摘要(英) |
The purpose of the research was to identify the relationship among students’
“online learning readiness”, “online learning behavior”, “learning outcomes” and
“self-assessment” through the e-book learning system. "Online learning readiness" includes five items: computer/internet self-efficacy, self-directed learning, learner
control, motivation for online learning, and online communication self-efficacy.
In this study, the 429 students who took the calculus course in the 109th academic year of Central University were selected as the subjects. A questionnaire was drawn up to measure students′ online learning readiness and self-assessment, and the questionnaire was sent during the second examination of this semester.
In addition, combined with the back-end data of the BookRoll online learning
system and the feedback from the questionnaire, the correlation between online learning readiness, online learning behavior, learning outcomes and self-assessment was summarized through the statistical software SPSS. And use structural equation
modeling (SEM) to analyze the structure and correlation between students′ online learning readiness, online learning behavior, and learning outcomes.
The results of the study were that students’ online learning readiness is significantly positively correlated with students’ learning outcomes; students’ online learning behaviors are significantly positively correlated with academic performance.
Therefore, we can predict students′ learning effectiveness based on their online learning readiness and their learning behavior on the BookRoll learning system.
academic year of Central University were selected as the subjects. A questionnaire was drawn up to measure students′ online learning readiness and self-assessment, and
the questionnaire was sent during the second examination of this semester.
In addition, combined with the back-end data of the BookRoll online learning
system and the feedback from the questionnaire, the correlation between online learning readiness, online learning behavior, learning outcomes and self-assessment was summarized through the statistical software SPSS. And use structural equation
modeling (SEM) to analyze the structure and correlation between students′ online learning readiness, online learning behavior, and learning outcomes.
The results of the study were that students’ online learning readiness is significantly positively correlated with students’ learning outcomes; students’ online learning behaviors are significantly positively correlated with academic performance.
Therefore, we can predict students′ learning effectiveness based on their online learning readiness and their learning behavior on the BookRoll learning system. |
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