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論文名稱 臺灣毒品犯罪決定因素之探討:失業率之影響
★ 國際貿易對勞動需求彈性之影響分析-以臺灣上市櫃製造業公司為例★ 組織變革與技術別薪資差異之關係:以臺灣製造業為例
★ 心理資本、薪資水準與工作努力程度關係之研究:以某跨國企業為例★ 人口政策與生男偏好之城鄉分析
★ 臺灣本籍與外籍配偶生育差異之分析★ 全民健保與少子高學歷對台灣老人居住安排之影響分析
★ 會計師執照價值及其薪資不均之研究★ 效率工資理論測試--離職率模型台灣之實証研究
★ 台灣學用配合度與經濟成長關係之研究★ 工作風險對世代間行業選擇之影響-以製造業為例
★ 長期照護機構之勞動要素需求探討★ The Impact of Unemployment on Crime in Europe
★ 中國大陸薪資不均、教育溢酬與貿易開放關係之研究★ 三角貿易、利潤分享與薪資成長:以台灣製造業為例
★ 職業區隔程度對男女薪資差異之影響分析★ Phillips Curve from Psychological Perspectives
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摘要(中) 近年來,臺灣毒品犯罪之趨勢逐年增加,且縣市間存在明顯不同的毒品犯罪型態。本文利用「警政署統計查詢網」縣市panel資料,探討毒品犯罪之決定因素。以毒品四種級數以及犯罪刑責輕重區分毒品犯罪之類型;同時,特別考慮家庭結構與娛樂因素之效果。本文以最小平方法之固定效果模型(fixed-effect model)進行迴歸,並且採用工具變數(instrument variable)解決失業率與毒品犯罪間存在內生性問題,以兩階段最小平方法(two-stage least squares regression)進行迴歸分析。
摘要(英) In recent year, the trend of drug crime has arisen in Taiwan. This article uses the data from the website of the Statistics of Police Work, published by National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior, to explore the determination of drug crimes in Taiwan. Causing habitual usage, abusive usage, and danger to the society are norms for categorizing drugs, and the drugs are classified into 4 categories. The punishment of category one is the most serious, and category four is the lightest. In this article, drug crime is categorized by drug classification and punishment, and focusing, in particular, on the factors of family structure and entertainment industry. The fixed-effect model is employed for empirical analysis. In addition, the two-stage least squares regression is adopted to deal with the endogeneity between unemployment rate and drug crime.
The empirical results show that an increase in unemployment rate raises the drug crime of category two and three, but decreases the drug crime of category one. The reason for this may be due to the fact that the drug price of category one is significantly higher than those of other categories, and there is detoxification for opioid. In addition, with increasing in unemployment rate, drug trafficking raises, while drug abuse decreases.
There are different impacts between the factors of family structure and drug crime. The increased percentage of single parent households may give rise to extending the drug crime of category one and drug abuse. The raised drug crime of category two and three and drug trafficking might also result from the enlarged percentage of grandparenting households. In terms of entertainment industry, the drug crime of category one and drug abuse may increase when holding a large musical festival or increase with entertainment revenues. The rising number of stores in entertainment industry also lead to drug trafficking.
Based on the empirical results, we suggest that the government authorities should pay more attention to the mental health and family financial of single parent and grandparenting families, assisting them properly. Moreover, setting up courses for grandparenting families to reduce their intergenerational gaps. Increasing police patrolling and irregular raids might suppress drug crime near the large musical festival and entertainment venues. The participants and service staffs over there ought to be informed about the harm of drugs.
關鍵字(中) ★ 毒品犯罪
★ 失業率
★ 工具變數
論文目次 第一章、緒論 1
第二章、文獻回顧 4
第三章、我國毒品犯罪之現況 10
3.1我國毒品犯罪之分類與刑責 10
3.2臺灣及各縣市毒品犯罪率之趨勢 --- 按毒品級數細分 11
3.3臺灣及各縣市毒品犯罪率之趨勢 --- 按毒品犯罪之刑責輕重區分 12
第四章、模型設定 20
4.1 基本模型 20
4.2實證策略 24
4.2.1計量方法 24
4.2.2以匯率和能源價格作為失業率工具變數之理論與實證 25
4.2.3家庭因素之進一步探討 30
4.2.4娛樂因素之進一步探討 31
第五章、實證結果分析 33
5.1 變數之基本統計量 33
5.2實證結果 36
5.2.1 整體毒品犯罪率 36
5.2.2 不同毒品級數之犯罪率 38
5.2.3刑罰較輕與刑罰較重之毒品犯罪 39
5.2.4小結 40
5.3 失業率對毒品犯罪之影響—2SLS實證模型 45
5.4家庭因素效果與娛樂因素效果之更進一步分析 48
5.4.1 家庭因素效果之探討 48
5.4.2 娛樂因素效果之探討 49
第六章、結論與討論 56
6.1 失業率、家庭因素與娛樂因素對毒品犯罪之影響 57
6.2 實證結果的政策建議 59
6.3 結論與研究限制 60
參考文獻 62
附錄一 68
附錄二 70
附錄三 72
附錄四 74
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指導教授 黃麗璇(Li-Hsuan Huang) 審核日期 2020-7-15
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