博碩士論文 108323068 詳細資訊

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姓名 吳青鴻(Ching-Hung Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 儲槽內加入圓形轉動置入物對於顆粒排放行為之影響
★ 筆記型電腦改良型自然對流散熱設計★ 移動式顆粒床過濾器濾餅流場與過濾性能之研究
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摘要(中) 在工業及生活中,儲槽經常扮演著儲存顆粒的角色,在需要時將顆粒排放,而儲槽的出口大小、顆粒的粗細、內部的流場都會影響排放情形。在符合一定條件下,架橋的產生使整體儲槽形成永久堵塞,這對一般業界或民生用途上有很大的困擾。
本論文主要是建置類二維儲槽,在槽內加入一順時針旋轉置入物,透過電子控制器調整轉速及利用氣壓閥來開閉出口,填入固定重量的顆粒,且為了捕捉顆粒的照片以及未來分析上的用途,搭配高速攝影機及粒子追蹤程式PTV (Particle Tracking Velocimetry)來分析數據,探討質量流率、速度、堆積分率隨轉速的變化,及轉速對架橋產生能力和破壞能力的比較。
摘要(英) In industry and life, storage tank usually plays an important part of storing or discharging the particles when we needed. Some factors will affect storage tank discharging situation, such as the outlet size of silo, particle’s thickness and the internal flow field. Under certain conditions, storage tank will appear arch to stop discharging which is an annoying issue for general industry or people’s livelihood.
This research was built a two-dimensional silo adding a clockwise rotation obstacle into the silo, also using electronic controller to change obstacle speed and open the outlet by air compressor. Filling fixed weight particles and captured particle’s photographs to analyze data with high speed camera and PTV (Particle Tracking Velocimetry) code. The flow rate, velocity field, packing fraction with changing rotation speed and compared arching formation, destruction ability will be discussed in the end.
After a series of experiments, it is found that rotating obstacle will affect the discharging physical quantities and the trends will be changed by different obstacle’s height. At higher positions, the obstacle is not easy to affect discharge but when obstacle height reduced, it will cause velocity change which make the degree of collision increase. Silo’s discharging situation will be different and changed by particle collision. When the obstacle reaches a too low position, the effect of discharging is most obvious because it is closest to the outlet than the other heights also the arch formed at this position is different. In the process of increasing the speed, it can be seen tendency of damage or produce the arch and can be matched with the shear rate to fit a linear relationship and make predictions in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 儲槽
★ 顆粒體
★ 架橋
★ 粒子流
★ 置入物
★ 轉動
關鍵字(英) ★ Silo
★ Particle
★ Arch
★ Granular flow
★ Obstacle
★ Rotation
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
附表目錄 vii
附圖目錄 viii
符號目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2儲槽研究相關文獻回顧 3
1.2.1儲槽中出口狀態及質量流率 3
1.2.2儲槽內部速度場及內部顆粒分離 6
1.2.3儲槽架橋研究 7
1.2.4儲槽架橋破壞 8
1.2.5置入物在儲槽內部的影響 9
1.3研究動機 10
第二章 實驗方法 33
2.1 實驗設備 33
2.2 研究方法 35
2.2.1 顆粒堵塞機率分析法 36
2.2.2 質量流率分析法 36
2.2.3 粒子追蹤測速法 37
2.2.4 左右側質量流率分析法 37
2.2.5 左右側顆粒速度分析法 38
2.2.6 堆積分率分析法 38
2.2.7 架橋維持平均時間及產生架橋平均次數分析法 39
2.3 實驗步驟 39
第三章 結果與討論 53
3.1 儲槽系統排放行為 53
3.1.1儲槽質量變化及置入物高度對於架橋型態探討 53
3.1.2儲槽平均質量流率探討 55
3.1.3開口上方左右側平均質量流率探討 56
3.1.4儲槽內部顆粒水平速度場分析 58
3.1.5儲槽內部顆粒垂直速度場分析 59
3.1.6儲槽左右側堆積分率分析 60
3.2儲槽系統內架橋行為探討 61
3.2.1架橋產生行為探討 62
3.2.2架橋破壞行為探討 62
3.2.3破壞架橋中剪率變化探討 64
第四章 結論 96
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指導教授 蕭述三(Shu-San Hsiau) 審核日期 2021-7-19
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