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姓名 張瓊云(Qiong-Yun Zhang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 調查經零價鐵與硫酸鹽處理之水田根系土 於稻作栽種期間主要最終電子接受程序
(Investigation of the primary terminal electron accepting process in the paddy rhizosphere amended with zerovalent iron and sulfate during rice cultivation)
★ 埔心溪補助灌溉水水質與渠道底泥重金屬含量調查分析★ 桃園航空城三所國小周界大氣PAHs濃度探討
★ 無塵室揮發性有機氣體異味調查探討 -以某晶圓級封裝廠為例★ 利用土壤植栽與固相微萃取探討植作對非離子態有機污染物之吸收模式
★ 零價鐵與硫酸鹽的添加對於水田根圈環境汞 之生物有效性與菌相組成的影響★ 以紫外光/二氧化鈦光催化降解程序去除水溶液相內分泌干擾物質壬基苯酚之研究
★ 異化性鐵還原狀態下非生物性汞氧化還原 作用及其對地下水水質之影響★ 水溶液相中多壁奈米碳管分散懸浮與抑菌效果之相關性探討
★ 鄰近汞排放源之水稻田受現地地質化學與微生物影響之甲基汞生成與累積作用-以北投垃圾焚化爐為例★ 以淨水污泥灰及廢玻璃為矽鋁源合成MCM-41並應用於重鉻酸鹽吸附之研究
★ 鄰近汞排放源之水稻田受現地地質化學與微生物影響之甲基汞生成與累積作用 -以台中火力發電廠為例★ 細胞固定化影響厭氧氨氧化程序脫氮效能之研究
★ 藉由非抗性模式細菌對鎘之攝取機制探討量子點的生態毒性潛勢★ 利用生物性聚合物交聯所成穿透式網絡結構穩定污染土壤中之重金屬(鉛、鉻、鎘)
★ 蚯蚓處理加速堆肥廚餘去化可行性評估-以臺北市為例★ 氣相層析三段四極柱串聯質譜儀應用於多溴二苯醚環境樣品之分析
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摘要(中) 過往的文獻已證實藉由二價鐵與硫酸鹽(sulfate)的適度添加,可讓汞(Hg)與鎘(Cd)穩定於底泥跟土壤介質中,達到兩金屬生物有效性顯著降低之功效。然而,實驗室前期盆栽試驗的結果,卻發現僅有零價鐵可發揮降低水田根系土壤中鎘之生物有效性的功能,硫酸鹽的效果卻遠不如預期。由於後續菌種組成的調查顯示試驗土壤中的硫酸鹽還原菌佔比極低,故本研究從生態氧化序列(ecological redox sequence)的角度切入,試圖調查硫
摘要(英) Previous literatures have confirmed that by moderate addition of ferrous iron and sulfate,
mercury and cadmium can be stabilized in the sediment and soil medium, and the bioavailability
of the two metals can be significantly reduced. However, the results of the previous pot
experiments in the laboratory found that only zero-valent iron can play a role in reducing the
bioavailability of cadmium in the root soil of paddy fields, while the effect of sulfate is far less
than expected. Since the subsequent investigation of bacterial species composition showed that
the proportion of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the test soil was extremely low, this study started
from the perspective of ecological redox sequence, and tried to investigate whether the reason
why sulfate could not exert its effect was the same as that in the previous period. Fertilizers
used in the experiments contained final electron acceptors that were more readily available to
local microorganisms than sulfate. In view of this, this study used the original contaminated
soil and regularly added the same amount of organic carbon (glucose and acetate) as the
measured root exudates, and divided them into groups with or without added fertilizers for a
period of two months. Soil miniature model culture experiment to explore the relationship
between (two) fertilizers, sulfate and zero-valent iron when the rhizosphere soil reaches
anaerobic state in the simulated paddy water-covered period, and the reduction of heavy metal
concentration in pore water Whether or not, as evidence of reduced bioavailability of the metal
in soil media during the test period.The results of the study found that the presence of sulfide
and ferrous iron could be successfully observed over time in soil and pore water samples
without fertilizers, and the concentration of cadmium in pore water was effectively reduced. In
the group containing fertilizer, the reduction rate of zerovalent body and sulfate was slower than
that of the group without fertilizer, and there was no response. Nitrate was detected in pore
water, and its concentration gradually decreased with time. During the process, traces of nitrite
were also found, which can confirm that the nitrate reduction (or denitrification) reaction is
going on in the system, and it can be speculated that the nitrate in the soil will compete with
zero-valent iron and sulfate, and It preferentially becomes the electron acceptor for microbial respiration in the system, and finally makes the sulfate most affected, because it cannot be effectively reduced, so that the bioavailability of cadmium in the system cannot be significantly reduced.These results indicate that when using sulfate to remediate paddy soil contaminated with cadmium or other heavy metals, it is necessary to first detect whether the fertilizer used contains a certain concentration of nitrate, because its final effect will conflict with this nitrogen fertilizer containing nitrate, and the two The result of the competition between the two in the
anaerobic rhizosphere will cause the ineffective remediation effect brought by sulfate; but if there is a lack of sufficient nitrate as an electron acceptor in the environment, the addition of sulfate still has a good effect, which can effectively reduce the amount of soil in paddy fields.Cadmium concentration in pore water, and its low price, is a soil conditioner worth considering.
