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姓名 賴冠妤(Kuan-Yu Lai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 基於CNN方法之真假人臉識別模型
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摘要(中) 在2020年,席捲全球的COVID-19病毒,使得許多國家面臨封城的狀況,因此人們得在家工作並依靠3C產品來完成日常所需的採買,然而在大量依靠網路的生活下,重要資訊傳播的安全性正面臨挑戰,生物辨識成為最新的安全保護趨勢。生物辨識乃根據生物的生理或行為特徵(如:臉部、虹膜、聲紋、指紋、簽名等)來辨識身分,其中臉部辨識具有唯一性,且手機就可以拍攝臉部,所以成本低廉,再者臉部在取像時,並不需要直接接觸,這在疫情肆虐的險峻時刻是很重要的一項優勢,然而有很多方法會使臉部辨識系統失靈,例如相片或影片攻擊。
常見的臉部辨識攻擊— Presentation Attacks(PA) [1],其主要目的是冒充他人的身分或者避免被系統辨識,它主要包含print attack(如相片、列印出的圖片)、replay attack(播放影片)、3D mask attack(如戴面具、3D列印面具);判斷臉部仿冒攻擊的難易度,由易到難依序為:相片攻擊、影片重播攻擊、列印攻擊、3D mask攻擊,其中以print attack和replay attack是最常見的攻擊。
摘要(英) In 2020, Coivd-19 has swept the world and let lots of countries be on lockdown. Therefore, people have to stay at home and rely on 3C products to complete their daily purchases. However, since relying heavily on the Internet, the security of the dissemination of important information is facing challenges. Biometric identification has become the latest security protection trend. Biometric recognition is based on biological or behavioral characteristics (such as: face, iris, voiceprint, fingerprint, signature, etc.) to recognize identity. Face recognition is unique, and mobile phones can capture faces, so the cost can be low. Furthermore, the face does not need to be in direct contact when capturing images. This is a great advantage in this precarious time. However, there are still many ways to make the facial recognition system fail, such as print attack or replay attack.
A common face recognition attack — Presentation Attacks (PA) [1], whose main purpose is to impersonate others or avoid being recognized by the system. It mainly includes print attack (such as photos, printed pictures), replay attack (playing video), 3D mask attack; judging the difficulty of a spoof face attack, from easy to difficult: photo attack, video replay attack, print attack, 3D mask attack. Thus, print attack and replay attack are the most common attacks.
We compared the different structures of CNN by using photos and printed pictures as the spoof face dataset, and finally found that although the CNN model is the simplest neural network, it beats most complex models. Our research shows that a CNN model with 5 to 8 layers can achieve 99% accuracy and recall, thus 6 and 7 layers CNN model can get the best performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 真假人臉辨識 關鍵字(英) ★ SPOOF FACE DETECTION
論文目次 中文摘要 i
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 1
1-3 研究成果 2
1-4 論文架構 2
第二章 研究背景及文獻探討 3
2-1 CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) 3
2-1-1 卷積核Kernel 3
2-1-2 Adam與學習率 4
2-1-3 激活函數 5
2-2 ResNet 8
2-3 MobileNetV3 10
2-4 真假人臉辨識 14
第三章 研究方法 16
3-1 方法架構 16
3-2 自行設計CNN 17
3-2-1 比較層數 17
3-2-2 比較kernel size 20
3-2-3 比較初始學習率 20
3-2-4 比較激活函數 20
3-3 ResNet 21
3-4 MobileNetV3-small 22
第四章 實驗與結果 23
4-1 資料集以及實驗設定 23
4-2 比較CNN不同結構 24
4-2-1 層數比較 25
4-2-2 Kernel Size比較 26
4-2-3 初始學習率比較 27
4-2-4 激活函數比較 29
4-3 自行設計CNN與ResNet34比較 33
4-4 自行設計CNN與MobileNetV3比較 34
4-5 實時演示 37
第五章 結論與未來展望 42
參考文獻 45
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指導教授 栗永徽(Yung-Hui Li) 審核日期 2021-8-23
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