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姓名 楊雅如(Ya-Ju Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 回應型與主動型市場導向對組織績效之影響–雙元資訊科技能力的中介效果
(The Effect of Responsive and Proactive Market Orientation on Firm Performance: IT Ambidexterity Capability as Mediator)
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摘要(中) 市場導向(Market Orientation)是行銷和管理領域重要的基石,過去的文獻大多關注在現有客戶的需求。最近的研究指出市場導向不僅是回應顧客的需求,更要去重視滿足客戶潛在的需求。因此,本研究將市場導向分為回應型市場導向(Responsive Market Orientation)及主動型市場導向(Proactive market orientation),並視為兩種不同類型的組織文化。然而,隨著資訊科技能力的議題受到越來越多地關注,有許多學者提出具有雙元性(Ambidextrous)資訊科技能力的組織能夠更快速地適應環境變化。亦即IT開發能力(IT Exploitative Capability)和IT探索能力(IT Explorative Capability)。因此,對於組織來說如何使用這兩種類型的IT能力來提高組織敏捷性就成為了重要的課題。本研究將探討在回應型市場導向和主動型市場導向下,IT開發能力和IT探索能力分別如何影響組織績效。

摘要(英) Market Orientation is an important cornerstone in marketing and management fields. Past literature has focused on the needs of existing customers. Recent research has pointed out that market orientation is not only to respond to customer needs but also to meet the latent needs of customers. Therefore, this study divides market orientation into responsive market orientation (RMO) and proactive market orientation (PMO), treated as two different types of organizational culture. However, as the topic of information technology capabilities has received more and more attention, many scholars have proposed that organizations with ambidextrous information technology capabilities, i.e., IT exploitative capability and IT explorative capability, can adapt more quickly to environmental changes. Therefore, how to use these two types of IT capabilities to improve organizational agility has become an important issue for organizations. This study will explore how IT exploitative capability and IT explorative capability affect organizational performance under responsive and proactive market orientation, respectively.

This study develops a model with nine hypotheses and collects data from top 1010 Taiwanese manufacturing firms to test the hypotheses. The finding show that responsive market orientation has a significant impact on IT exploitative capability and proactive market orientation has a significant impact on IT explorative capability. IT exploitative capability has no significant impact on organizational agility, but IT explorative capability has. Besides, both responsive market orientation and proactive market orientation have a significant direct effect on organizational agility. Finally, organizational agility has a significant impact on firm performance. This study provides a guide for managers to know how to manage IT resources effectively in different cultural orientations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 回應型市場導向
★ 主動型市場導向
★ 資訊科技開發能力
★ 資訊科技探索能力
★ 組織敏捷性
★ 企業績效
關鍵字(英) ★ Responsive Market Orientation
★ Proactive Market Orientation
★ IT Exploitative Capability
★ IT Explorative Capability
★ Organizational Agility
★ Firm Performance
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivations 1
1.2 Research Objectives and Questions 5
2. Literature Review 6
2.1 Market Orientation 6
2.2 IT Ambidexterity Capability 7
2.3 Organizational Agility 9
2.4 Firm Performance 11
3. Research Model and Hypotheses 14
3.1 Research Model 14
3.2 Responsive Market Orientation and IT Ambidexterity 15
3.3 Proactive Market Orientation and IT Ambidexterity 16
3.4 IT Exploitative Capability and Organizational Agility 17
3.5 IT Explorative Capability and Organizational Agility 18
3.6 Responsive Market Orientation and Organizational Agility 19
3.7 Proactive Market Orientation and Organizational Agility 20
3.8 Organizational Agility and Firm Performance 21
4. Research Methodology 22
4.1 Sample Selection and Data Collection 22
4.2 Operationalization of Constructs 23
4.3 Control Variables 32
4.4 Research Procedures 33
5. Data Analysis and Results 34
5.1 Response Rate 34
5.2 Sample Characteristics 34
5.3 Measurement Model 38
5.4 Structural Model 48
6. Conclusions 53
6.1 Finding and Discussions 53
6.2 Research Implications 55
6.3 Research Limitations 57
References 59
Appendix Questionnaire 66

List of Figures
Figure 3 1 The Research Model 14
Figure 5 1 PLS Results for Research Model 52

List of Tables
Table 4 1 Description of Construct Measurement 24
Table 4 2 Measurement Items of Responsive Market Orientation 25
Table 4 3 Measurement Items of Proactive Market Orientation 26
Table 4 4 Measurement Items of IT Exploitative Capability 27
Table 4 5 Measurement Items of IT Explorative Capability 28
Table 4 6 Measurement Items of Organizational Agility 29
Table 4 7 Measurement Items of Firm Performance 31
Table 4 8 Measurement Items of Market Turbulence 32
Table 5 1 Characteristics of Respondents (N=114) 35
Table 5 2 Characteristics of firms (N=114) 36
Table 5 3 The Values of Second-order Construct 39
Table 5 4 Hierarchical Measurement Model Results 40
Table 5 5 Cross-Loadings of Measurement Items 43
Table 5 6 Correlation Matrix and Reliability Scores 46
Table 5 7 Heterotrait-monotrait Ratio of Correlations (HTMT) Matrix 47
Table 5 8 PLS Results of Hypotheses Testing 51
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指導教授 王存國(Eric T.G. Wang) 審核日期 2020-7-7
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