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摘要(中) |
本研究期望能協助企業的經營者,能將企業數位轉型成功關鍵因素協調一致,在企業核心競爭力與轉型目標的架構下運作,將各數位轉型成功關鍵因素融入組織之所有層面,將企業轉型這個艱鉅的任務,變成明確可行的目標。 |
摘要(英) |
In view of the impact of innovative technologies on the global market, the electronic information industry has gradually transformed from digitalization to being driven by intelligence, and enterprises have begun their journey of this crucial transformation to stay relevant and survive. The goal of this study is to explore the key success factors involved when the electronic information industry adopts the necessary digital transformation strategies in response to the rapidly changing characteristics of the digital environment, so that enterprises can use the findings to help focus deploying their resources in the right areas. This study uses relevant literature to find suitable, relatable, and measurable topics for criteria evaluation and selection, and then uses in-depth interviews to cross-analyze the key success factors of the companies examined. From the 21 criteria, 10 common success factors are obtained as follows: (1) clear transformation goals; (2) budget and resources; (3) customer needs or acquisition of new customers; (4) dedicated department; (5) support from senior executive; (6) IT talents and deployment; (7) communication and coordination; (8) employee buy-in; (9) risk management; (10) information technology capabilities. We also find 7 possible success factors that only appear in individual cases, as follows: (1) process digitization; (2) strategic sensitivity of senior executives; (3) commensurate team members; (4) commensurate leaders; (5) reshape of corporate culture; (6) education and training; (7) data-driven analysis. And four potential success factor that company has not mentioned of two cases, as follows: (1) cross-industry alliances; (2) high-level participation; (3) organizational structure adjustment; (4) performance appraisal.
Finally, based on the analysis results and combined with implications for management, our study conclusions are put forward as follows. First, there is a firm recognition of the needs for transformation at the management level. Second, the employees recognize the value of transformation. Third, figure things out as you go. And we also provide research suggestions as follows: First, the transformation must be relevant to the core and the needs of the enterprise itself. Second, be realistic and do not set over-ambitious or too many goals. Third, move forward in small steps with gradual implementation. Fourth, actively communicate and manage.
We hope that this study can assist the managers in coordinating the key success factors of the enterprise’s digital transformation, operating within the framework of the enterprise’s core competitiveness and transformation goals, integrating these key success factors into all levels of the organization, and making the daunting task of enterprise transformation a clear and achievable goal. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 數位轉型 ★ 關鍵成功因素 ★ 深度訪談法 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ digital transformation ★ key success factors ★ in-depth interview method |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 2
第二節、研究目的與研究問題 4
一、研究目的 4
二、研究問題 5
第三節、研究對象 6
第四節、研究流程 8
一、文獻探討: 8
二、研究方法 8
三、個案研究與分析 8
四、結論與建議 8
第二章 文獻探討 10
第一節、數位轉型 10
一、數位轉型及相關概念 10
二、數位轉型的轉型策略思維與重點 12
第二節、企業為何需要成長 14
第三節、商業模式 18
第四節、企業導入數位轉型成功因素 20
一、Leavitt的鑽石模型 20
二、影響企業數位轉型成功因素 21
三、文獻匯整 27
第三章 研究設計與實施 30
第一節、研究方法 30
一、個案研究法 30
二、深度訪談 32
第二節、研究對象 33
一、研究參與者 33
二、個案公司基本資料 34
第三節、研究工具 35
一、半結構式訪談大綱 35
二、其他研究工具 36
第四節、研究品質檢核 37
一、研究信度與效度 37
二、研究倫理 38
第四章 研究結果與分析 39
第一節、個案公司A 39
一、公司A簡介 39
二、公司A導入數位轉型後主要效益 40
三、公司A數位轉型關鍵成功因素 42
第二節、個案公司B 54
一、公司簡介 54
二、公司B導入數位轉型後主要效益 57
三、公司B數位轉型關鍵成功因素 58
第三節、跨個案分析 67
一、兩者都有的共同成功因素: 68
二、兩者其中之一有的可能關鍵成功因素: 72
三、兩者均未提及的潛在成功因素 76
四、導入數位轉型的時間非關鍵因素 78
第五章 研究結論 79
第一節、結論 79
一、管理階層有堅定的轉型認知 79
二、員工認同轉型價值 80
三、不斷的摸石過河 80
第二節、實務建議 81
一、轉型需求回到企業本身的核心與需要 81
二、不要設定過大或過多的目標 81
三、小碎步前進,逐步實施 81
四、積極溝通與管理 82
第三節、研究限制與未來發展建議 83 |
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2021-6-4 |
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