關鍵字(中) ★ 水田根圈土壤
★ 鎘污染
★ 生物有效性
★ 硫酸鹽添加
★ 生態氧化序列
★ 含硝酸鹽肥料
關鍵字(英) ★ paddy rhizosphere
★ cadmium pollution
★ bioavailability
★ sulfate amendment
★ ecological redox sequence
★ nitrate-containing fertilizer
論文目次 摘要 ........................................................................................................................................ i
Abstract ................................................................................................................................. ii
第一章 前言 ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景 ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 重金屬污染農田帶來的影響 ................................................................. 1
1.1.2 農地重金屬污染整治技術 ..................................................................... 2
1.1.3 鎘在水稻田覆水期間時的型態 ............................................................. 2
1.1.4 利用硫酸鹽與零價鐵整治水稻土原因 .................................................. 3
1.1.5 土壤介質中硫酸鹽、零價鐵與鎘的相互關係 ...................................... 4
1.1.6 硫酸鹽、零價鐵、鎘對生物體和植作體的影響 ................................... 5
1.1.7 硫酸鹽與零價鐵植栽試驗結果 ............................................................. 6
1.1.8 生態氧化還原序列 ............................................................................... 14
1.2 研究目的 .......................................................................................................... 16
第二章 材料與方法 ...................................................................................................... 17
2.1 實驗設計與架構 .............................................................................................. 17
2.1.1 土壤配製 .............................................................................................. 17
2.1.2 土壤縮模實驗架構 ............................................................................... 20
2.1.3 土壤根系分泌物收集方式與添加 ........................................................ 24
2.2 孔隙水參數分析 .............................................................................................. 28
2.2.1 孔隙水採集 .......................................................................................... 28
2.2.2 孔隙水中DOC 濃度定量分析 ............................................................. 29
2.2.3 孔隙水中總氮濃度定量分析 ............................................................... 29
2.2.4 孔隙水中硫化物濃度定量分析 ........................................................... 29
2.2.5 孔隙水中亞鐵濃度定量分析 ............................................................... 30
2.2.6 孔隙水中硝酸鹽/亞硝酸鹽/硫酸鹽濃度定量分析 .............................. 30
2.2.7 孔隙水中重金屬(鎘、銅、鋅)濃度定量分析 ...................................... 30
2.3 土壤參數分析 .................................................................................................. 30
2.3.1 土壤中可被稀鹽酸溶解萃取之總鐵/亞鐵分析 ................................... 30
2.3.2 土壤中揮發性硫化物(acid-volatile suifide, AVS)分析 ......................... 32
第三章 結果與討論 ...................................................................................................... 33
3.1 根系分泌物的收集與成分的衰減 ................................................................... 33
3.2 土壤背景與肥料分析 ...................................................................................... 35
3.3 縮模實驗中零價鐵與硫化物在土壤固相中的測值 ........................................ 39
3.4 縮模實驗中孔隙水中總碳及總氮的測值 ........................................................ 42
3.5 縮模實驗中孔隙水中硝酸鹽與亞硝酸鹽的測值 ............................................ 45
3.6 縮模實驗中零價鐵與硫酸鹽在孔隙水中的測值 ............................................ 48
3.7 縮模實驗中親硫金屬(Cd、Cu、Zn)於孔隙水中的測值 ................................ 53
3.8 NRB、IRB 與SRB 三者於生態圈中的相互關係 ........................................... 57
3.9 在開放系統中硝酸鹽還原菌與氮肥間於土壤中的關係 ................................. 58
第四章 結論與建議 ...................................................................................................... 60
4.1 結論 ................................................................................................................. 60
4.2 建議 ................................................................................................................. 61
參考文獻 ............................................................................................................................. 62
附錄 ..................................................................................................................................... 68
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指導教授 林居慶(Chu-Ching Lin) 審核日期 2022-9-26
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