博碩士論文 110352027 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳甲(Jia Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 火場安全訓練師資編排最佳化之研究
(The Study of the Optimization Model for Safety Training Instructor of the Scene of a Fire Scheduling)
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摘要(中) 為搶救人民之生命、財產經常在報章媒體上看到消防人員奮不顧身進出危險的災害現場,近年來發生了幾起重大之消防人員傷亡事件,是台灣消防史上最慘痛的悲劇。雖說英勇是消防人員的本色,但安全應該為最高守則,某縣市政府消防局特辦理消防人員火場安全訓練,要求所屬同仁必須通過訓練後透過反覆練習內化為習慣、本能,在遭遇緊急狀況時,能夠從容做出應變,安全地離開危險環境。但每年度都有新進人員加入,此時之經驗傳授顯得重要,必須由知識及經驗豐富之師資帶領後輩,建立安全文化。基此,為解決師資之安排問題,發展一套科學模式作為最佳之編排方式。
本研究以某縣市政府消防局為例設定既有之條件及限制,以混合整數規劃建構數學模式,利用LINGO 17.0版本軟體執行運算,搭配Microsoft Excel試算表匯出求解,得到最佳化之編排結果,再與人工編排師資方法比較,結果顯示除可大幅縮短編排之時間,並能縮小各類教官授課時數之差異,大大地增加公平性;另透過變更相關重要參數來進行敏感度分析,了解各類教官因授課內容之差異而導致實際授課時數不同,未來除提供決策者更有利的判斷,亦鼓勵後輩多多充實自我,以傳承良好文化。
摘要(英) News reports on firefighters scrambling to get in and out of dangerous sites of disaster to save lives and properties have been commonplace. Some of the most tragic firefighter casualties in the history of Taiwan have occurred in recent years. Although bravery is a defining characteristic of firefighters, safety should be their highest code of conduct. The fire department of a local government in Taiwan has specially required their firefighters to pass fire safety training and internalize safety responses into habits and instincts through repeated practice, enabling them to respond calmly to emergencies and leave the dangerous environment safely. However, new firefighters are recruited every year, making the passing on of experience paramount. Knowledgeable and experienced firefighters must guide new firefighters to establish a safety culture. Therefore, a scientific model has been developed to solve problems related to the scheduling of firefighting instructors.
In this study, a set of existing conditions and limitations was established according to the example demonstrated by the fire department of a local government in Taiwan. The mixed integer programming were employed to construct a mathematical model. Lingo 17.0 was applied to calculate the optimal schedule, using Microsoft Excel to export the solutions. Compared with manual instructor scheduling, this method shortened the scheduling time and the differences between instructors on the number of hours they teach considerably, ensuring fair allocation of instruction work. Relevant key parameters were changed for sensitivity analysis, which revealed that instructors differ in their actual teaching hours because of the differences in their teaching content. The results of this study provide a basis for decision makers to assess the scheduling of firefighting instructors, to motivate new firefighters to improve their safety-related conduct, and to ensure a safe firefighting culture.
關鍵字(中) ★ 火場安全訓練
★ 師資編排
★ 整數規劃
關鍵字(英) ★ Fire Safety Training
★ he scheduling of firefighting instructors
★ Lingo
論文目次 摘 要 I
目 錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
一、緒 論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-1-1 研究背景 1
1-1-2 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的與範圍 2
1-2-1研究目的 2
1-2-2研究範圍與限制 2
1-3 研究方法與流程 3
二、現況與文獻回顧 5
2-1 火場安全訓練課程內容 5
2-2 消防人員排班及指派最佳化之相關文獻 10
2-3其他領域人員排班及最佳化指派相關文獻 12
2-4 文獻評述 14
三、模式建構及求解方法 17
3-1 問題描述及現行做法 17
3-1-1 問題敘述 17
3-1-2 現況作法 19
3-2 模式建立 21
3-2-1 假設條件、參數及決策變數 22
3-2-2 數學模式 24
3-2-3 模式應用 29
3-3 求解與各步驟操作 29
3-4 小結 31
四、範例測試 32
4-1 資料分析 32
4-1-1 資料來源說明 32
4-1-2 基本參數設定 34
4-1-3 決策變數擬定 35
4-2 測試環境與結果分析 37
4-2-1 電腦測試環境 37
4-2-2 範例測試、方案分析與結果輸出 39
4-3 人工編排之結果分析 45
4-4本研究模式與人工編排各效益比較 46
4-5 敏感度分析 48
4-5-1 增加資深人員,減少中階人員(總人數不變)。 49
4-5-2 減少資深人員,增加中階人員(總人數不變)。 50
4-5-3 增加女性人員(總人數改變) 51
4-5-4 減少分隊長 (總人數變動)。 52
4-5-5 調整原目標函數之a值 53
4-6 小結 55
五、結論與建議 58
5-1 結論 58
5-2 建議 59
參 考 文 獻 60
附 錄 一 測試範例 LINGO 17.0程式碼 62
附 錄 二 範例測試輸出結果 66
附 錄 三 人工編排輸出結果 69
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指導教授 顏上堯(Shang-yao Yan) 審核日期 2023-7-4
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