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姓名 雷晨曦(Chen-Xi Lei)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 會計研究所
論文名稱 致股東報告書文本資訊與公司治理評鑑等級之關聯性研究
(The Relationship between the Textual Information of the Report to the shareholders and Evaluation Results of the Corporate Governance)
★ 申請首次公開發行過程分析 -以LED 產業之A 公司為例★ 探討美元匯率與臺股指數變化之關係
★ 台灣血糖檢測儀產業的商業模式探討 -以產業領導廠商為例★ 台灣上市公司董監薪酬與公司績效之關聯性 -以電子零組件產業為例
★ 企業資源規劃系統-典型ERP與非典型ERP之比較★ 執行長誘因獎酬,會計師特性:沙賓法案前後期
★ 審計委員會財務專家與CEO誘因薪酬:對公司績效與盈餘管理之影響★ 財務壓力、審計與薪酬委員會成員重疊與審計品質對盈餘管理之影響:真實與應計盈餘管理
★ 盈餘壓力,財務專家對盈餘管理之影響:應計盈餘管理與實質盈餘管理★ 公司治理、高階經理人薪酬與企業績效敏感度之關連性
★ 強制設置薪酬委員會對高階經理人薪酬與企業績效關係之影響★ 獨立董事特性、高階經理人現金薪酬 與會計績效表現之關聯性
★ 高階經理人誘因薪酬與審計與薪酬委員會成員重疊對公司生產效率之影響★ 審計委員會與薪酬委員會成員重疊在經理人權益薪酬與企業風險承擔關係中扮演之角色
★ 合併報表與母公司報表之資訊差異對盈餘持續性之影響★ 雙簽制度下產業專精對查核任期與會計重編間關係之影響
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摘要(中) 本研究旨在探討不同的公司治理品質對於文字資訊揭露水準的影響。針對年報中閱讀門檻較低且公司管理階層揭露能動性較高的致股東報告書文本資訊與公司治理評鑑之間的關聯性進行探討。本研究係蒐集2016年至2018年上市(櫃)非金融業公司為研究對象,共計3,852筆觀察值,以文字探勘技術對致股東報告書文本進行分析,並以迴歸模型進行實證。文本分析發現,較之公司治理評鑑等級高的企業,公司治理評鑑等級低的公司會限制其文字內容無法被分析解讀;易發生致股東報告書中董事會與經營層均無簽名蓋章之狀況;會較少提及涉及公司營業結果及經營情況,而傾向陳述公司所面臨外部競爭環境、法規環境及總體經營環境之影響。上述所發現之文本特性經迴歸實證後,結果亦呈現顯著相關。此結果顯示公司治理越好的公司,其管理層會傾向於向外部投資人出具有較高揭露品質及資訊內涵的致股東報告書文本,且會對其所陳述之內容負責。
摘要(英) This study aims to explore the impact of different corporate governance qualities on the disclosure level of written information. Discuss the relationship between the textual information of the shareholders′ report and corporate governance appraisal with the lower reading threshold in the annual report and the higher motivation of the company′s management to disclose. This research collects 3,852 observations of non-financial companies listed (counter) from 2016 to 2018. The text of the report to shareholders is analyzed using text mining technology, and the regression model is used for empirical analysis. Text analysis found that, compared with companies with high corporate governance evaluation levels, companies with low corporate governance evaluation levels will restrict their text content from being analyzed and interpreted; it is easy to cause the board of directors and management in the shareholder report to have no signatures and seals Status: It will seldom mention the company’s business results and operating conditions, and tend to state the impact of the external competition environment, legal environment and overall operating environment the company faces. After the above-discovered text characteristics are regressed and empirical, the results also show a significant correlation. This result shows that the better the corporate governance of the company, its management will tend to provide external investors with higher disclosure quality and information content of the report to shareholders, and will be responsible for the content of its statement.
關鍵字(中) ★ 致股東報告書
★ 公司治理評鑑
★ 文字探勘
★ 內容分析
關鍵字(英) ★ The report to the shareholders
★ Evaluation results of the corporate governance
★ Text mining
★ Content analysis
論文目次 目錄
摘要 ....................................................................... iv
Abstract .................................................................. vii
目錄 ..................................................................... viii
表目錄 ...................................................................... x
圖目錄 ...................................................................... x
壹、緒論 .................................................................... 1
貳、研究背景與文獻探討 ...................................................... 2
第一節、研究背景 ....................................................................................................................................... 2
第二節、文獻探討 ....................................................................................................................................... 4
公司治理與資訊揭露 .................................................................................................................................. 4
叁、研究問題 ................................................................ 8
肆、研究設計 ............................................................... 11
第一節、樣本來源 ..................................................................................................................................... 11
第二節、致股東報告書之萃取流程 ..................................................................................................... 12
第三節、迴歸模型 ..................................................................................................................................... 16
伍、研究結果 ............................................................... 20
第一節、致股東報告書文本特性之敘述性統計 .............................................................................. 20
第二節、實證結果 ..................................................................................................................................... 35
陸、研究結論 ............................................................... 42
研究結論 ....................................................................................................................................................... 42
研究建議與限制 ......................................................................................................................................... 43
參考文獻 ................................................................... 44
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指導教授 盧佳琪(Chia-Chi Lu) 審核日期 2021-1-6
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