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姓名 李尚彥(Shang-Yen Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 中國互聯網打車出行平台經營模式分析─以D公司爲例
★ 電腦CPU散熱模組的技術發展策略★ 探討台灣印刷電路板產業經營策略-以A公司競爭策略為例
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★ 臺灣電子企業組織架構運作模式在中國之競爭優勢分析★ 小型台灣建築設計事務所於中國之發展策略探討
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摘要(中) 緊隨互聯網的發展,共享經濟這一商業模式在全球範圍内迅速發展,形成了以Uber 與 Airbnb為代表的西方發展模式,和以滴滴出行為代表的中國發展模式。儘管共享經濟的模式對傳統產業具有一定的衝擊,從長久的發展來看,它對產業結構的升級以及資源的合理配置具有積極的作用。
本研究選取了當前中國大陸最大的網約車平台-D公司作爲研究對象,旨在對中國大陸網約車平台經營模式進行深層次分析和評估。研究首先回顧了當前中國大陸網約車市場的整體狀況,然後採用波特五力模型分析了D公司面臨的市場競爭環境,接著根據Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010)的九宮格商業模型對D公司的内部經營模式進行分析。
摘要(英) With the rapid development of Internet, the sharing economy business model is developing rapidly all over the world, represented by Uber and Airbnb in foreign countries and DIDI in China. Sharing economy can impact traditional industries. But it also can promote the efficient allocation of resources and the industrial structure in the long term.
This study considers Company D as the research object, which is the largest online car-hailing company. The study performs an in-depth analysis and evaluation of car-hailing industry. The thesis first reviews the development and current stage of online car-hailing industry, uses Porter’s Five Forces Model to analyze the external environment of Company D, and then analyzes the nine building blocks of a business model of the company.
Based on the case-study results, the study shows that three aspects challenge the development of the case company: external competitors, public pressure, and policy pressure. At present, the operation of Company D’s online car Hailing platform tends to be mature, which is of great significance to technology investment, business strategy development and compliance measures. The sharing platform of online car hailing is an economic model in which passengers, drivers, and digital platforms all benefit. Company D has also launched a new business model through cooperation with vehicle businesses so that it can target different customers and provide differentiated services. In this way, it has realized its value proposition and thereby profitable growth. While focusing on its own development, Company D also pays attention to and takes on its social responsibilities.
In future studies, more attention can be paid to the difference in network car hailing operation modes between domestic and foreign markets of Company D. The comparison of the operation modes between Company D and other domestic network car hailing platforms also worth of investigation. In addition, learning the operation modes of other digital platforms may also help the future development of the online car hailing industry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 網約車平台
★ 波特五力模型
★ 商業模式
關鍵字(英) ★ Online Car-hailing Platform
★ Five-Force Model
★ Business Model
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與意義 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 共享經濟 5
2.1.1共享經濟的概念與理論基礎 5
2.1.2共享經濟的研究現狀 6
2.1.3共享經濟在中國的發展 8
2.2 網約車平台 8
2.2.1網約車的概念 8
2.2.2網約車平台的研究現狀 9
2.3 產業環境分析-波特五力分析 10
2.4 商業模式分析-商業模式圖 12
2.5 文獻小結 14
第三章 研究方法 16
3.1 採用方法 16
3.1.1個案研究法 16
3.1.2個案選擇 16
3.2 資料蒐集 17
3.3 研究流程 18
第四章 個案分析 20
4.1 中國網約車平台市場現狀分析 20
4.2個案簡介 26
4.3 D公司競爭環境分析-五力分析 29
4.4商業模式分析-商業模式圖 33
4.4.1關鍵合作夥伴 34
4.4.2關鍵活動 37
4.4.3關鍵資源 40
4.4.4目標客戶 41
4.4.5價值主張 44
4.4.6通路與客戶關係 47
4.4.7成本結構 48
4.4.8收益流 49
4.5價值適配分析 50
4.5.1價值地圖 50
4.5.2顧客素描 51
4.5.3價值匹配情形 55
4.6個案分析總結 58
第五章 結論 61
5.1研究總結 61
5.2研究意涵 64
5.3個案建議 66
5.4研究限制 67
5.5未來研究方向 68
參考文獻 70
附錄:華爲應用市場 75
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指導教授 王存國 審核日期 2020-7-10
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