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姓名 張元璟(Yuan-Ching Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系在職專班
論文名稱 可轉債發行宣示效果及改善策略的探討
★ 技術分析是否可以賺取超額報酬? 以中國ETF為例★ 中美貿易戰對中國半導體產業之影響─以中芯國際為例
★ 迎向數位金融之國內實體銀行轉型策略探討-以國泰世華銀行為例★ 台灣電子產業多角化與國際化對經營績效之探討
★ 臺灣股票漲跌停後續交易之分析★ 綠色租賃
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摘要(中) 本研究藉由參閱過往學者研究結果,進一步就國內市場2010年~2017年發行可轉債之上市櫃公司為研究對象,將可轉債發行宣告日(即董事會日)作為事件日,透過事件研究法,分別研究短期:事件前後各三天以及長期:事件日後三年之平均股價異常報酬及累積平均異常報酬情形作為研究國內發行可轉債宣告效果的再探討。此外希望透過可轉債特徵、發行公司特性,以及內部人持股異動情形,進一步分類,並就分類結果分析各組別針對可轉債發行宣示效果結果是否具顯著不同,希望從中尋找出可靠的訊號,可做為市場投資人面對可轉債發行時,選擇的判斷因素。
此外重點之一,作為資訊量占絕對優勢的內部人持股異動變化,與股價異常報酬於短期及長期平均異常報酬及累積平均異常報酬方面,均呈現反向關聯,且不少具統計上顯著特性,與一般投資人的直覺相悖。經推測原因應為公司內部人為了製造短期股價上漲,可轉債轉換價值具想像空間,一旦投資人買入後反而股價回落;此外,根據發行可轉債資金運用用途不同,與股價異常報酬也有很不一樣的關聯,其中資本支出與償還銀行借款分別代表著公司未來成長性的預期及改善公司財務危機的目的,在長期事件期間半年間有顯著正向累積平均異常報酬,但持有三年累積報酬反轉而下。最後較具一致性結論的變數是,發行公司具較低基期的財務指標,例如Tobin’s Q、較低的發行規模或公司總資產等,於長期持有累積平均異常報酬,具有較好的異常報酬。
摘要(英) By referring to the research results of previous scholars, this study focuses on the listed companies that issued convertible bonds(CBs) in the domestic market from 2010 to 2017. Using event study methodology, the announcement date of the issuance of CBs (ie the day of the board of directors) is regarded as an event day. We study the short-term- three days before and after the event day, and the long-term: the average abnormal returns(AAR) and the cumulative average abnormal returns around three years after the event day. Apart from renewing the announcement effect of domestic issuance of CBs, More importantly, we want to find out the reliable signals by checking the characteristic of CBs, the financial ratios of issue companies, and the changes in shareholding of stakeholders. It hopes to find out some reliable signal that could help investors to choose which CBs worthy to buy or not. By classification will be carried out, and the classification results will be analyzed whether the results of the announcement of the issuance of convertible bonds are significantly different for each group. The signal can be used as a judgment factor for market investors to choose when facing the issue of convertible bonds.
This study has shown that the announcement effect of CBs issue to whole sample companies in the short run, It has a significant positive cumulative average abnormal return, which is different from the conclusions of most foreign studies. But in the long run, the effect of CB’s announcement effect has a significant negative correlation with the cumulative average abnormal return effect, which is the same as most domestic and foreign research results.
The study discovers a significantly negative abnormal return in stock price reaction to the changes of insider’s shareholding in the short-term and long-term.
As oppose to we believe, when stakeholder increase his shares of stock before event day, it might decrease the abnormal return in stock. It is speculated that the reason to create a short-term rise in the stock price might make the value of CB’s conversion right increase. And once investors buy it, the stock price will fall. There is a very different relationship, in which capital expenditure and bank loan repayment represent the company′s future growth expectations and the purpose of improving the company′s financial crisis, respectively. During the long-term event period, there is a significant positive cumulative average abnormal return from half a year to one year. But when keep holding more then the three-years, the cumulative return reversed. Finally, a variable with a more consistent conclusion is that the issuer has a lower base period of financial indicators, such as Tobin′Q, a lower issue size or the company′s total assets, etc., and the accumulated average abnormal return in the long-term has a better return.
關鍵字(中) ★ 可轉債宣示效果
★ 事件研究法
★ 股價異常報酬
★ 內部人持股異動
關鍵字(英) ★ The effect of CB’s announcement
★ Event Study
★ Abnormal Return on Stock Price
★ Changes of shareholding to Insider
論文目次 目錄
摘要 ⅰ
Abstract ⅱ
致謝 ⅲ
目錄 ⅳ
圖目錄 ⅴ
表目錄 ⅶ
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與背景 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究架構與流程 2
第二章 可轉債定義與文獻探討 4
2-1 國內可轉債定義及特性 4
2-2 可轉債相關理論及文獻介紹 9
第三章 研究假說及研究設計 13
3-1 研究假說 13
3-2 研究變數 14
3-3 研究方法 16
3-4 樣本與研究期間 20
3-5 實證研究設計 22
第四章 實證結果分析及相關論點 24
4-1 可轉債發行短期宣告效果及各研究變數探討 24
4-2 可轉債發行長期宣告效果及各研究變數探討 47
第五章 結論與建議 78
參考文獻 80
參考文獻 一、中文部分
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指導教授 徐政義 李韋憲(Cheng-Yi Shiu Wei Hsien Li) 審核日期 2022-6-29
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