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姓名 高敏珊(Min-Shan Gao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 企業社會責任與綠色產品決策
★ 生產污染、上游公營廠商與政府最適污染稅
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摘要(中) 本研究探討廠商從事策略性或利他性的環境企業社會責任時,對消費者關心產品環保品質的綠色覆蓋市場的影響,並且將廠商的產品環保品質水準分為內生和外生的兩種情況下,探討廠商對環境的關心程度會如何影響廠商的產品決策。
摘要(英) This study investigates the impact of firms′ strategic and altruistic corporate environmental responsibility (CER) engagement on a covered green market where consumers care about green quality. Divides firms′ green quality levels into two cases: endogenous and exogenous, and discuss how the firm′s concern for the environment will affect the firm′s product decision.
In a duopoly vertical differentiation model, we find that only the greener firm invests in green quality, when firms engage in pure strategic or sparsely altruistic CER. The environment is less protected because firms′ optimal green quality levels are below the social optimum. When firms′ aggregate altruistic CER engagement rises to a certain level, the less green firm also invests in green quality. The firms′ optimal green quality levels will improve, and even the greener firm’s optimal green quality level may be above the social optimum, so the environment may be over-protected.
Interestingly, when firms increase their concern for the environment, their profits decrease, indicating that the profits of both firms are sacrificed when they have altruistic CER.
關鍵字(中) ★ 企業社會責任
★ 綠色市場
★ 產品環保品質
★ 覆蓋市場
關鍵字(英) ★ corporate environmental responsibility
★ green market
★ green quality
★ covered market
論文目次 摘要_____________________________i
第1章 緒論________________________1
第2章 文獻回顧_____________________4
2.1 綠色市場相關文獻_______________4
2.2 加入企業社會責任概念之相關文獻__6
第3章 基本模型_____________________8
第4章 產品環保品質的決定___________20
4.2 最適產品環保品質水準___________22
第5章 結論________________________37
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指導教授 邱俊榮 楊志海(Jiunn-Rong Chiou Chih-Hai Yang) 審核日期 2022-8-22
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