博碩士論文 108322057 詳細資訊

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姓名 李銘育(Ming-Yu Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 紙漿污泥焚化爐飛灰資源化應用作為CLSM細粒料之可行性研究
(Research on the Feasibility of the Characteristics of Incinerator Fly Ash Produced by Pulp Sludge and the Application utilization as CLSM Fine Aggregate)
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摘要(中) 紙漿污泥焚化爐飛灰(Paper Sludge Fly Ash,以下簡稱PSFA)為循環式流體化床焚化爐的燃料燃燒後產出廢氣,經過鍋爐、噴霧冷卻塔、袋式集塵等設備將其捕集後所產生的飛灰,為了解PSFA再利用時之膨脹性問題與資源化應用於控制性低強度回填材料(CLSM)之可行性,本研究規畫三個階段進行探討,第一階段:分析不同批次PSFA之基本性質與膨脹問題;第二階段:研究PSFA以體積取代細粒料製成砂漿之工程性質;第三階段:探討PSFA以體積取代細粒料製成CLSM之可行性。
第三階段,探討PSFA以體積取代細粒料製成CLSM之可行性,在初步可行性配比試驗結束後,根據試驗結果,進行降低成本與提高經濟性的配比設計,水泥用量為150、130與110 kg/m3三種,當PSFA取代細粒料量為15~35 %時,可以製成新拌性質及28天抗壓強度均符合規範之CLSM;但當取代量為50~100 %時,C150與C130系列之CLSM新拌性質可以符合規範,但28天抗壓強度會超出20~90 kg/cm2之規範要求,故當PSFA取代量為50~100 %的條件下,建議降低水泥用量為110 kg/m3。
摘要(英) Paper Sludge Fly Ash (PSFA) is produced by the Circulating Fluidized Bed, by the boiler, spray cooling tower, bag dust collection, in order to understand the expansive problem of PSFA reutilization and the feasibility of utilization in controlled low-strength material (CLSM), this study is divided into three stages for discussion. The first stage: analysis of The basic properties and expansion problems of PSFA; the second stage: to explore the engineering properties of PSFA using volume instead of fine aggregate to make mortar; the third stage: to explore the feasibility of PSFA using volume to replace fine aggregate to make CLSM.
The first stage is to analyze the basic properties and expansion problems of PSFA. The test results show that the physical and chemical properties of PSFA sampled at different times to take are very different. The XRF and XRD analysis of PSFA sampled which was taken by ourself shows a higher CaO content, and The CaO content of PSFA provided by the manufacturer is less than 5%, and the compound shown by XRD is close to the coal-fired fly ash of the power plant. In terms of expansion, the expansion rate of PSFA decreases with the increase in the number of days for stabilization by adding water, which shows that time is required to stabilize PSFA by adding water to effectively reduce its expansion. Therefore, PSFA must be stabilized by adding water for at least 10 before reuse and recommended to use an autoclave test to confirm whether the PSFA has stabilized.
In the second stage, to research the engineering properties of mortar are made of PSFA by volume instead of fine aggregate. The test results showed that under the control of the water-cement ratio, the mortar with a replacement amount of 25% has better hard and dense properties; Substituting PSFA for a proper amount of fine aggregate can effectively improve the durability of the test body. However, in the volume stability test results, the replacement of part of the number of fine particles by PSFA will increase the shrinkage of the specimen. When the replacement amount reaches 35% Has the largest shrinkage.
The third stage is to explore the feasibility of using PSFA to replace fine aggregate to make CLSM. After the preliminary test, according to the results, a design that reduces costs and improves the economy. Design the cement 150, 130, and 110 kg/m3. When the amount of PSFA replaced by the fine aggregate is 15~35%, it can be made into CLSM with fresh mix properties and 28-day compressive strength in compliance with the specification; but when the replacement amount is 50~100%, C150 and C130 series of CLSM fresh mix properties can meet the specifications, but the 28-day compressive strength will exceed the specification requirements of 20~90 kg/cm2. Therefore, when the PSFA replacement amount is 50~100%, it is recommended to reduce the amount of cement It is 110 kg/m3.
