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姓名 沈承毅(Cheng-Yi Shen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 會計研究所
論文名稱 租稅庇護區對企業之影響-以台灣上市公司為例
(The Impact of Tax haven on Enterprises-Evidence from Taiwan Listed Company)
★ 投資人對現金增資的反應★ 審計委員會品質和會計師產業專精對盈餘管理之影響:會計師產業專精之中介效果
★ 經理人過度自信對於員工福利影響:以公司治 理績效作為調節變數★ 關鍵查核事項對會計師訴訟風險的影響
★ 經理人特質對於企業社會責任影響:女性董事之調節效果★ 經理人特質對於內部及外部企業社會責任的影響
★ 事務所合併對審計公費、審計品質與客戶股價之影響-以非大型事務所合併案為例★ 企業社會責任績效對於財務績效影響:以董監事責任險作為調節變數
★ 康友-KY審計失敗對審計品質之影響
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摘要(中) 近年許多跨國企業與各國政府發生租稅糾紛,如星巴克、蘋果被歐盟認為有逃稅之嫌疑, 但企業表示企業投資境外公司,其目的為提升企業經營績效,並非為了逃避租稅負擔,因此企業租稅規劃之議題為企業重要之議題。本研究先探討臺灣上市企業藉由租稅規劃是否能提升整體經營績效,並進一步研究投資不同類型之租稅庇護區與租稅規劃之關聯性。
摘要(英) Recently, many multinational companies were involved in tax disputes with government in different countries. For example, European Commission charged U. S companies Starbucks and Apple involved in tax evasion. However, companies in this case asserted that the investment of overseas was not to avoid tax payments but to improve performance both financially and economically. Therefore, corporate tax planning is an important issue for enterprises. In this study, I first explore whether companies can improve their operating performance through tax planning, then I investigate the relationship between tax haven and the efficiency of tax planning.
Using public-listed companies in Taiwan during 2012-2019 as the research sample, the empirical results show a significant positive correlation between tax planning and corporate operating performance, and a significant negative correlation between tax planning and tax heaven. These findings could be interpreted as tax planning can indeed improve business performance, it is not because companies invest in a tax haven but because other tax-planning strategies such as transferring price.
關鍵字(中) ★ 租稅規劃
★ 租稅庇護區
★ 租稅天堂
★ 租稅掩護區
關鍵字(英) ★ Tax Planning
★ Tax Haven
★ Tax Paradise
★ Tax Shelter
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝辭 iii
目錄 iv
一、緒論 1
二、文獻探討與假說發展 5
2-1經營績效及租稅規劃之效果 5
2-1-1經營績效之原因及目的 5
2-1-2經營績效之衡量 5
2-1-3經營績效與租稅規劃效果之關聯性 6
2-2租稅規劃及其效果 7
2-2-1租稅規劃之原因及目的 7
2-2-2投資境外子公司類型 7
2-2-3投資境外公司其設立地區與租稅規劃效果之關聯性 8
三、研究設計 12
3-1 研究期間、樣本選取與資料來源 12
3-2 變數衡量 12
3-2-1應變數-經營績效 12
3-2-2應變數-租稅規劃效果(BTD) 13
3-2-3 研究變數-投資於租稅天堂之公司 (Tax Paradise ,TP) 13
3-2-4 研究變數-投資於租稅掩護區之公司 (Tax Shelter ,TS) 13
3-2-5控制變數 14
3-3 研究模型 15
3-3-1假說1之模型建立 15
3-3-2假說2-1、2-2之模型建立 16
四、實證結果 17
4-1 樣本資料敘述統計分析 17
4-2 相關係數分析 19
4-3 迴歸分析 21
五、結論與建議 25
5-1 研究結論與貢獻 25
5-2 研究限制與建議 27
參考文獻 28
參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 劉乃熒(Nai-Yng Liu) 審核日期 2021-7-2
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