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謝玄妙(Hsuan-Miao Hsieh)
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高階主管企管碩士班 |
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A診所對傳承危機的管理對策 (An Analysis of Inheritance Crisis and its Management by Clinic A)
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摘要(中) |
作者從案例研究中得出的結論是多方面的。首先,在面對危機時心態需要適時的調整。而一位優秀的企業管理者應該注重危機管理,多元學習,多方面考察。此外,孝敬長輩,同時為避免紛爭預立遺囑是很需要的,但關鍵的過程和條件不可少。最後,向該領域的專家尋求建議,而不是依靠一個人的常識。 |
摘要(英) |
There are many crises of large and small, caused by many situations in wealth inheritance, leading to crisis of bankruptcy, crisis of management rights, and financial crisis. This study explores the response to crisis management through the wealth inheritance crisis of Clinic A, and also echoes the inheritance crisis of Clinic A through the case of Evergreen Group. The situations of the two are similar, both because the content of the will left by the deceased is unacceptable to some heirs, resulting in a series of complex lawsuits and management rights disputes.
This study attempts to explore the countermeasures of crisis management. First, one needs to understand what is the relationship between risk, risk management, crisis and crisis management. What are the characteristics of a crisis? What are the basic principles of crisis management? And what strategies and steps can be used in crisis management? Second, Much of the crises encountered in this study are closely related to regulations. Hence, on needs to also look into what are the forms of wills included? What processes and conditions are effective? What is contingent inheritance share? What is portio legitima? What regulations are related to the opening of a clinic? Finally, How does Clinic A use wisdom and crisis management strategies to successfully resolve these crises? These answers will be analyzed.
The takeaway that the author learned from the case analysis are multiple. It is crucial to adjust one’s mentality in the face of crisis. An excellent business manager should pay attention to crisis management and investigate from multiple aspects. In addition, Filial to elders is necessary to make a will to avoid disputes, but key processes and conditions are indispensable. Finally, it is important to seek advice from the experts in the field, instead of relying on one’s common sense. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 風險 ★ 風險管理 ★ 危機 ★ 危機管理 ★ 遺囑 ★ 特留分 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Risk ★ Risk management ★ Crisis ★ Crisis management ★ Will ★ Portio legitima |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1危機管理的定義 4
2.2危機的特性 6
2.3危機處理的基本原則 8
2.4危機處理的策略與步驟 10
2.5長榮集團遺囑風波 14
2.6相關法規 20
第三章 A診所傳承危機的管理對策 25
3.1 A診所人物背景與概況 25
3.2危機爆發的時程表 26
3.3歇業危機與處理 27
3.4經營權危機與處理 34
3.5財務危機與處理 35
第四章 結論 38
參考文獻 41 |
參考文獻 |
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