關鍵字(中) ★ 紙漿污泥焚化爐飛灰
★ paper sludge fly ash
★ 低控制性強度材料
★ controlled low-strength material
★ 再生粒料
★ recycled aggregate
★ 循環式流體化床焚化爐
★ Circulating fluidized bed incinerator
論文目次 摘要 I
致謝 IV
目錄 VI
表目錄 XI
圖目錄 XIV
第 1 章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究內容 2
1.4 名詞定義與說明 4
第 2 章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 PSFA之來源與再利用之管理辦法 5
2.1.1. PSFA之來源 5
2.1.2. PSFA再利用之管理辦法 6
2.2 循環式流體化床焚化爐 9
2.2.1 循環式流體化床焚化爐之脫硫技術 10
2.2.2 循環式流體化床焚化爐之脫硝技術 11
2.2.3 循環式流體化床焚化爐內之石膏水化反應機理 11
2.2.4 循環式流體化床焚化爐與戴奧辛之控制 14
2.3 焚化爐灰渣之基本性質 15
2.3.1 焚化爐灰渣之物理性質 16
2.3.2 焚化爐灰渣之化學性質 17
2.3.3 焚化爐灰渣之種類 18
2.3.4 焚化爐灰渣之膨脹問題[45] 23
2.4 焚化爐灰渣之處理方式與應用技術[50] 25
2.4.1 酸萃取法或化學穩定法[50] 26
2.4.2. 水泥固化法[50] 26
2.4.3. 高溫熔融/玻璃化法[50] 26
2.4.4. 水洗後高溫窯燒/水泥再利用法[50] 27
2.4.5. 其他焚化爐飛灰的處理與再利用方式 27
2.5.1 定義 28
2.5.2 CLSM之使用概況 29
2.5.3 基本性質 30
2.5.4 控制低強度材料之規範 32
2.5.5 台灣各機構針對控制性低強度材料之規範 35
2.6 焚化爐飛灰製成砂漿之工程性質 35
2.7 焚化爐飛灰製成混凝土之工程性質 39
第 3 章 研究規劃 42
3.1 研究流程 42
3.1.1 第一階段:基本性質與膨脹性質分析 45
3.1.2 第二階段:砂漿之工程性質探討 47
3.1.3 第三階段:CLSM之可行性評估 49
3.2 試驗材料 51
3.2.1 水泥 51
3.2.2 PSFA 52
3.2.3 天然細粒料 56
3.2.4 再生粗粒料 57
3.2.5 再生細粒料 59
3.2.6 渥太華標準砂 61
3.2.7 強塑劑 62
3.2.8 速凝劑 63
3.2.9 拌和水 64
3.3 試驗配比設計與編號 65
3.3.1 基本性質試驗 65
3.3.2 砂漿試驗 65
3.3.3 CLSM試驗 66
3.4 CLSM拌和程序 69
3.5 試驗儀器與方法 71
3.5.1 細度(布蘭氏氣透儀) 71
3.5.2 強度活性指數 72
3.5.3 pH值 72
3.5.4 比重 73
3.5.5 燒失量 74
3.5.6 灼燒減量 74
3.5.7 XRF (X-ray Fluorescence) 75
3.5.8 XRD (X-ray diffractometer) 76
3.5.9 SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) 76
3.5.10 粒料受水合作用之潛在膨脹試驗法 76
3.5.11 卜特蘭水泥熱壓膨脹 78
3.5.12 標準流度(砂漿) 79
3.5.13 凝結時間試驗 80
3.5.14 抗壓強度(砂漿) 80
3.5.15 乾縮試驗 81
3.5.16 超音波波速 81
3.5.17 孔隙率 82
3.5.18 坍流度(CLSM) 83
3.5.19 空氣含量 84
3.5.20 單位重與拌成物體積 85
3.5.21 氯離子含量檢測 86
3.5.22 落沉試驗 87
3.5.23 抗壓強度(混凝土) 88
3.5.24 角柱熱壓膨脹 88
第 4 章 試驗結果與分析 89
4.1 PSFA之基本性質試驗結果 89
4.1.1 物理性質 89
4.1.2 XRF成分分析 90
4.1.3 XRD成分分析 91
4.1.4 SEM微觀分析 94
4.1.5 綜合討論 95
4.2 膨脹試驗 96
4.2.1 粒料受水合作用之潛在膨脹試驗法 99
4.2.2 卜特蘭水泥熱壓膨脹試驗法 103
4.2.3 綜合討論 111
4.3 砂漿試驗 112
4.3.1 凝結時間 114
4.3.2 抗壓強度 117
4.3.3 乾縮試驗 121
4.3.4 超音波波速試驗 122
4.3.5 孔隙率試驗 126
4.3.6 SEM微觀分析 127
4.3.7 綜合討論 129
4.4 CLSM試驗 131
4.4.1 PSFA取代細粒料0 % ~35 % 之工程性質探討 133
4.4.2 不同速凝劑添加量之比較 142
4.4.3. PSFA取代細粒料50~100 %之工程性質探討 145
4.4.4. 不同水泥用量之工程性質探討 152
4.4.5. 混凝土角柱熱壓膨脹試驗 169
4.5 CLSM工程性質小結 169
4.6 工程性質統整 173
第 5 章 結論與建議 174
5.1. 結論 174
5.2. 建議 175
參考文獻 177
附錄 184
附錄1:砂漿EDS 184
附錄2:砂漿試驗總表 186
附錄3:CLSM試驗總表 187
附錄4:24小時落沉試驗 189
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指導教授 王韡蒨 Wei-Chien Wang 審核日期 2021-9-6
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