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論文名稱 學習模態間及模態內之共用表示式
(Learning Representations for Inter- and Intra- modality data)
★ 多重標籤文本分類之實證研究 : word embedding 與傳統技術之比較★ 基於圖神經網路之網路協定關聯分析
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摘要(中) 目前已有許多研究專注於特定領域的表示式,包含自然語言處理領域、電腦視覺領域等,而文字也可以被用來代表特定物體,意即自然語言及圖片可能會共享相同的意義,過去已有許多文獻將文字及圖片結合並應用在圖像描述生成、圖像問答、圖像檢所等任務上。然而,卻鮮少有研究專注於多個語言及圖片之間的共用表示式,所以在我們的研究中,我們以監督式方式使用編碼器-解碼器架構學習模態間及模態內的共用表示式,並且將由編碼器產生的隱藏層作為我們所關注的共用表示式。
摘要(英) Many studies have investigated representation learning for domains such as Natural Language Processing or Computer Vision. Texts can be viewed as a kind of representations that stand for a certain object. In other words, natural language might share the same meaning as in an image. There were plenty of works that requires learning from both texts and images in the tasks like image captioning, visual question answering, image-to-text retrieval and so on. However, the shared representation between multiple languages and an image is seldom discussed. Hence, in this study, we propose an encoder-decoder architecture to learn the shared representations for inter- and intra-modality data. Utilizing the encoder-decoder framework, we regard the latent space vector to be the shared representation since the latent space vectors are learned from the both modalities in a supervised way to capture the shared semantics.
We also further analyze the shared representations learned via our architecture. Through visualization compared with single-modality representations, we demonstrate that our shared representations does learn from both image modality data and text modality data. We also discuss on other factors that might contribute to the shared representation learning. We find out that including synonyms for our model to learn will lead to more distinct and condensed distribution of shared representations each class while keeping the image reconstructing ability and become general on generating text vectors. When training with additional language, our shared representations are still able to be converted into images and texts correctly. In this case, we also observe the same characteristic on the distribution of shared representations as in adding synonyms. Lastly, we investigate in the scalability of our shared representation learning process and discuss on the limit to this approach.
關鍵字(中) ★ 跨模態學習 關鍵字(英)
論文目次 Table of Contents
摘要 ............................................................................................................................................................. II
List of Tables..............................................................................................................................................VI
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Overview......................................................................................................................................1
1.2. Objectives.....................................................................................................................................3
1.3. Thesis Organization....................................................................................................................3
2. Related Work ......................................................................................................................................4
2.1. Grounded Meaning Representation Learning .........................................................................4
2.2. Cross-modal Representation Learning .....................................................................................7
2.2.1. Joint Representation...........................................................................................................7
2.2.2. Coordinated Representation ..............................................................................................8
2.2.3. Encoder-Decoder Framework .........................................................................................10
2.3. Single-Modal Representations.................................................................................................14
2.3.1. Text Representation..........................................................................................................14
2.3.2. Image Representation.......................................................................................................14
2.4. Evaluation Metrics....................................................................................................................15
2.4.1. P@K ...................................................................................................................................15
2.4.2. R@K...................................................................................................................................15
2.4.3. mAP....................................................................................................................................16
2.4.4. BLEU..................................................................................................................................16
2.5. Discussion...................................................................................................................................16
3. Methodology ......................................................................................................................................20
3.1. Research Questions...................................................................................................................20
3.2. Model Architecture...................................................................................................................21
3.2.1. Image Encoder and Image Decoder ................................................................................22
3.2.2. Text Decoder......................................................................................................................26
3.3. Experiments...............................................................................................................................27
3.3.1. Datasets..............................................................................................................................30
3.3.2. The effect of combining cross-modality data..................................................................30
3.3.3. The effect of adding synonyms.........................................................................................32
3.3.4. The effect of adding another language............................................................................35
3.3.5. The effect of extending numbers of classes.....................................................................36
3.4. Experimental Setups.................................................................................................................38
3.4.1. Training Phase ..................................................................................................................38
3.4.2. Testing Phase.....................................................................................................................39
3.4.3. Evaluation Phase...............................................................................................................40
3.5. Hyperparameters settings........................................................................................................41
4. Experiment Results...........................................................................................................................42
4.1. Experiment 1 – The effect of combining cross-modality data...............................................42
4.1.1. Overview of Experiment 1 Result....................................................................................42
4.1.2. Summary for Experiment 1 .............................................................................................52
4.2. Experiment 2 – The effect of adding synonyms when training.............................................52
4.2.1. Overview of Experiment 2 Results ..................................................................................52
4.2.2. Summary for Experiment 2 .............................................................................................58
4.3. Experiment 3 – The effect of adding another language.........................................................58
4.3.1. Overview of Experiment 3 Results ..................................................................................58
4.3.2. Summary for Experiment 3 .............................................................................................63
4.4. Experiment 4 – The effect of extending numbers of classes..................................................63
4.4.1. Overview of Experiment 4 Results ..................................................................................63
4.4.2. Summary for Experiment 4 .............................................................................................72
4.5. Summary of Experiment Results.............................................................................................72
5. Conclusion .........................................................................................................................................72
5.1. Contributions.............................................................................................................................73
5.2. Limitations.................................................................................................................................73
5.3. Future Work..............................................................................................................................73
6. Reference ...........................................................................................................................................75
7. Appendixes.........................................................................................................................................79
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指導教授 柯士文(Shih-Wen Ke) 審核日期 2022-6-10
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