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姓名 吳安琪(An-Chi-Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 透過質性訪談探討員工需求,設計策略性留才措施與個別協議提升留任意願
(Exploring the Needs by Employees through Qualitative Interview and Designing Strategic Retention Measure and Idiosyncratic deals to Enhance Employee Willingness in Retention)
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摘要(中) 個案C公司組織規模為中小企業型態,長期與鄰近製造廠商進行人力招募競賽,自創醫療品牌之際,需求人力更是持續攀升,惟現況除招募困難以外,現有人員留任意願低、直接影響招募及訓練成本的增加、間接也影響同仁對組織是否能永續經營感到不確定性,導致雙方無法凝聚對企業文化與未來營運的共識發展。因此,透過本研究,個案C公司全體含外籍共60位員工參與線上記名問卷,實際回收量60份,再從中擇取40位參與一對一員工晤談計畫,透過訪談探討及確認員工需求,依據訪談結果優化現有人力資源措施與協商個別協議,增加員工留任意願。

摘要(英) The subject of the Study Case Company C is a SME-type organization who engages in a longstanding talent recruitment competition with its adjacent manufacturing operator, and has increasingly elevating needs for talents in the process of creating its own medical brand; however, in addition to difficulties in recruitment, the low retention rate of its incumbent staff directly affects recruitment and increases training cost as well as indirectly influences the staff in the sense of uncertainty toward sustainable management of the organization, causing the two parties unable to coagulate the consensus development to enterprise culture and future operations. Hence, in this study, all staff of the Case Company C, which totals to 60 including foreign workers, has participated in registered online survey via questionnaires, with actual responses at 60, followed by plans consisting of 1-on-1 employee interviews with 40 employees among the respondents. Through of which, the company aims to optimize existing human resources measures and negotiate idiosyncratic deals on basis of findings in exploration and confirmation of employee needs of the interviews with a view to enhance employees’ willingness of retention.

It is found in the study that: (1)External competitiveness of organizational salary and compensation directly affects recruitment result and employee willingness in retention.
(2) Degrees of care for work-and-life balance vary among employees of different generations. (3)The organization’s cultivation in employee skills through trainings will result in actual effects of common goods in terms of promotion and development for both parties. (4)The organization’s creation of group consensus camps may cause focus effects in enhancement of organizational identification and working goals of individuals. (5)Strategic human resource measures adapting to circumstances may sequentially achieve organizational goals and enhance employee willingness in retention.(6)Idiosyncratic deals established under guidelines of equity may enhance the trust and willingness in retention by employees toward the organization.
關鍵字(中) ★ 質性訪談
★ 團隊發展
★ 共識文化
★ 組織認同
★ 個別協議
★ 策略性人力資源措施
關鍵字(英) ★ Qualitative Interview
★ Group Development
★ Consensus Culture
★ Organizational Identification
★ Idiosyncratic deals
★ Strategic Human Resources Measures
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
一、緒論 1
1-1研究動機 1
1-2研究目的 4
1-3研究流程 4
二、文獻探討 6
2-1質性訪談( Qualitative interview) 6
2-2需求層次理論(Maslow′s hierarchy of needs) 8
2-3策略性人力資源措施(Strategic human resource measures) 9
2-4個別協議(idiosyncratic deals) 11
三、個案公司介紹 14
3-1個案組織背景 14
3-2個案現況說明 15
3-3個案組織人員結構分析 15
四、研究方法 17
4-1訪談流程 17
4-3設計訪談計畫 21
4-4選取訪談對象 21
4-5發放晤談前導問卷 23
4-6一對一面對面訪談 35
五、研究結果應用 39
5-1訪談結果彙整發現 39
5-2優化現有人力資源管理措施 43
5-3設計策略性留才措施 44
5-4個別員工簽署個人協議激勵影響久任之推手 45
5-5如何訓練主管給予i-deals實施的準則 46
六、結論與未來建議 47
6-1質性訪談對團隊發展共識文化及提升留任的效果 47
6-2進行個別協議時須考慮對應的風險程度 47
6-3未來建議 48
6-4研究限制 49
參考文獻 50
7-1中文部分 50
7-2 英文部分 51
附錄:研究問卷 54
8-1晤談排程清冊 54
8-2員工晤談前導問卷 55
8-3員工晤談訪談大綱 62
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指導教授 王群孝(Chun-Hsiao Wang) 審核日期 2021-6-23
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