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姓名 席朗斯(Phanuvich Hirunsirisombut)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 基於注意力之用於物件定位的語義分割方法
(Attention Based Semantic Segmentation for Object Localization)
★ 基於圖卷積網路的自動門檢測★ 以多模態時空域建模的深度學習方法分類影像中的動態模式
★ 基於職業技能和教育視訊之學習內容生成與總結方法
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摘要(中) 現今已有多數的研究者使用深度學習來解決電腦視覺領域的問題,語意分割是其中一項最熱門的問題,其目的在於以像素為單位進行各類別的標註。U-Net是其中一項著名的方法,該方法於2015年提出並用於生物醫學上的圖像語意分割。然而U-Net用於小物件的分割不甚理想,此外先前的研究引出了一個問題,該問題與透過Self-attention來強化語意分割時使用ReLU有關,因為該激勵函數會將負數轉為零 。
為了解決這些問題,有人提出用於物件定位的語意分割基於Dilated Attention的方法。首先這個研究使用典型的U-Net來提取特徵,為了預防相關資訊在較深層的網路時會遺失,注意力模組被用於skipping connected時。此外每個注意力模組皆使用擴張捲積取代典型的卷積來增加感受野,並將淺層特徵傳至深層。在現實環境中車子等物件可能會因太靠近而有重疊的現象,對這個現象進行語意分割的問題稱之為「merging regions」。我們在分割兩個物件時使用Watershed transform後處理的方法來解決該問題。實驗結果顯示在語意分割任務中相較於原先的方法並使用數種不同的損失函數,這個方法在Dice score coefficient評分較原先的方法來得優秀。
摘要(英) Nowadays, many researches were built up to solve problems in computer vision field by using deep learning algorithms. Semantic segmentation is one of most popular problem that related to label every single of pixels in an image which category that they belong to. Then, famous approach call “U-Net” was invented in 2015 for medical purpose in case of biomedical segmentation. Unfortunately, U-net is facing with small reception fields that affected to outcoming result. Moreover, one problem of previous work of usage self-attention for enhance semantic segmentation came from using Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), because of degree of negative part of this activation function will judge every value that spreading around negative number into zero. To address these problems, Dilated Attention based semantic segmentation for object localization was proposed. Firstly, this work using standard U-net as a main network to extract features from input. Then, each edge of skipping strategy inside U-net network, attention modules are placed to prevent missing relevant information while going deeper. Moreover, each attention module is using atrous convolutional instead of ordinary convolutional to enlarge reception fields of attention module to collect and pass feature from coarse layer to fine layer. In the real scenarios, object like cars may stick too close to another cars. Unfortunately, this problem called “merging regions” that appear then we try to segment two or more object that are overlaying. To solve the problem, Watershed transform is using as post-processing strategy to separate two objects apart. For experimental result shows that under Dice score coefficient or DSC measurement this proposed method outperform baseline model with combination of models with different well-known loss functions in semantic segmentation task.
關鍵字(中) ★ 語意分割
★ 深度學習
★ 擴張捲積
★ 注意力網路
關鍵字(英) ★ Semantic Segmentation
★ Deep learning
★ Dilated Convolutional
★ Attention network
論文目次 Table of Content

Abstract V
Acknowledgement IX
List Of Figures XI
List Of Tables XI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Dissertation Organization 4
Chapter 2 Related Works 5
2.1 Segmentation Task 5
2.2 Attention Networks 14
2.3 Differential Of Activation Functions 17
2.4 Watershed Transform For Image Segmentation 20
Chapter 3 Methodology 24
3.1 Proposed Model 24
3.2 Attention Module For Semantic Segmentation 26
3.3 Watershed Transform For Post-Processing 28
Chapter 4 Experimental Result 29
4.1 Dataset And Annotation 29
4.2 Experimental Setup 30
4.3 Comparison To Baseline Model 30
Chapter 5 Discussion 36
Chapter 6 Conclusion And Future Works 37
6.1 Conclusion 37
6.2 Future Works 38
Reference 39
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指導教授 施國琛 教授(Prof. Timothy K. Shih) 審核日期 2020-7-10
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