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姓名 袁晨旭(Chen-xu Yuan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 探討YouTube插播廣告對消費者廣告價值及後續行為之影響
★ 半導體二手設備之行銷策略-以應用材料公司為例★ 從創新擴散角度探討新科技技術行銷策略之影響 —以全球資訊大廠推廣Web Services為例
★ 企業多角化經營策略之研究 ─以某機構拓展資訊應用服務市場為例★ 汽車產業網站行銷之應用與效益探討研究-以N品牌為例
★ 系統整合業轉型策略之探討--以A公司為例★ 顧客關係管理系統導入之研究-以A、B公司為例
★ 策略聯盟個案分析 - 以台灣光碟機廠商為例★ 資訊教育訓練機構的轉型策略 —以某資訊教育機構為例
★ 組織文化及組織承諾對組織變革影響之研究- 以外商銀行與本國銀行資訊部門為例★ 高階資訊教育市場行銷策略與會員制度之研究-資訊教育產業為例
★ 探討平衡計分卡在售前技術支援部門績效管理的運用 - 以外商資訊科技公司為例★ 軟體行銷策略與競爭優勢分析-以全球二家資訊大廠為例
★ 綠色供應鏈管理研究-以A公司為例★ 企業專案管理系統 - 提升專案即時資訊透通性及其效益分析
★ 金融軟體專案管理導入國際專案管理師(PMP)專案管理機制之效益分析★ 企業轉型與其資源基礎之關係研究及轉型策略之發展-以M公司為例
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摘要(中) 隨著網路技術發展與服務普及,民眾對網路影音服務的使用日趨頻繁,而廣告也隨
的扮演的角色也越發重要,YouTube 作為台灣最具知名度與影響力的網路影音平台與社
群媒體,是廠商投放廣告的必爭之地。YouTube 的廣告投放策略包括在影片播放的過程
是否也會影響購買意願。本研究採網路問卷進行研究,發放於 Facebook 等網路社群媒
體平台並回收 247 份有效問卷。
數據分析結果顯示,消費者感知娛樂性、資訊性、可信性會正面影響 YouTube 廣告
最後本研究提出管理實務建議,希望能幫助業者在 YouTube 平台制定更有效之廣告
摘要(英) With the development of Internet technology and the popularization of services, people
use online video services more and more frequently, and advertisements have also entered the
online video platforms from traditional media and presented in the form of multimedia.
Online video advertising plays an increasingly important role in online marketing. As
Taiwan’s most well-known and influential online video platform and social media, YouTube is
a must for companies to place advertisements. YouTube’s advertising strategy includes
placing interstitial ads during the video playback process, but this may cause negative
emotions among viewers. Therefore, this study hopes to explore the research motives of the
impact of interstitial advertising on consumer behavior.
By reviewing the literature in related fields, this study uses the online advertising value
model as an antecedent to explain consumers′ subjective feelings about advertising. The
Independent variables include entertainment, informativeness, irritation, credibility, and
YouTube advertising value. Combining Theory of Reasoned Action and hierarchical effect
models, adding brand awareness, E-Word-Of-Mouth (E-WOM), and purchase intentions to
explain the impact of interstitial advertising on subsequent consumer behavior. The purpose is
to explore whether the advertising value of interstitial ads will affect both E-WOM and
purchase intention through the intermediary effect of brand awareness, and to observe
whether E-WOM also affects purchase intention. This study uses online questionnaires to
conduct research, distributes them on online social media platforms such as Facebook, and
collects 247 valid questionnaires.
Data analysis results show that entertainment, informativeness, and credibility will
positively affect the value of YouTube advertising, while irritation will negatively affect
advertising value; at the same time, advertising value will positively affect E-WOM through
brand awareness. However, it cannot at the same time positively influence purchase intention, while E-WOM will positively influence purchase intention.
Finally, this research puts forward management practice suggestions, hoping to help
companies develop more effective advertising marketing strategies on the YouTube platform,
and assist the development of online marketing.
Keywords:Video Marketing, Social Media, Advertising Value Model, Brand Awareness, E-Word-Of-Mouth
關鍵字(中) ★ 影音行銷
★ 社群媒體
★ 廣告價值模型
★ 品牌意識
★ 網路口碑
關鍵字(英) ★ Video Marketing
★ Social Media
★ Advertising Value Model
★ Brand Awareness
★ E-Word-Of-Mouth
論文目次 摘要...................................................... i
圖目錄................................................... vi
表目錄.................................................. vii
第一章 緒論............................................... 1
1-1 研究背景............................................ 1
1-2 研究動機............................................ 3
1-3 研究目的............................................ 5
1-4 研究流程............................................ 5
第二章 文獻回顧........................................... 7
2-1 YouTube影片廣告型式................................. 7
2-2 廣告價值模型....................................... 10
2-3 消費者品牌意識..................................... 14
2-4 網路口碑 (E-WOM) .................................. 16
2-5 消費者購買意願..................................... 18
第三章 研究方法.......................................... 20
3-1 研究架構........................................... 20
3-2 研究假説........................................... 21
3-3 構念定義與衡量..................................... 33
3-4 研究設計........................................... 35
第四章 研究分析.......................................... 39
4-1 前測分析........................................... 39
4-2 樣本結構分析....................................... 42
4-3 信度與效度分析..................................... 48
4-4 假説檢定........................................... 53
4-5 小結............................................... 55
第五章 結論與建議........................................ 56
5-1 結論............................................... 56
5-2 建議............................................... 60
5-3 研究限制........................................... 62
5-4 未來研究方向建議................................... 63
參考文獻................................................. 65
附錄..................................................... 74
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