博碩士論文 109421042 詳細資訊

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姓名 李芃慧(Peng-Hui Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 外部董事、機構投資人與CSR報告揭露之關聯
★ 我國中小企業貸款門檻操縱行為分析 -以某銀行授信戶為例★ 董事會結構與自願性財務預測之關聯性
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★ 復徵證券交易所得稅對台灣股市之影響★ 法人說明會對國際化績效與創新的影響
★ 投資人情緒與資訊透明度關聯性之研究★ 公司股權結構與內部人交易關聯性之研究
★ 分析師是否高估應計項目的價值-兼論其對現金增資偏低訂價之影響★ 分析師預測與新上市公司新股折價關聯性之研究
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摘要(中) 近年來企業社會責任已經成為投資人所關注的項目之一,企業所出具的CSR報告也會影響到投資人所做的投資規劃,但企業所出具的CSR報告品質卻不相同,即使遵循GRI的規範編制,對於內容的撰寫仍具有高度的裁量權。因此本研究主要是想探討透過外部董事及機構投資人的監督,是否能使公司出具品質較好的CSR報告。
摘要(英) In recent years, the company′s corporate social responsibility has become one of the items that investors pay attention to. The CSR report issued by the company will also affect the investment plan made by the investor, but the quality of the CSR report issued by the company is not the same. GRI′s normative compilation still has a high degree of discretion in the writing of content. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore whether the company can issue a high-quality CSR report through the supervision of external directors and institutional investors.
  This research collects and analyzes the CSR reports released by Taiwan listed companies from 2006 to 2020. The number of outside directors and the shareholding ratio of institutional investors are used as independent variables. Readability, forward-looking, comprehensive, verifiable, tone. Five indicators are revealed to measure the quality of CSR reporting. The relationship between them was measured by regression analysis. The empirical results show that under the condition of voluntary disclosure, outside directors can improve the forward-looking, comprehensive and verifiable of the CSR report, but it will have the opposite effect on readability. There is a significant impact, possibly because the incentive effect of outside directors is not strong when the disclosure is mandatory. As for institutional investors unable to make the company issue a high-quality CSR report, and even the disclosure of comprehensive and tone in the CSR report has a negative impact, it may be that institutional investors are short-term investors and therefore pay less attention to the company′s CSR report quality.
關鍵字(中) ★ 外部董事
★ 機構投資人
★ 企業社會責任
關鍵字(英) ★ Outside Directors
★ Institutional Investors
★ Corporate Social Responsibility
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝辭 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 v
圖目錄 v
第一章、緒論 1
1-1  研究背景與動機 1
1-2  研究目的 2
1-3  研究流程 3
第二章、文獻探討 5
2-1  企業社會責任 5
2-2  外部董事與企業社會責任之關聯 6
2-3  機構投資人與於企業社會責任之關聯 6
2-4  CSR報告之品質 7
第三章、研究設計與方法 9
3-1  研究假說 9
3-2  研究資料來源 10
3-3  變數定義 10
3-4  實證模型 14
第四章、實證結果分析 15
4-1  敘述性統計分析 15
4-2  相關性分析 18
4-3  迴歸結果分析 20
4-4  進一步分析 22
第五章、結論與建議 25
參考文獻 26
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指導教授 曹壽民 審核日期 2022-8-29
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