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姓名 范妮莎(Maria Fernanda Vanessa Alvarez Carrascal)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
論文名稱 氣候變化對哥倫比亞 Pamplonita 和 Zulia 流域的水流的影響
(Influence of climate change on streamflow in Pamplonita and Zulia watershed, Colombia.)
★ 水資源供需指標建立之研究★ 救旱措施對水資源供需之影響分析
★ 台灣地區颱風雨降雨型態之分析研究★ 滯洪池系統最佳化之研究
★ 運用遺傳演算優化串聯水庫系統聯合運轉規線之研究★ 河川魚類棲地分佈之推估與分析研究-以卑南溪新武呂河段為例-
★ 整合型區域水庫與攔河堰聯合運轉系統模擬解析及優化之研究★ 河川低水流量分流演算推估魚類棲地之研究-以烏溪上游為例
★ 大漢溪中游生態基流量推估與棲地改善之研究★ 遺傳演算法運用在石門與翡翠水庫並聯系統操作規線之研究
★ 石門水庫水質模擬與水理探討★ 越域引水水庫聯合操作規線與打折供水最佳化之應用-以寶山與寶山第二水庫為例
★ 防洪疏散門最佳啟閉時間之研究 -以基隆河臺北市河段為例-★ 配水管網破管與供水穩定性關係之研究
★ 石門水庫永續指標之建立與研究★ 台灣地區重要水庫集水區永續指標建立與評量
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摘要(中) 氣候變遷對水資源乃至於整體社會帶來影響,已是不爭的事實。水資源短缺對經濟、政策、飲食安全、科技以及人民的生活品質造成巨大的影響。本研究採用長期水平衡模式,預測哥倫比亞的潘普洛尼塔與蘇利亞流域,在兩種情境底下的河川流量。這兩種情境代表社會經濟、科技、環境、氣候以及溫室氣體排放的可能狀態。本研究採用的情境設定來源於IPCC第五次評估報告(AR5)所使用之「代表濃度路徑」(RCPs)。其根據未來溫室氣體排放、經濟、政策、科技、機構以及人口統計數據的數種組合,評估2100年的輻射強迫力。此兩種情境用以評估2030年與2050年之間的氣候變遷狀況,其中氣候變遷對於河川流量的影響,在溫度方面,將以五種大氣環流模式(GCMs)進行評估,即CCSm4,GFDL-CM3,MIROC5,MPI-ESM-LR 及 MRI-C6CM3,降水方面則是BCC-CSM,CCSm4,GISS E2-H,GISS-E2-R,MPI ESM 以及 MRI-C6CM3六種。
研究結果顯示溫度呈現上升的趨勢。2050年,溫度將在RCP4.5情況下平均上升2.0±0.6°C,RCP8.5的情況下則為2.8±0.7 °C。另一方面,降水的趨勢並不明顯,然而其平均值仍顯示略為減少:在2050年,RCP4.5的情況下將是-0.23±0.5%,而RCP8.5的結果則呈現為-0.48±0.7%。在整個推估期間內,其預計流量整體呈現降低的趨勢。預料在2050年,流域出口的年平均流量將在RCP4.5的情況下-4.04 ± 2.6%;而在RCP8.5的情況下-7.77± 1.5%。本文研究結果可作為相關區域決策者的評估工具,為未來水資源管理的決策提供參考。
摘要(英) It is expected that climate change will have an impact on water resources, hence in society. Water scarcity represents a great impact on the economic system, policy, alimentary safe, technology, and population′s life quality. This study uses the Long-term Water Balance to project the streamflow in the Pamplonita and Zulia watersheds in Colombia under two different scenarios. These two scenarios represent how several factors would unfurl in the future, like socioeconomic, technological, environmental, climate, and greenhouse gas emission conditions. The scenarios used in this project come from the 5th IPCC assessment report (AR5), named Representative Concentration Pathway (RCPs), radiative forcing by 2100, due to different combinations of greenhouse gas emission, economic, policy, technological, institutional and demographic futures). These scenarios were used to assess climate change for two periods of time between 2030 and 2050. The impact on the streamflow was evaluated with five GCMs for temperature: namely CCSm4, GFDL-CM3, MIROC5, MPI-ESM-LR and MRI-C6CM3, and six for precipitation: namely BCC-CSM, CCSm4, GISS E2-H, GISS-E2-R, MPI ESM and MRI-C6CM3.
The results indicate an increasing trend for temperature, with an average increase of 2.0±0.6°C under RCP4.5, and 2.8±0.7 °C under RCP8.5 by 2050. On the other hand, precipitation doesn′t present a clear-cut. However, the mean of these presents a slight decrease, -0.23±0.5% under RCP4.5 and -0.48±0.7% under RCP8.5 by 2050. The projected streamflow indicated an overall trend of decreases in all the periods under review. Annual average streamflow has anticipated a decrease of -4.04 ± 2.6% at the outlet of the watershed under RCP4.5 and -7.77± 1.5% under RCP8.5 by 2050. These results serve as a tool for policymakers in the region, as a reference for the future decision on the water resource management in the region.
關鍵字(中) ★ 氣候變化
★ 水資源
★ 長期水平衡
★ 哥倫比亞
關鍵字(英) ★ Climate change
★ Water Resources
★ Long-term water balance
★ Colombia
論文目次 Table of Contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Objective ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Scope of the study .............................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Motivation .......................................................................................................................... 2
2 Literature Review ........................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Climate change .................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Climate change impact assessment methodology ........................................................... 4
2.2.1 General Circulation Models (GCMs) ............................................................................................ 4
2.2.2 Hydrological models ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3 Scenarios ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Previous research .............................................................................................................. 6
3 Study Area ...................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Climate ............................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Economy ........................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Water resources ............................................................................................................... 11
4 Methodology ................................................................................................................. 12
4.1 Data Sources and Pre-processing ................................................................................... 12
4.1.1 GCM’s downscaled data ............................................................................................................. 12
4.1.2 Historical Climate Conditions Data ............................................................................................ 13
4.2 Representative Concentration Pathway ........................................................................ 13
4.3 Long-Term Water Balance ............................................................................................. 13
4.4 Historical Streamflow Computation .............................................................................. 16
4.5 Projected Streamflow Computation .............................................................................. 16
5 Results and Discussion ................................................................................................. 17
5.1 Historical Data ................................................................................................................. 17
5.1.1 Temperature ................................................................................................................................ 17
5.1.2 Precipitation ................................................................................................................................ 21
5.1.3 Streamflow .................................................................................................................................. 25
5.2 Projected Data ................................................................................................................. 28
5.2.1 Temperature ................................................................................................................................ 28
5.2.2 Precipitation ................................................................................................................................ 30
5.2.3 Streamflow .................................................................................................................................. 33
5.3 Streamflow in the dry season ......................................................................................... 35
5.4 RCPs Comparison ........................................................................................................... 38
5.5 Discussion ......................................................................................................................... 39
6 Conclusions and Future Research .............................................................................. 42
7 References ..................................................................................................................... 43
ANNEX A .............................................................................................................................. 48
ANNEX B .............................................................................................................................. 51
ANNEX C .............................................................................................................................. 77
ANNEX E .............................................................................................................................. 83
ANNEX F .............................................................................................................................. 86
ANNEX G ............................................................................................................................ 89
ANNEX H ............................................................................................................................. 92
ANNEX I ............................................................................................................................... 93
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指導教授 吳瑞賢(Ray-Shyan Wu) 審核日期 2020-7-20
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