIM and the schematic bridge model shown in TBMS2. Results of this research are deemed very helpful in improving efficiency and data correctness of bridge management using BIM techniques.
關鍵字(中) ★ 橋梁
★ 建築資訊模型
★ 橋梁管理
★ 橋梁管理系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Bridge
★ Bridge Management
★ Bridge Management System
論文目次 摘要..........................I
第 1 章 緒論..................1
1.1 研究背景..............1
1.2 研究動機..............2
1.3 研究目的..............3
1.4 研究範圍及限制..............4
1.5 研究流程及方法..............4
1.6 論文架構..............4
第 2 章 文獻回顧..............6
2.1 橋梁管理系統..............6
2.1.1 國外橋梁管理系統..............6
2.1.2 國內橋梁管理系統..............7
2.1.3 臺灣地區橋梁管理資訊系統之基本資料功能模組介紹..............8
2.1.4 橋梁管理系統效能增進之相關研究..............11
2.2 建築資訊模型..............12
2.2.1 BIM與橋梁工程之應用..............13
2.2.2 BIM在橋梁管理方面之優點..............17
2.2.3 橋梁工程與建築工程之差異..............18
2.2.4 橋梁BIM模型建置軟體之選用..............19
2.2.5 BIM資料輸出..............20
2.2.6 將BIM納入橋梁管理系統相關研究..............22
第 3 章 橋梁管理系統資料需求分析..............23
3.1 第二代橋梁管理系統基本欄位數據整理..............23
3.2 基於BIM的橋梁工程資訊分類..............24
3.2.1 資訊分類方法..............24
3.3 基本資料欄位之類別設定..............29
3.4 規則建立..............35
3.4.1 資料表規則..............35
3.4.2 欄位規則..............36
3.5 小結..............42
第 4 章 BIM與橋梁管理系統之資料整合..............43
4.1 橋梁BIM模型建立..............43
4.1.1 Revit族群介紹..............43
4.1.2 Revit參數化設計介紹..............45
4.2 橋梁參數化建模..............47
4.2.1 確認橋梁基本資料..............47
4.2.2 逐構件拆解..............48
4.2.3 橋梁元件建置..............48
4.2.4 BIM模型組建..............52
4.3 實例驗證..............52
4.3.1 現有BIM橋梁模型匯入系統..............54
4.3.2 實例驗證檢討與成果分析..............55
第 5 章 結論與建議..............57
5.1 結論..............57
5.2 建議..............58
第 6 章 參考文獻..............60
附錄一 專家意見回覆..............1
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指導教授 姚乃嘉(Nie-Jia Yau) 審核日期 2020-7-29
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