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姓名 劉芊妤(Chien-Yu Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 岩坡崩塌行為與臨界斜交角之研究
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摘要(中) 岩坡因不連續面與坡面之傾向關係,可能形成順向坡、斜交坡及逆向坡,其工程行為截然不同,因工程配置方位與不連續面位態之關係亦將顯著影響岩體的工程特性的差異,稱為岩體工程行為之異向性(anisotropy of engineering behaviors)。
斜交角之分析及模擬係屬三維問題,本文採用數值軟體PFC3D(Particle Flow Code in three Dimension)建立一套生成BPM(Bonded Particle Model)配合DFN(Discrete Fracture Network)建構具有一組不連續面之合成岩體邊坡模型,能合理模擬岩坡之力學行為。本文透過參數研究,包括:斜交角(不連續面傾向alpha_j與坡面傾向alpha_s之夾角, left|alpha_j-alpha_s
eta_j)及摩擦角emptyset_j,探討在不同斜交角下,平面破壞(planar failure)及傾覆破壞(toppling failure)之崩塌行為。根據數值模擬結果,求取崩塌體之波及範圍、位移方向及崩塌能量,並以崩塌能量為量化指標,決定平面破壞之臨界斜交角及傾覆破壞之臨界逆斜交角。
摘要(英) The dip slope, oblique slope, and anti-dip slope may present different engineering behaviors, which are dominated by the oblique angle defined by the angle between discontinuities and slope orientations on a rock slope. Additionally, the angle between the direction of an engineering configuration and the dip direction of discontinuity also influences the engineering characteristics of a rock slope. These phenomena display the anisotropy of engineering behaviors.
Due to the slope stability analysis on the oblique angle needing a three-dimensional numerical simulation, the Particle Flow Code in Three Dimension (PFC3D) is adopted to simulate a three-dimensional synthetic rock slope model (SRSM) herein, including the parts of intact rocks and discontinuities, which are generated by the bonded particle model (BPM) and the discrete fracture network (DFN), respectively. This simulation technique can successfully simulate the planar and toppling failures that are consistent with the field observations. This paper conducts a series of parametric studies with the oblique angle (the absolute value of the angle between the dip direction of discontinuity, alpha_j, and the dip direction of a slope, alpha_s, left|alpha_j-alpha_s
ight|), the slope angle (eta_s), slope height (H), the dip of discontinuity (eta_j), and the friction angle on SRSM simulations to investigate the influences on engineering behaviors of planar failure and toppling failure by these parameters. In this paper, rock blocks sliding from planar failure or falling from toppling failure are referred to as collapse blocks. The impact area of landslide, the displacement vectors of collapse blocks, and the energy release of landslide are further analyzed during the simulation process. One of the analyzed results, the energy release of landslide, is employed to determine the “critical oblique angle” for planar failure and the “critical inverse oblique angle” for toppling failure.
According to the numerical simulation results, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) For the planar failure simulated by SRSM under the friction angle of discontinuity ≥ 30˚, the dip of slope ≤ 75˚, and the slope height ≤ 60m conditions, the critical oblique angle simulated by this paper is consistent with the critical oblique angles revealed in engineering practical experiences and the national codes, which appear 20˚. However, the critical oblique angle may exceed 20˚ even near 40˚ when multiple unfavorable factors, i.e., a moderate dip of discontinuity, a steep slope, a tall slope height, and a low friction angle of discontinuity, appear. (2) For the toppling failure simulated by SRSM, the critical inverse oblique angle simulated by this paper is similar to that in engineering practical experiences and the national codes, the former appears 30˚ and the latter appears 30˚. Similarly, the critical inverse oblique angle may exceed 30˚ even near 50˚ when multiple unfavorable factors appear, such as a high dip of discontinuity, a steep slope, and a low friction angle of discontinuity. (3) When rock slope satisfies three conditions of planar failure, i.e., parallelism condition (left|alpha_j-alpha_s
ight|_{cri}), daylight condition(eta_s>eta_j), and sliding condition (eta_j>emptyset_j), the energy release of landslide increases with the decreasing dip of discontinuity and vice versa. (4) For toppling failure simulated by SRSM, the energy release of landslide increases with the increasing dip of discontinuity and vice versa. However, for toppling failure calculated by limited equilibrium analysis, the safety factor of a slope decreases with the increasing dip of discontinuity. (5) When oblique angle and inverse oblique angle=0°, the mean of displacement vectors of collapse blocks is consistent with the dip direction of a slope, and it appears near the middle of the dip direction of a slope and the dip direction of discontinuities under the other conditions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 臨界斜交角
★ 臨界逆斜交角
★ 崩塌能量
★ 岩坡
★ 合成岩體
★ 離散元素法
關鍵字(英) ★ critical oblique angle
★ critical inverse oblique angle
★ rock slope
★ energy release of landslide
★ synthetic rock mass
★ discrete element method
論文目次 摘要 I
致謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XV
岩坡模型參數符號說明 XVIII
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究方法與目的 3
1.3 研究架構 5
第二章、文獻回顧 6
2.1 岩坡名詞定義及破壞模態分類 6
2.2 極限平衡分析 19
2.3 岩坡岩體評分法及案例分析 25
2.4 集集地震誘發之大規模山崩地質概況 39
2.5 模型尺寸及邊界條件 44
2.6 探討岩體之表徵單元體積(REV) 47
2.7 合成岩體(Synthetic Rock Mass) 54
第三章、合成岩體邊坡模型建構 62
3.1 研究流程 62
3.2 完整岩石擬合 65
3.3 合成岩體岩坡模型 71
3.4 代表性坡長之決定 78
3.5 岩坡模型尺寸及模擬變因 81
第四章、崩塌行為與臨界斜交角模擬結果 83
4.1 波及範圍 83
4.2 位移方向 96
4.3 岩坡之崩塌能量 103
4.4 臨界斜交角及臨界逆斜交角之決定 117
4.5 臨界斜交角及逆臨界斜交角之影響因子 119
4.6 不同分析方法之比較 125
4.7 低傾角順向坡崩塌案例研析 132
第五章、結論與建議 139
參考文獻 143
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指導教授 田永銘 盧育辰(Yong-Ming Tien Yu-Chen Lu) 審核日期 2024-1-31
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