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姓名 葉日銓(Jih-Chuan Yeh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 開放-閉合雙元領導模式對於創新行為的影響-以創造力自我效能為中介變項
★ 溝通與領導課程訓練成效之分析★ 母國企業直線主管領導風格與國際 人力資源管理措施對外派人員績效之影響
★ 豐田管理模式之人才培育對品質與成本之影響-以某汽車公司為例★ 360 度回饋系統對企業主管行為改變意圖的影響-以跨國飲料 SC 公司為例
★ 兩岸研發人員職能發展應用研究-以M公司為例★ 企業併購過程中的人力資源角色
★ 組織變革成功個案分析 - John P. Kotter 領導變革八大步驟之觀點★ 社群網站經營模式分析-以『BB-BOX』網站為例
★ 觸控IC經營策略之個案研究-以A公司為例★ 科技研發單位實施接班人計畫之探討─以國內某科技研發單位為例
★ 面對數位匯流,傳統媒體代理商應對策略探討─以安吉斯集團偉視捷媒體公司為例★ 台灣光電產業選擇產品認證外包廠商的決定因素─以發光二極體照明產品為例
★ 團隊激勵獎金與團隊績效關連性之研究★ 晶圓代工業關鍵成功因素的探討—以台積公司為例
★ 員工潛能與績效對員工晉升的影響--以營造建築業為例★ 建構整合性智慧健康照護網絡─以中壢天晟醫院醫療小管家為例
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摘要(中) 近年來,隨著國際情勢的發展下及COVID-19的衝擊之下,經濟的負成長與信息化的快速成長,以及面對中美科技衝突、南海問題及歐盟站隊美國等一系列不穩定的政治環境之下,企業如何應對現今如此複雜及激烈的市場競爭環境,這個課題是企業目前面對後疫情時代所需要面對及解決的問題。在如此詭譎多變的國際情勢之下,創新成為了提高自身競爭力、提升員工滿意度以及增強核心凝聚力等重要手段。因此本研究是以雙元領導作為研究對象, 運用文獻梳理法、問卷調查法對團隊創新績效與工作效率之間存在影響作用這一主題進行實證分析和驗證,結果表明:
1. 企業管理者針對不同的管理模式會採取相應措施來促進其管理工作效果。
2. 創新行為與主管的開放型領導行為中互成為正相關。
3. 創造力的自我效能也是對於創新行為起到中介的效果。
4. 「雙元領導模式」下對主管與部屬同時帶來好處而非單一模式,並以多項式的線性迴歸驗證雙元領導的重要性。
本次的研究方向是以主管與其直接領導的部屬之間配對的方式來進行。主管在協調雙元創新矛盾而又統一的關係時,需發揮悖論式領導特質,採取悖論視角看待問題。而部屬對主管的領導行為所產生的效果,會直接的影響部屬的創造力自我效能,而創造力自我效能也會影響部屬創新行為的發生, 創造力自我效能完全中介主管領導風格與創新行為之間的關係。
摘要(英) During the recent years, there are several key issues that affect the way companies deal with complex and highly competitive global market environment, such as global situation development and impact of COVID-19; negative growth of economy and rapid growth of information technology; as well as a series of unstable political environments: China & US technology conflict, the South China Sea issue and EU joining forces with the US. How to face and resolve the impacts on these issues are a significant factor of companies in the post-epidemic era. Under such volatile global environment, innovation has become an important means to improve one′s own competitiveness, enhancing employee satisfaction, and strengthen core cohesion. Hence, the objective of this research is to study ambidextrous leadership, and to use literature review and survey method to conduct empirical analysis and verification on the influence of team innovation performance and work efficiency.
The results:
1. Enterprise managers will take corresponding measures to promote the management effectiveness based on different management methods.
2. There is a positive correlation between innovative behaviors and open leadership of supervisors.
3. Self-efficacy of creativity also acts as a mediator to innovative behavior.
4. “Ambidextrous leadership” brought along benefits to supervisors and subordinates concurrently. The importance of ambidextrous leadership has been verified by “Multiple Linear Regression Analysis”.
The above research shows that leadership model has a positive influence on innovative behavior. This study is also based solely on the two leadership models, using self-efficacy of creativity as an intermediary to study the relationship between innovative behaviors.
The direction of this research is to pair supervisor and subordinates that is under the direct leadership. When coordinating dual innovation contradictions and unified relationship, supervisors need to utilize paradox leadership characteristics, using a paradoxical perspective to look at the issues. Supervisor′s leadership behavior will directly affect subordinates’ self-efficacy of creativity, and will also have an effect on the occurrences of subordinate’s innovative behavior. Also, creativity self-efficacy mediates the supervisor’s leadership and innovative behavior completely.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雙元領導
★ 開放式與閉合式領導行為
★ 悖論式領導
★ 創新行為
★ 創造力自我能效
關鍵字(英) ★ Ambidextrous leadership
★ open and closed leadership behavior
★ paradoxical leadership
★ innovative behavior
★ self-efficiency of creative
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2-1 雙元式領導 5
2-2 雙元式領導與創新行為的關係 6
2-3 開放式與閉合式領導與創造力自我效能的關係 8
2-4 創造力自我效能中介變項影響機制 9
第三章 研究方法 12
3-1 研究架構 12
3-2 研究樣本與資料收集 12
3-3 研究工具 13
3-3-1 開放式領導與閉合式領導行為 14
3-3-2創新行為 14
3-3-3 創造力自我效能 15
3-4 資料分析與統計方法 15
第四章 研究結果 17
4-1 樣本來源與樣本特性 17
4-2 信度與驗證性因素分析 19
4-3 相關分析 21
4-4 研究假設檢驗 21
第五章 結論與建議 25
5-1 研究結論與討論 25
5-2 研究貢獻 27
5-3 管理意涵 28
5-4 研究限制與建議 30
第六章參考文獻 32
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指導教授 林文政 審核日期 2021-7-9
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