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姓名 蔡博安(Bo-An Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 評估TAHOPE觀測實驗同化S-PolKa徑向風、回波與折射指數對短期降雨預報的影響:觀測系統模擬實驗(OSSE)之測試
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摘要(中) 過往研究指出低層水氣資訊與對流系統的發生與否有很高的相關性,而雷達折射率觀測資料對近地表的水氣變化非常敏感,因此可使用雷達低仰角掃描所觀測之折射指數作為低層水氣資訊的依據。本研究中使用系集資料同化系統探討同化雷達回波、徑向風和折射率資料的效果,並選擇於2012年6月11日為北臺灣帶來豐沛的降水,導致各地出現嚴重的淹水災情的梅雨鋒面系統作為研究個案。利用觀測系統模擬實驗進行一系列的同化測試,測試的項目包括:(1)將近地表(~50m)的折射率資訊錯位至0.5度仰角上進行同化,比較其和同化在正確位置上(近地表)的差異;(2)增加水氣局地化半徑的影響;(3)新增溫度場資料同化的效益;(4)檢視新增新竹S-PolKa雷達所觀測之回波、徑向風、折射率資料所帶來的效益;(5)比較在不同模式解析度(3公里與1公里)下同化雷達折射率的差異。
摘要(英) Past studies show a strong link between low-level moisture information and convective initiation(CI). Radar refractivity data is sensitive to the change of near-surface moisture, so refractivity observed by radar low-elevation angle scan can be used as the information about low-level water vapor. In this study, ensemble data assimilation system was used to discuss the effect of assimilating radar reflectivity, radio wind and refractivity. 11 June 2012 Mei-Yu front system case was chosen for research. It brought heavy precipitation over the north western Taiwan, and cause flooding. OSSEs is utilized to conduct a series of sensitivity test, including: (1) Assimilating refractivity data from near surface at 0.5 elevation angle, and compare it with assimilating at right position(near-surface). (2) Impact of increasing localization distance. (3) Improvement of assimilating temperature data. (4) Benefit of additional radar data (reflectivity, radio wind and refractivity) observed by S-PolKa radar. (5) Compare the result between assimilating refractivity data at difference model resolution (3km and 1km).
Result shows that assimilating reflectivity and radial wind can correct the position of frontal system. Assimilating radar refractivity can modify near-surface moisture field. Assimilating refractivity at PPI plane will cause wrong adjustment. Increasing localization distance of water vapor field can modify larger area of water vapor field. Assimilating temperature data can modify moisture field by the cross-correlation between temperature and water vapor, and improve precipitation forecast. Since the altitude of S-PolKa radar is low, it can provide more information about the structure of frontal system at lower level. Increasing the resolution of model can simulate smaller scale turbulent convective features, and improve the benefit of assimilating refractivity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 折射率
★ 資料同化
★ 極短期天氣預報
關鍵字(英) ★ refractivity
★ data assimilation
★ very short-term forecast
論文目次 摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 1
一、 緒論 2
1-1 前言與文獻回顧 2
1-2 研究目的 3
二、 個案介紹 5
三、 研究方法 6
3-1 WRF模式設定 6
3-2 WLRAS系統介紹 6
3-3 觀測算符 8
3-4 模擬雷達觀測 9
3-5 校驗方式 10
四、 OSSE實驗結果與結果分析 12
4-1 實驗設計 12
4-2 真實場與背景場 13
4-3 同化徑向風觀測的影響 15
4-4 折射率同化位置差異比較 16
4-5 增加水氣局地化半徑 18
4-6 同化溫度場資訊 20
4-7 新竹S-POLKA雷達資料的重要性 21
4-7-1 加入S-PolKa雷達回波、徑向風資料 22
4-7-2 加入S-PolKa雷達折射率資料 23
4-7-3 累積降雨表現 23
4-8 小結 23
五、 增加解析度之敏感度測試 26
5-1 實驗設計 26
5-2 實驗結果 27
5-3 修改同化流程 28
六、 結論與未來展望 29
6-1 結論 29
6-2 未來展望 30
參考文獻 32
附圖 36
附表 94
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指導教授 鍾高陞(Kao-Shen Chung) 審核日期 2020-8-20
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