博碩士論文 107327010 詳細資訊

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姓名 胡鎧麟(Kai-Lin Hu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光機電工程研究所
論文名稱 以PPG脈搏訊號提取時頻特徵做心血管疾病診斷的神經網路
★ 直下式背光模組最佳化之設計★ 反射式發光二極體光源之近燈頭燈設計
★ 指紋辨識之光學成像系統設計★ 微型投影機之LED光源設計
★ 具積體型稜鏡體之指紋辨識光學模組的光學特性分析研究★ 應用田口穩健設計法於特殊函數調變變化規範下的絕熱式光方向完全耦合器波導結構設計優化
★ 雙反射面鏡型太陽能集光模組設計★ 使用光線追跡法設計軸對稱太陽能集光器
★ 應用於直下式背光模組之邊射型發光二極體設計與其模組研究★ 高功率LED二次光學透鏡模組設計
★ 微型雷射投影機光學設計★ LED陣列用於室內照明之設計與驗證
★ 應用於聚光型太陽光電系統之二次光學元件設計與分析★ 一種色溫及色彩可控制的多光源燈具設計
★ 運用光場程式化技巧快速設計LED直下式背光模組之研究★ 應用於彩色共焦顯微術之繞射元件設計
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摘要(中) 摘要

關鍵字: 小波轉換、總體經驗模態分解、光體積變化描計圖法、倒傳遞神經網路、卷積神經網路
摘要(英) Abstract
The aim of this thesis is to discuss the details and algorithms of signal processing techniques such as continuous wavelet transform, discrete wavelet transform and ensemble empirical mode decomposition; and how they can be applied to human health condition classification by analyzing human pulse with aforementioned methods. By applying these methods and a new algorithm proposed in this thesis on human pulse dataset measured by Photoplethysmography(PPG), the features in time domain and time-frequency domain of PPG pulse signal can be extracted successfully as the inputs to two kinds of artificial neural network: Backpropagation Neural Network(BPNN) and Convolution Neural Network(CNN) to examine whether the 88 samples could be clustered into three different groups according to the cardiovascular conditions described in the datasets.
The experiment shows that the testing accuracy of BPNN with inputs vector composed by six features in time domain, eight features in time-frequency domain and proper stopping criterions to avoid over-fitting is about 67% to 73%. On the other hand, the testing accuracy of CNN with inputs are time-frequency mapped with frequency range between 2Hz to 10Hz and time interval is one second can achieve about 61% to 64%.
Comparing the testing accuracy of two datasets gives us a conclusion that the algorithm used in this paper to extract features affects the classification result is much less than the quality of PPG pulse signal acquired in different circumstances and samples of dataset for analysis.
Keyword: Wavelet transform, Ensemble empirical mode decomposition, Photoplethysmography, Backpropagation neural network, Convolution neural network
關鍵字(中) ★ 小波轉換
★ 總體經驗模態分解
★ 光體積變化描計圖法
★ 倒傳遞神經網路
★ 卷積神經網路
關鍵字(英) ★ Wavelet transform
★ Ensemble empirical mode decomposition
★ Photoplethysmography
★ Backpropagation neural network
★ Convolution neural network
論文目次 目錄
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章、緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2文獻回顧 1
第二章、基礎理論 6
2-1時頻分析的測不準原理 6
2-2傅立葉轉換 7
2-3短時間傅立葉轉換 8
2-4連續小波轉換 10
2-4-1小波轉換的簡介: 10
2-4-2尺度(Scale) 11
2-4-3通用型摩斯小波(Generalized Morse Wavelet) 15
2-5離散小波轉換(Discrete Wavelet Transform) 17
2-5-1基本演算法 17
2-5-2多貝西小波 18
2-6總體經驗模態分解(Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition) 22
2-7光體積變化描計圖法(Photoplethysmography) 25
2-7-1光體積變化描計圖法簡介 25
2-7-2以NI ELVIS Ⅱ及NI LabVIEW進行量測 25
2-8卷積神經網路與倒傳遞神經網路 28
2-8-1倒傳遞神經網路(Backpropagation Neural Network) 28
2-8-2卷積神經網路(Convolution Neural Network) 32
第三章、研究過程 35
3-1資料庫概述 35
3-2倒傳遞神經網路的訓練 36
3-2-1時域特徵提取 36
3-2-2時頻域特徵提取 43
3-2-3訓練過程以及結果 47
3-3卷積神經網路的訓練 54
3-3-1時頻域特徵提取 54
3-3-2訓練過程與結果 57
3-4驗證神經網路以及時頻圖特徵提取方法的合理性 62
3-4-1驗證卷積神經網路的設定 62
3-4-2驗證自行開發的演算法 65
3-5驗證倒傳遞神經網路架構的合理性 68
3-5-1主成分分析 68
3-5-2訓練結果 70
3-6採用平均參數值的概念對倒傳遞神經網路進行訓練 73
3-6-1訓練結果 73
3-7測試自行量測的脈搏訊號 79
3-7-1以NI ELVIS Ⅱ量測到的脈搏做神經網路的驗證資料 79
第四章、結論以及未來展望 80
4-1實驗結果的總結 80
4-2未來展望 81
參考文獻 82
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指導教授 陳奇夆 審核日期 2020-8-18
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